Regular Meeting – Wednesday, August 27, 2014 – convenes at 7:00 p.m. for Executive Closed Session followed by the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Pitman High School Media Center.




Notice of this Regular Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education was advertised in the South Jersey Times, posted at Borough Hall, a copy thereof delivered to all Pitman Schools to be posted, and posted on the district’s web site. Further, notice was posted and filed as required by law stating that the Board would meet in Executive Closed Session at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Pitman High School Media Center. The President shall entertain any objections, with supporting reasons, to the conduct of this meeting on the grounds that it violates the Open Public Meetings Act.

PUBLIC HEARING – (15 minutes)

Our attorney has advised us that we cannot prevent you from making remarks about our employees. He has requested we advise you that our employees are not Public Officials and you are not immune from civil actions they may bring as a result of your remarks.


Thank you note from Hannah Vendetta for cross country jackets


Suggested motion – “That the minutes of the Pitman Board of Education as held on the dates listed below are approved as printed and reading dispensed with:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014”

Suggested motion – “That the minutes of the Closed Sessions of the Pitman Board of Education held on the dates listed below are approved as printed and the reading dispensed with:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 7:05 pm”


1. Suggested motion – “That all line-item transfers be approved for the month of June 2014.”

(Backup materials F&IC-1)

2. Suggested motion – “That the Board Secretary’s Report is in accordance with 18A: 17-36 and 18A: 17-9 for the month of June 2014. The Board Secretary certifies that no line-item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. The Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A-16.10(c)2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.”

(Backup materials F&IC-2 pages 1-22)

(Backup materials F&IC-2 pages 23-44)

3. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education certifies – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4, that after review of the Board Secretary’s monthly financial report for the month of June 2014 and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A-16.10(b); and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.”

4 Suggested motion – “That the Treasurer’s Report is in accordance with 18A: 17- 36 and 18A: 17-9 for the month of June 2014. The Treasurer’s Report and Board Secretary’s Report are in agreement for the month of June 2014.”

(Backup materials F&IC-3)

5. Suggested motion – “That all bills are properly approved and certified to be paid.”

(Backup materials F&IC-4)

6. Suggested motion – “That the Student Fund Report be accepted and approved for the months of June 2014 and July 2014.”

(Backup materials – F&IC-5)

7. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following resolution authorizing participation in the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission’s

Small Ticket Lease Program for a three year lease/purchase financing of educational technology equipment in the amount of $138,242.50 at an interest rate of 2.370%.

Exhibit C



(New Jersey State Approved Cooperative Pricing System #65MCESCCPS)


(Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Bid No. 13/14-23)

Lessee: Pitman Board of Education

Principal Amount Expected To Be Financed: $138,242.50

WHEREAS, the Lessee named above (the “Lessee”) is a political subdivision of the State of New Jersey (the “State”) and is duly organized and existing pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State;

WHEREAS, pursuant to applicable law, the Lessee acting through its governing body (the “Governing Body”) is authorized to acquire and lease personal property necessary to the functions or operations of the Lessee;

WHEREAS, the Governing Body hereby finds and determines the execution of one or more lease-purchase agreements (“Equipment Leases”) in the principal amount not exceeding the amount stated above (the “Principal Amount”) for the purpose of acquiring the Equipment described generally below (the “Equipment”) and to be described more specifically in the Equipment Leases is appropriate and necessary to the functions and operations of the Lessee;

Brief Description of Equipment: 15 Dell OptiPlex 3011 AIO computers from EIRC, 60 Dell OptiPlex 3011 AIO computers from EIRC and 135 Dell Latitude E6410 computers from CDI

WHEREAS, FIRST HOPE BANK, a National Banking Association, (“Lessor”) is expected to act as the Lessor under the Equipment Leases;

WHEREAS, the Lessee may pay certain capital expenditures in connection with the Equipment prior to its receipt of proceeds of the Equipment Leases (“Lease Purchase Proceeds”) for such expenditures, and such expenditures are not expected to exceed the Principal Amount; and

WHEREAS, the Lessee hereby declares its official intent to be reimbursed for any capital expenditures made for the Equipment after adoption of this resolution but prior to the issuance of the Equipment Leases from the Lease Purchase Proceeds.

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Governing Body of the Lessee as follows:

Section 1. The Lessee hereby determines that it has critically evaluated the financing alternatives and that entering into the Equipment Leases and financing the acquisition of the Equipment thereby is in the best interests of the Lessee.

