September 13, 2010 IEEE P802. 15-10-0722-00-004g

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / Task Group 4g Teleconference Minutes, July 29 through August 26, 2010
Date Submitted / September 13, 2010
Source / [Stephen Pope]
[Berkeley, California] / Voice:[510-841-8315]
Abstract / Task Group teleconference minutes for July 29 – Aug 26, 2010.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

IEEE Project 802

Working Group 15, Task Group 4G, "Smart Utilities Network"

Teleconference Minutes: July 29 – August 26, 2010.

July 29, 2010 Teleconference

Teleconference called to order 7:00 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, July 29, 2010.

Roll call. Attendees are:

Phil Beecher, PGE

Stephen Pope, Self

Peter Ecclesine, Cisco

Fumihide Kojima, NICT

Benjamin A. Rolfe -- Blind Creek

Michael J. Lynch -- MJ Lynch & Associates

Clint Powell, SCE

Jeritt E. Kent, Analog Devices

Steve Jillings, Semtech

Paul Dixon, Encryptor Inc

Kuor-Hsin Chang, Elster

Chair reminds participants of IEEE procedures and policies.

First agenda item, report from San Diego meeting. At that meeting it was left to the TG leadership to decide if an ad-hoc meeting would be scheduled before the Septemeber meeting. Subsequenty, the chair and other officers have agreed there will be no ad-hoc at that time.

There is discussion.

Next item, activities planned prior to September meeting. Ideally we want resolution of comments by three weeks prior to the September meeting.

Kuor-Hsin Chang reports on yesterday's generic PHY telcon. There are probably more telcons and definitely more work needed to resolve the outstanding comments. There is discussion.

There will be another call next week at this time.

There is no other business. Teleconference adjourned.

August 5, 2010 Teleconference

Teleconference called to order 7:00 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, August 5, 2010.

Chair reminds participants of IEEE procedures and policies.

Roll call. Chair reminds group of IEEE patent policies and procedures. Attendees are:

Phil Beecher, PGE

Stephen Pope, Self

Peter Ecclesine, Cisco

John Buffington, Itron

Paul Dixon, Encryptor Inc.

Clint Powell, SCE

Larry Taylor

Brian Buchanan, ON Semiconductor

Cristina Silbert, Silver Spring Networks

Waheed Khurram, Freescale

Chin Sean Sum, NICT

Ed Callaway

Kazuyuki Yasukawa

Thee is discussion of the common signaling mode and related topics

in 4e.

Phil Beecher reports that OFDM participants are making progress.

Kuor-Hsin Chang reports on CSM conference calls.

There will be a conference on SFD within two weeks.

Frequency Hopping will be addressed in 4e.

Kuor-Hsin Chang will send emails to the reflector regarding any upcoming calls.

There is no other business. Call adjourns.

August 12, 2010 Teleconference

Teleconference called to order 7:00 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, August 12, 2010.

Chair reminds participants of IEEE procedures and policies.

Roll call. Attendees are:

Phil Beecher, PGE

Stephen Pope, Self

Peter Ecclesine, Cisco

John Buffington, Itron

Paul Dixon, Encryptor Inc.

Clint Powell, SCE

Larry Taylor

Brian Buchanan, ON Semiconductor

Cristina Silbert, Silver Spring Networks

Chin Sean Sum, NICT

Ed Callaway

Kazuyuki Yasukawa

Jorjeta Jetcheva, Itron

John V. Lampe

Robby Simpson, GE

Fumihide Kojima, NICT

Steve Shearer, Shearer Inc.

Mauricio Caroso

Matt Boytim, Sensus

Virk Bhupender

Emmanuel Monnerie

John Geiger, GE

No essential patents were claimed

Next Agenda item, presentations on comment resolution.

Mark Wilbur describes discussions with 4e on enhanced beacon. Beacon modification mostly affects Clause 7, with some informative text in Clause 5. CSM requirement would be in Clause 6. Ben Rolfe is also working on this.

Kuor-Hsin Chang states there will possibly be a conference call next week.

Emmanuel Monnerie states there is progress on OFDM comments. There will be a conference call in a week or two.

C. S. Sum reports on Frequency Hopping and Coexistence Assurance. 4e may give us a bit allocation for the Coexistence beacon. There is a working plan in 639 R0 on Coexistence Assurance Document. Volunteers are sought on hopping, regulatory, and BER issues. Another call for volunteers will be placed on the reflector.

Chair has posted document 634, initial agenda for Hawaii. Wednesday a.m. 1 is the only unused session. The first session for the task group is Monday, AM2.

There is no other business. Call adjourns.

August 26, 2010 Teleconference

Teleconference called to order 7:00 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, August 26, 2010.

Chair reminds participants of IEEE procedures and policies.

Roll call. Attendees are:

Phil Beecher, PGE

Stephen Pope, Self

Peter Ecclesine, Cisco

John Buffington, Itron

Clint Powell, SCE

Cristina Silbert, Silver Spring Networks

Ed Callaway

Jorjeta Jetcheva, Itron

John V. Lampe

Fumihide Kojima, NICT

Mauricio Caroso

John Geiger, GE

Larry Taylor

Mark Wilbur, Aclara

Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting

Kuor-Hsin Chang, Elster

Steve Jillings, Semtech

Takamasa Asano, Fuji Electric

Next agenda item is Subgroup and Comment Resolution Status

C. S. Sum reports progress

Emmannuel Monneri reports that further OFDM resolution will require additional face to face discussion in Hawaii.

Mark Wilbur says simulations have been completed with respect to frequency-agile CSM.

A large number of comments with respect to device classes are near resolution. The same is true for enhanced beacon comments.

There is additional discussion. Teleconference is adjourned.

SubmissionPage 1stephen pope