The following comprises those documents submitted to the Governing Body for consideration and action at the January 7, 2014 Work Session meeting of the Governing Body of the Borough of Bloomingdale.
These actions items are subject to change and are provided hereto as a courtesy.
Ordinances and resolutions that have been adopted by the Governing Body are posted on the Borough website as soon as practicable after the meeting at which action was taken.
It is strongly recommended that one seeking a copy of that which was adopted by the Governing Body obtain that copy from the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
Each of the following records is subject to change and/or amendment by the Governing Body prior to adoption.
Jane McCarthy, RMC
Municipal Clerk
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 7 p.m.
Bloomingdale Municipal Building Council Chambers
101 Hamburg Turnpike, Bloomingdale, New Jersey
Presiding Officer of the Governing Body
____ Mayor: Jonathan Dunleavy
____ Council President: Ray Yazdi
____ Councilman: Anthony Costa
____ Councilman: John D’Amato
____ Councilman: Richard Dellaripa
____ Councilwoman: Dawn Hudson
____ Councilman: Michael Sondermeyer
____ Municipal Clerk: Jane R. McCarthy, R.M.C.
____ Borough Attorney: Fred Semrau, Esq.
This is the Reorganization Meeting of the Governing Body of the Borough of Bloomingdale. On December 11, 2013 the date, time and place of this Official Meeting was faxed and mailed to all local news media, and posted in the Bloomingdale Municipal Building.
Per State Fire Code, I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this Council
Chambers. The main entrance which you entered through and a secondary exit to the left of where
I am seated. If there is an emergency, walk orderly to the exits, exit through the door, down the stairs
and out the building. If there are any questions, please raise your hand now.
5. EARLY PUBLIC COMMENT (Reserved for Agenda Items)
Nominee: Councilman Ray Yazdi
Motion Second Roll Call
7. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION #2014-1.___: Establishing 2014 Borough