Section 2. The Lessee is hereby authorized to acquire and install the Equipment and is hereby authorized to finance the Equipment by entering into the Equipment Leases. Any action taken by the Lessee in connection therewith is hereby ratified and confirmed.

Section 3. Either one of the Business Administrator or the Superintendent of Schools (each an “Authorized Representative”) acting on behalf of the Lessee is hereby authorized to negotiate, enter into, execute, and deliver one or more Equipment Leases in substantially the form set forth in the document presently before the Governing Body, which document is available for public inspection at the office of the Lessee. Each Authorized Representative acting on behalf of the Lessee is hereby authorized to negotiate, enter into, execute, and deliver such other agreement or documents relating to the Equipment Leases (including, but not limited to, escrow agreements) as the Authorized Representative deems necessary and appropriate.

Section 4. By a written instrument signed by any Authorized Representative, said Authorized Representative may designate specifically identified officers or employees of the Lessee to execute and deliver agreements and documents relating to the Equipment Leases on behalf of the Lessee.

Section 5. The aggregate original principal amount of the Equipment Leases shall not exceed the Principal Amount and shall bear interest as set forth in the Equipment Leases and the Equipment Leases shall contain such options to purchase by the Lessee as set forth therein.

Section 6. The Lessee’s obligations under the Equipment Leases shall be subject to annual appropriation or renewal by the Governing Body as set forth in each Equipment Leases, and the Lessee’s obligations under the Equipment Leases shall not constitute indebtedness of the Lessee under the laws of the State.

Section 7. It is hereby determined that the acquisition of the Equipment is permitted under the laws governing the Lessee and is essential to the efficient operation of the Lessee.

Section 8. The Governing Body of the Lessee anticipates that the Lessee may pay certain capital expenditures in connection with the Equipment following adoption of this resolution but prior to the receipt of the Lease Purchase Proceeds for the Equipment. The Governing Body of the Lessee hereby declares the Lessee’s official intent to use the Lease Purchase Proceeds to reimburse itself for such Equipment expenditures. This section of the resolution is adopted by the Governing Body of the Lessee for the purpose of establishing compliance with the requirements of Section 1.150-2 of Treasury Regulations. This section of this resolution does not bind the Lessee to make any expenditure, incur any obligation, or proceed with the acquisition of the Equipment.

Section 9. The Lessee covenants that it will comply with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (the “Code”) necessary to ensure that the interest portion of rental payments due under the Equipment Leases will be excluded from gross income under Section 103(a) of the Code. [The Lessee reasonably expects it will not issue more than $10,000,000 of tax-exempt obligations (other than “private activity bonds” that are not “qualified 501(c)(3) bonds”) during the calendar year in which each of the Equipment Leases is issued and hereby designates each Equipment Lease as a qualified tax-exempt obligation for purposes of Section 265(b) of the Code.] The Authorized Representative is further authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to ensure the continued status of the interest portion of the rental payments due on the Equipment Leases authorized by this resolution as excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 103(a) of the Code.

Section 10. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and approval.

ADOPTED AND APPROVED on this August 27, 2014.

8. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education authorizes EIRC to enter into a cooperative pricing agreement with our school district. This would be similar to the “Shared Service” agreement with EIRC but the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) would like to see a resolution along with the agreement.”

(Backup materials F&I C-6)

EDUCATION COMMITTEE – Downham, Savage, DeGeorge

1. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education finds the travel and related

expenses particular to attendance of staff and board members on the attached list of

approved school business leaves (Conference/Workshop/Meeting/Staff Training) are

justified and therefore reimbursable.”

(Backup materials EC-1)

2. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following out of district placements by the Special Services Department for the 2014/15 school year:


Student ID# Placement Tuition Cost Services

2912971910 YALE School $ 53,146.80 0.00

4219178763 GCSSSD $ 3,900.00 0.00

1509863437 GCSSSD $ 3,900.00 0.00

3886969294 GCSSSD $ 3,900.00 0.00

4148404710 GCSSSD $ 3,900.00 0.00

4460026923 GCSSSD $ 3,900.00 0.00

7496161665 GCSSSD $ 3,900.00 0.00

3. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education enters into a contract with

Evesham Township School District, for on-going Reading Recovery professional

Development for the 2014/15 school year. For such services, Pitman will pay $2,700.00

for three teachers at $ 900.00 per teacher to Evesham for the following teachers:

Susan Cheadle Deborah Komand Stephanie Dougherty”

4. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the admission

of regular tuition students for the 2014/15 school year:

(Backup materials EC-2)

5. Suggested motion – “That the Board of Education approves all field trips as submitted.”

(Backup materials EC-3)

6. Suggested motion-“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the transfer of student

ID#9276187747 from Gloucester County Institute of Technology to Pitman

High School, effective September 2, 2014 for academic reasons.”

