NATIONAL DIPLOMA in Human Services (Level 5)
Level / 4Credits / 122
This qualification has been reviewed. The last date to meet the requirements is 31 December 2015
Transition Arrangements
For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.
NZQF National Qualification Registration Information
Process / Version / Date / Last Date for AssessmentRegistration / 1 / February 2002 / December 2015
Review / 2 / May 2015 / December 2015
Standard Setting Body
Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation
Qualification Revision
PO Box 160
Telephone03 371 9295 or 0800 277 486
Facsimile03 371 9285
level of qualification:5
credit total:122
Credit Range
level 3 credits:2
level 4 credits:19
level 5 credits:97
level 6 credits:4
registration date:19 February 2002
planned review date:31 December 2006
fields, sub-fields and domains:
Human Services
practical and professional skills for disability support
Communication Skills
interpersonal communications
kaupapa hauora
tikanga concepts
standard-setting body responsible for the qualification:
Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation
other standard-setting bodies whose unit standards are included in the qualification:
National Standards Body Mäori
The National Diploma in Human Services (Level 5) [Ref:0929] builds on the National Certificate in Human Services (Level 4) with optional strands in Deaf/hearing Impairment, Intellectual Disability, Physical Disability, and Blind/visual Impairment [Ref: 0728].
This national diploma provides recognition of the level of competence, knowledge, values, and skills required by those working with people with disability. Holders of this qualification will demonstrate understanding of the history, philosophy and practice in the field of human services, and of current issues and ethical considerations when supporting a person with disabilities. They will demonstrate knowledge of issues concerning sexuality and employment, and of the support networks available for people with disabilities. They will demonstrate skills in group facilitation; the designing of multi-element plans to support people with challenging behaviours; and in communicating disability concepts, including important concepts in relation to tangata whenua, to consumers and other stakeholders.
People awarded this national diploma are able to work in a range of settings with a considerable degree of autonomy and accountability for achieving outcomes. They are able to demonstrate knowledge of the meaning of the articles of the Treaty of Waitangi for human service purposes and are able to work within a framework for practice informed by the principles and values of te Tiriti o Waitangi. They practice within ethical and legislative boundaries, and are able to integrate theory with practice when working with people with disability.
This diploma provides a pathway to higher degrees and diplomas in Human Services and will form the basis for industry-linked qualifications to be developed in the future. It is intended that this qualification may be used as evidence of competence equivalent to the successful completion of the first year of the Bachelor of Social Sciences (Human Services). People should contact relevant providers regarding possible exemptions for first year papers.
This qualification can be gained through an accredited training provider or through a Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation (CSSITO) approved training programme.
2regulations for the qualification
2.1entry information for programmes of education and training assessed against the unit standards in the qualification
It is recommended people entering programmes of learning leading to the award of this qualification hold the National Certificate in Human Services (Level 4) [Ref:0728] or demonstrate equivalent knowledge or skills. It is further recommended that they will have considerable experience working in the disability sector at a ‘hands-on’ operational level as a caregiver, administrator, or manager.
2.2summary of qualification requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with the compulsory unit standards.
2.3detailed qualification requirements
All the unit standards listed below are required.
Sub-field: Human Services
domain: practical and professional skills for disability support
Unit No.Unit No. / Unit Standard Title / Level / Credit#1831 / Develop a support network with a person with a disability / 4 / 4
#16873 / Demonstrate an understanding of supporting a person with challenging behaviour / 4 / 6
#18674 / Demonstrate knowledge of Mäori iwi or hapu or whänau perceptions of disability / 5 / 6
#18675 / Demonstrate knowledge of the impact on family when a family member is diagnosed with a disability / 5 / 6
#18676 / Demonstrate knowledge of ethical issues when supporting a person with a disability / 5 / 6
#18677 / Demonstrate knowledge of history, philosophy and practice in the human services field / 5 / 8
#18678 / Demonstrate knowledge of disability issues and their implications for people with disabilities / 5 / 6
#18679 / Demonstrate knowledge of sexuality issues and their implications for people with disabilities / 5 / 6
#18680 / Support people with disabilities to access vocational opportunities / 5 / 12
#18681 / Support people with disabilities to increase their level of self-determination / 5 / 10
#18682 / Demonstrate knowledge of values-based leadership in the human services field / 5 / 4
Unit No.Unit No. / Unit Standard Title / Level / Credit
#18684 / Design a multi-element plan to support a person with a challenging behaviour / 5 / 8
#18685 / Demonstrate knowledge of supporting a staff member in dealing with loss and grief / 4 / 3
#18686 / Demonstrate knowledge of risk management in human services / 5 / 6
#18688 / Facilitate a group in a human services setting / 5 / 6
Sub-field: Communication Skills
domain: interpersonal communications
Unit No.Unit No. / Unit Standard Title / Level / Credit#9691 / Demonstrate knowledge of group processes / 5 / 5
#9692 / Present information orally to an audience / 5 / 2
#11098 / Listen and respond to information received / 5 / 2
domain: writing
Unit No.Unit No. / Unit Standard Title / Level / Credit#9685 / Write a short analytical report / 5 / 4
Sub-field: Hauora
domain: kaupapa hauora
Unit No.Unit No. / Unit Standard Title / Level / Credit#15299 / Describe the principles of Hauora based on a Mäori world view / 4 / 6
Sub-field: Tikanga
domain: tikanga concepts
Unit No.Unit No. / Unit Standard Title / Level / Credit#16163 / Explain whakapapa and associated concepts / 3 / 2
#16185 / Explain whakapapa, its use and impact on kaupapa Mäori / 6 / 4
3accreditation option
Evaluation of documentation and visitNZQA
Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation / and teaching professional in the same field from another provider
National Standards Body Mäori / and teaching professional in the same field from another provider
The certificate will display the logos of NZQA, Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation and the provider where appropriate.
5transition arrangements
5.1non National Qualifications Framework transition
5.2National Qualifications Framework transition
Any version of a unit standard contained within this qualification which retains its original unit standard identification number will continue to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Comments to:
Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation
Qualification Revision
PO Box 160
by 31 December 2006.
Please Note:Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards.
Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards.
Prerequisite Diagram
CompetenzSSB Code 101571
MoE Code 8104 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018