Council By-Laws
Motion Second Roll Call
A. Professional Services Positions – Resolutions No. 2014-1.___ through 2014-1.___
Office Term Nominee
1. Borough Attorney 1 year Fred Semrau, Esq.
2. Borough Auditor 1 year Samuel Klein
3. Bond Counsel 1 year Jack Kraft, Esq.
4. Municipal Prosecutor 1 year Richard Kopleton
5. Municipal Public Defender 1 year Dana D’Angelo
6. Chief Financial Officer 1 year Donna Mollineaux
7. Municipal Risk Consultant 1 year Vozza Insurance
8. Qualified Purchasing Agent 1 year Holly Lyons
B. Municipal Officers – Resolutions No. 2014-1.___ through No. 2014-1.___
With Council Confirmation
Office Term Nominee
1. Animal Cruelty Investigator 1 year Lisa Perry
2. Assessment Search Officer 1 year Jane McCarthy
3. CERT Coordinator 1 year Bernie Vroom
4. Clean Communities Coordinator 1 year Mayor Dunleavy
5. Clean Communities Coordinator (Alt.) 1 year Councilwoman Hudson
6. Fire Prevention Bureau Secretary 1 year Robert Westdyk
7. Fire Prevention Official 1 year Mark Lime
8. Joint Ins. Fund Comm. 1 year Mayor Dunleavy
9. Joint Ins. Fund Comm. Alt. 1 year Sherry Gallager
10. Licensed Water System Operator 1 year John Wegele
11. Licensed Sewer System Operator 1 year John Wegele
12. LOSAP Plan Administrator 1 year Sherry Gallagher
13. Passaic County Brownfield Comm. 1 year Mayor Dunleavy
14. Pension Certification Officer 1 year Sherry Gallagher
15. Property Maintenance Official 1 year William Tyson (Holdover)
16. Public Agency Compliance Officer 1 year Mayor Dunleavy
17. Public Events 1 year Council Members: Hudson;
D’Amato and Sondermeyer
18. Recycling Coordinator 1 year Al Gallagher
19. Recycling Coordinator (Alt.) 1 year Rocco D’Gregorio
20. Safety Coordinator 1 year Mayor Dunleavy
21. Special Police Officers (Class I) 1 year Leonard Hasson
22. Special Police Officers (Class I) 1 year Andrew Smith
23. Special Police Officers (Class II) 1 year Paul Pampinella
24. Special Police Officers (Class II) 1 year Jeff Breakenridge
25. Stormwater Mgmt. Coordinator 1 year Al Gallagher
26. SWAC Representative 1 year Al Gallagher
27. SWAC Representative (Alt.) 1 year Rocco DiGregorio
28. Tax Search Officer 1 year Barbara Neinstedt
29. Zoning Official 1 year Dan Hagberg
30. Plumbing Inspector 1 year Craig Smith
31. Certified Public Works Manager 1 year John Whitehead
32. Deputy Municipal Clerk 1 year Theresa K. Sauer
33. Municipal Housing Liaison 1 year Dan Hagberg
C. Municipal Boards and Commissions
Direct Mayoral appointments
Office Term Nominee
1. Economic Dev. Comm. 5 years Elisa Kolenut
2. Economic Dev. Comm. Alt. II 5 years Elaine Petrowski
3. Econ. Dev. Com. Alt. I 5 years Ken Fioretti
4. Environmental Commission 3 years Karen Labazetta
5. Environmental Commission 3 years Ellen Gerber
6. Environmental Comm. 3 years unexp. Geraldine DeLazier
Term Expires 12/31/14
7. Environmental Comm. Alt. I 3 years unexp.
Term Expires 12/31/14
8. Environmental Comm. Alt. II 2 years unexp.
Term Expires 12/31/14
9. Library Bd. of Trustees 5 years Vacancy
10. Library Bd. Mayor Rep. 1 year Debbie Sondermeyer
11. Library Bd. Supt. Rep. 1 year Dennis DiLorenzo
D. Municipal Boards and Commissions
With Council Confirmation
Office Term Nominee
1. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year (Deputy) Captain Ray Muller
2. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year (Deputy) Eric Hubner
3. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year Councilwoman Hudson
4. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year Mayor Dunleavy
5. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year Robert Voorman
6. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year Bernie Vroom
7. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year DPW Supt. Gallagher
8. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year William Steenstra
9. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year William Sondermeyer
10. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year Gayle Dunlap
11. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year George Hagl
12. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year Police Chief Borell
13. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year Con. Off. Dan Hagberg
14. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year Councilman D’Amato
15. Local Emergency Plan. Coun. 1 year John Riker
16. Local Emer. Plan. Coun. 1 year Pete Croop
17. Municipal Alliance Coor. 1 year Cynthia Hopper
18. Municipal Alliance Chair. 1 year Kimberly Buscher
19. Municipal Alliance 1 year Kimberly Juhlian
20. Municipal Alliance 1 year Christine Spencer
21. Municipal Alliance 1 year Elisa Warren
22. Municipal Alliance 1 year Debbie DuHaime
23. Municipal Alliance 1 year Keri Cozzino
24. Municipal Alliance 1 year Tara Hamway
25. Municipal Alliance 1 year Rachel Millward
26. Municipal Alliance 1 year Lauren Grecco
27. Municipal Alliance 1 year Police Chief Borell
28. Municipal Alliance 1 year Councilman Dellaripa
29. Municipal Alliance 1 year Mayor Dunleavy
30. ROSE Trust Fund Adv. Bd. 3 years Edward Simoni
31. ROSE Trust Fund Adv. Bd. 3 year s Karen Labazetta
32. ROSE Trust Fund Adv. Bd. 3 years Drew Juhlian
33. Senior Citizens Adv. Cmte. 3 years Maureen Tierney
34. Senior Citizens Adv. Cmte. 3 years Sonny Brennan
35. Senior Citizens Adv. Cmte. 2 years unexp. Barbara Westdyk
36. Senior Cit. Mayor Rep. 1 year Linda Shortman
37. Senior Citizens Adv. Cmt. 3 years Frank Blacksmith
38. CERT Team Coord. 1 year Bernie Vroom
39. CERT Team 1 year Kevin Branvall
40. CERT Team 1 year Al Saint Jacques
41. CERT Team 1 year Darin Miller
42. CERT Team 1 year Harvey Miller, Jr.
43. CERT Team 1 year Christopher Synol
44. CERT Team 1 year Tom Fuchs
45. CERT Team 1 year Peter Brand
46. CERT Team 1 year John Descafano
47. CERT Team 1 year William Plog
48. CERT Team 1 year Charles Manella
49. CERT Team 1 year Alan Bird
50. CERT Team 1 year Susan Popp
51. CERT Team 1 year Maryann Vroom
52. CERT Team 1 year Dean Specchio
53. CERT Team 1 year Greg Reilly
54. Search and Rescue Mbr. 1 year Bernie Vroom
55. Search and Rescue Mbr. 1 year Kevin Branvill
56. Search and Rescue Mbr. 1 year Al Saint Jacques
57. Search and Rescue Mbr. 1 year Darin Miller
58. Search and Rescue Mbr. 1 year Harvey Miller, Jr.
59. Search and Rescue Mbr. 1 year Chris Synol
60. Search and Rescue Mbr. 1 year Charles Manella
61. Recreation Member 3 years Kim Buschner
62. Recreation Member 1 year Theresa Merino
63. Recreation Member Alt. I 1 year Steve Mulligan
64. PRBRSA Representative 5 years Robert Voorman
(Term 2/1/14 to 2/1/19)
Motion Second Roll Call
**Administration of the Oath of Office to Attending Appointees**
E. Appointment of Governing Body Committees/Citizen Committee:
2014 Standing Committees
Committee Chair Member(s)
FY2014 Budget Committee Yazdi Dellaripa and Dunleavy
Governmental Operations D’Amato Sondermeyer and Yazdi
Public Health & Safety D’Amato Hudson and Sondermeyer
Ordinance Review Committee Steenstra Edward Simoni; Pete Croop;
William Graf; Dan Hagberg;
Ray Yazdi
Shared Services Comm. Dunleavy Yazdi and Hudson
Flood Committee Jack Miller Jon Dunleavy; Tony Costa;
Bernie Vroom and Rich Murek
Grants Committee Dunleavy Hudson and Dellaripa
Motion Second Roll Call
F. Appointment of Governing Body Liaisons
Organization Liaison
1. Bloomingdale Board of Education Richard Dellaripa
2. Bloomingdale Board of Health Dawn Hudson
3. Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. John D’Amato
4. Bloomingdale/Butler Youth Organization Jon Dunleavy
5. Butler Rotary Jane McCarthy
6. Environmental Commission Tony Costa
7. Library Board of Trustees Mike Sondermeyer
8. Local Emergency Planning Council John D’Amato
9. Municipal Drug Alliance Rich Dellaripa
10. Planning Board Ray Yazdi
11. ROSE Trust Fund Advisory Board Ray Yazdi
12. Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Jon Dunleavy
13. Tri-Boro Chamber of Commerce Jane McCarthy
14. Tri-Boro Little League Jon Dunleavy
15. Economic Development Committee Jon Dunleavy
16. Passaic County Film Commission Jon Dunleavy
17. Flood Committee Liaison Tony Costa
18. Passaic Co. River Flood Basin Task Force Bernie Vroom
19. Recreation Mike Sondermeyer
Motion Second Roll Call
G. Adoption of Consent Agenda Resolutions
#2014-1.____: Authorization for membership Bloomingdale Hook & Ladder Co.
Robyn B. McCracken and Jeff Edelbach
#2014-1.____: Honoring Deceased Exempt Fireman
#2014-1.____: Honoring Exempt Fireman, if in order to do so
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Water Testing Agreement with Bill Doty
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Contract with Bond Counsel
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Contract with Borough Auditor
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Contract with Insurance Risk Manager
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Contract with Borough Attorney
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Contract with Borough Engineer
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Contract with Code 96 Managed Services
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Contract with Cit-e-Net – Webmaster
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Contract with DMC Associates, Inc. Land Surveyors
#2014-1.____: Authorizing Borough Vehicles to Designated Municipal Employees
#2014-1.____: Televising Borough Council Meetings
#2014-1.____: Resolution raising bid threshold to $36,000
#2014-1.____: Opposing Notice of Proposed Rulemaking by FCC for Acceleration of
Broadband Deployment by Improving Wireless Facilities Siting Policies
Motion Second Roll Call
A. Adoption of Resolution No. 2014-1.___: Authorizing Proposal by Burgis Associates for
Preparation of an ordinance to establish an AH Zone District in the Borough
(Pertaining to Official Business of the Governing Body)
A. Regular Meeting January 21, 2014 7 p.m.
B. Work Session February 4, 2014 7 p.m.
A. Attorney/Client Privilege – one matter