w/c: 22.1.18 ADULT-LED ACTIVITIES: Planning from Next Steps
Observations / Activities / Areas of LearningFE 18.1.18 / Ball Games
Group ball games with adults and peers to promote interaction, turn taking and developing relationships / PSED: Making relationships
PD: Moving and handling
MM 18.1.18 / Storytime
Read a familiar story in Key group time.
Encourage children to join in with repeats and refrains.
Ask questions about different parts of the story to encourage children to look at the pictures and talk about the story. / CL: Speaking
CL: Listening and attention
CL: Understanding
L: Reading
SH 15.1.18
SB 15.1.18 / Hairdressers Role Play
Encourage children to use tools and equipment when pretending the role of the hairdresser.
Talk about children’s experiences of having their hair cut, washed or styled. / PD: Moving and handling
CL: Speaking
EAD: Being imaginative
UW: People and communities
CW 15.1.18 / Providebikes and scootersto encourage children to learn new physical skills using gross motor movements. / PD: Moving and handling
TB 16.1.18
JC 15.1.18 / Number activities with counters according to child’s interest:
TB: Sorting and counting activities with ‘Thomas’ playing cards.
JC: Counting and calculating activities within 10 with clownfish counters. / M: Numbers
JJ 15.1.18
ON 16.1.18 / Involve children in finding out more about length:
Provide magnetix construction pieces. Encourage children to fix them together to make rods of different lengths.
Encourage language of length; short, long, longer, longest.
Think about measuring by counting the pieces in each rod. Which is the longest? / M: Shape, space and measure
M: Numbers
EAD: Exploring and using media and materials
AO 9.1.18 / Jigsaw Challenge
Encourage AO and a friend to time each other with the egg timer as they take turns to try and complete a Winter themed jigsaw puzzle within 3 minutes.
Explain how the egg timer works. Encourage the ‘timer’ to talk about how much sand/time is left as the other child tackles the puzzle.
Talk about the snowy winter picture. / M: Shape, space and measure
UW: The World
NB 15.1.18
WS 17.1.18
PG 18.1.18 / Find out more about magnets: Complete a simple pictorial recording sheet for objects that do/do not stick to a magnet.
- Encourage prediction before testing: Do you think the key will stick?
- Encourage naming the objects. Talk about materials.
- Incorporate number: How many objects stuck / did not stick to the magnet? How many objects did you test altogether?
M: Numbers
L: Reading
UW: The World
PL 16.1.18
MDC 16.1.18 / Make a postcard to send home (following talk about children’s addresses).
Encourage mark making and writing.
Visit the Post Office to buy stamps and post the cards.
Provide a globe and picture atlas to encourage talk about different places. / UW: The World
L: Writing
UW: People and communities
M: Shape, space and measure
EI 17.1.18
KH 17.1.18 / Visit the local supermarket
(following shopping list activity w/c 15.1.18)
- Look for and buy some of the items on children’s shopping lists.
- Encourage use of mathematical language such as number names.
- Talk about healthy food.
UW: The World
M: Numbers
PD: Health and self-care
AS 15.1.18
EH 15.1.18 / Provide Billy Big Wheels remote controlled cars.
Support children in understanding the control technology of toys / UW: Technology
MR 15.1.18
JB 15.1.18 / Junk modelling
Provide a variety of found and recycled materials to build and create junk models.
Encourage talk about intentions and description of colours, shapes and textures. / EAD: Exploring and using media and materials
PD: Moving and handling
CL: Speaking