Workforce and Education Directorate
Modernising Scientific Careers
Workforce Implementation Group
Life Sciences
Thursday 2nd February 2012
Room 3, Blenheim House, Leeds
Brief Notes and Actions
Organisation / Representative / In Attendance / NotesAiredale NHS FT
Barnsley Hospital NHS FT / Stephen Hall / No
Bradford Teaching Hospitals / David Robertshaw
Steve Goodall / No
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT / Sharon Appleby
Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS FT
T / Jean Wardell
Tina Campbell / Apologies
Harrogate and District NHS FT / Lesley Bridson
Nuthar Jassam / No
Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust / Ian Hanning / Yes
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust / Mike Bosomworth
Paul Roberts / Yes
Mid-Yorkshire Hospital NHS Trust / Emma Godfrey
Ian Legg / No
North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital NHS FT / Richard Cartwright / Yes
Rotherham NHS FT / Chris Hughes
Keith McMillan / No
Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Sheffield Children’s NHS FT / Ann Dalton
David Wardley / No
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT / Steve Davies
Robert Hill / Apologies
University of Bradford / Gillian Jaggar / Yes
University of Hull / A.M Seymour
Nicola Cooper / Apologies
Y & H SHA / Neil Porter
Sally Drew / Yes
York Teaching Hospitals NHS ft / Joanne Andrew / Yes
NHS Blood and Transplant / Mary Fox
Joanne Shorthouse / No
Item 1: Introductions and Apologies
Welcome extended to Osama Ammar Head of Education, Training and Professional Standards. Academy for Healthcare Sciences) and Sue Newhall (HR consultant. NHS Employers).
Item 2: Notes from October meeting and matters arising matters arising
· October minutes accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting
· SD to share STP list around the region for information. Action: SD
Robert Hill expressed concerns regarding STH Life Sciences number. Action: NP and RH to liaise and meet to discuss further.
Item 3: Outstanding matters from Joint MSC meeting December 2011
SD asked if there were any outstanding matters from the Joint MSC Implementation December 2011.
SD ascertained that the group would find the creation of generic MSC slides of use.
· SD to create general slides that can be used by Head of Service through the region to inform their departments about MSC development in the region. Suggestion made that the slides identify following:
· Current STP numbers
· 2012 numbers
· Universities
· Description of possible route: In-service and Direct Entry Action: SD
Item 4: Academy for Healthcare Science
Update provided on the progression of the Academy to date. The Academy is still waiting for contract requirements for DH. Osama Ammar reported that the ACHS is currently in shadow form with the following aims:
· To act as ‘collective voice’ for HCS and help to raise the profile of the professions involved
· Aid in the collaboration of all Voluntary Registers and set up a collective public facing register
Osama Ammar’s presentation is available on the regional network. However, please note that slide 6 is provisional.
Item 5: Healthcare Career Framework. Sue Newhall (NHS Employers)
SN employed by NHS Employers to think through the creation of a database for an integrated tool for a HCS framework. The framework would need to include details of the following:
· Roles
· Competences
· Education/learning outcomes-in order to make it searchable and useful for different user groups
SN stressed the fact that the educational gaps in some areas will impact on the functionally of a the tool for all levels/groups and therefore a phased approach backed with further engagement/communication regarding MSC career framework is looking like the outcomes of the scoping report for the English Implementation Board.
The group identified the following as issues that need to be considered.
· Equivalence
· Transferability-what is possible at which level and also skills HCS have but which are currently done by medics/nurses
· Registration and governance for new roles or providing services in alternative settings
· Confusion staff have regarding career levels and agenda for change levels-the nomenclature will have in a career framework
· Gaps in education as MSC still develops e.g. PTP, levels 1-4, HSST
· Recognising aptitude and competence-developing levels 1-4
· Developing roles in line with patient pathways
· Using tasks rather than roles as a search field in a tool
· Differences is therapeutic and diagnostic roles-skills for patient facing/personal career preference for direct/indirect patient contact
· Funding for development/education to allow career development and movement
· Labour market and calibre of lower level roles is currently high-issues with retention
SN to email out a summary.
Item 6: Modernising CF2-4. Establishing the foundation for development-modernised roles
Due to time constraints SD to put this down as an agenda item for the next MSC Implementation Group meeting in April 2012.
Item 7: In-service trainees for PTP. Creation of FAQs
SD asked the group to consider any question that they may wish to ask regarding the In-service training route. SD encouraged members to email any FAQs that they may have.
Item 8: DH MSC Leads meeting update
SD provided an update regarding the two differing registration routes for In-service and Direct entry candidates for STP candidates. As soon as any information is available SD will send out via email.
Item 9: Lead Scientist work-stream
NP reported that the point of care project group has now attended two a Action Learning sets with work to be returned on Commissioning and Standards together with case studies of existing commissioned being collated also. Sue Hill expects this work to be incorporated into a bigger project on Diagnostics which she is personally leading on together with the National Commissioning Lead, James Kingsland. SD has made available on the regional website a letter from them both asking for examples of high quality diagnostic services that have been commissioned. NP encourages members to come forward with examples, and to copy him into any responses.
NP reported that next nation HCS event will take place over two days. 31st March-1st April 2012. Will included guest speakers such as Andrew Lansley and David Nicholson. SD has already sent around the link for registration. NP encouraged all members to register as soon as possible.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 3rd April. Room 1. Blenheim House. Leeds.