7. Suggested motion - “That the Pitman Board of Education enters into an agreement with

the New Jersey Commission for the Blind for the 2014/2015 school year in the amount

of $9,700.00 to provide services for four eligible students. Services are based on

educational needs.”

8. Suggested motion - “That the Pitman Board of Education enters into an agreement with

Paragon Consulting Services for the 2014/15 school year at an hourly rate of $120/hour,

plus 50 cents per mile for travel to provide consultation services for students.”

9. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves a change in placement

for student ID# 3914703626 from Pitman High School to Alternative School at

Bankbridge, Sewell, NJ, beginning September 3, 2014 for the 2014/15 school year.

Tuition rate $19,980 per year.”

10. Suggested motion—“That the student SID #9515461374, who has been recommended for

in-district placement by the Special Services Department from Deptford Township School

District, be approved for placement at Pitman High School for the 2014/15 school year

at a tuition rate of $20,000.”

11. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the submission of the

Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Grades (School Self Assessments) online to

the New Jersey Department of Education for the 2014-15 school year.”

(Backup materials EC-4)

12. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following staff

members for four hours of professional time at a rate of $28.00 an hour.

Stipend in accord with the negotiated agreement with the PEA.

Soultana Costas Christine Wilson Danielson Evaluation Training Prep”


1. Suggested motion - “That the Board of Education approves the following Extra Service

Contracts for the 2014/2015 school year. Stipend in accord with the agreement with the Pitman Board of Education (Italics – In-house):

Denise Pallies / Freshman Class Advisor (.5)
Patrick Polimeni / Freshman Class Advisor (.5)
Sharon Clayton / Sophomore Class Advisor (.5)
Joseph Marano / Sophomore Class Advisor (.5)
Christina Clarke / Junior Class Advisor (.5)
Ryan Petrillo / Junior Class Advisor (.5)
Kevin Casey / Senior Class Advisor (.5)
Stacie Salvatore / Senior Class Advisor (.5)
Elizabeth Messer / Choral Director – HS
Lauren Addeo / Detention Proctor (.5)
Denise Pallies / Detention Proctor (.5)
Erin Cunningham / Key Club Advisor (.5)
Stacie Salvatore / Key Club Advisor (.5)
Joseph Marano / National Art Honor Society Advisor
Meghan Leypoldt / National Honor Society
Jessica Morrone / SADD Advisor
Shelly Colanduno / Student Council Advisor (.5)
Erin Cunningham / Student Council Advisor (.5)
Joseph Marano / Yearbook Advisor
Steve Carey / Auditorium Manager
Philip Verespy / Jazz Band Director-HS
Matthew Elmuccio / BSI 9-12 Coordinator (.5)
Ronald Myers / Head Boys’ Basketball Coach
Jeffrey D. Smith / Asst. Wrestling Coach
Stephanie Collum / MS Newspaper Advisor
Amanda Esposito / MS Student Council Advisor
Norman VanFossen / MS Memory Book Advisor
Susan Crispin / MS Chorus Advisor
Andrew Palmentieri / MS Band Advisor
Robert DiTizio / MS Dance Committee Coor. (.5)
Thomas Tocco / MS Dance Committee Coor. (.5)
Kandice Hanrahan / MS Saturday Detention Proctor
Thomas Tocco / MS After-School Detention Proctor (.5)
Sean M. Cunningham / MS After-School Detention Proctor (.5)
Alyssa Cooper / Masquers Advisor (.7)
Meghan Bourquin / Masquers Advisor (.3)
Kandice Hanrahan / MS Builder’s Club Advisor
Sean M. Cunningham / MS Mentoring Club Advisor
Robert Tender / Floor Hockey (Intramural – Fall)
Robert Tender / Co-Ed Volleyball (Intramural – Spring)
Nicole Beach / 6th Grade Class Advisor
Meghan Bourquin / 7th Grade Class Advisor
Clare Bonner / 8th Grade Class Advisor
Andrew Palmentieri / MS Lunch Duty
Meghan Bourquin / MS Lunch Duty
Nicole Beach / MS Lunch Duty
Thomas Tocco / MS Lunch Duty
Sean M. Cunningham / MS Lunch Duty”

2. Suggested motion - “That the Board of Education approves the following Extra Service