Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30 NIV

Word of the Month: “LORD”

There is no doubt whatsoever that the LORD has truly blessed the E’town Emmaus Community this past month! Men’s Walk 118 was “full” with 48 pilgrims and Women’s Walk 119 had some 45 pilgrims participate...not that numbers are our focus, but the Community has not seen this many pilgrims on the Walk in many years! Not only were the numbers great, the quality of the pilgrims and the ministries many of them are already involved in was awesome. And that is due to great sponsorship - being obedient to God’s call and making those initial contacts! Along with that, the sponsors did an excellent job of getting the applications into the registrar in a very timely manner, making preparing for and ordering materials/food/etc. for the Walks so much more efficient. Also your attendance and offerings at all the events this past month was exceptional! Your Agape efforts - letters, snacks, and gifts were also without equal. Thanks and congratulations to the Team Selection Committees that chose the two outstanding Lay Directors, Kevin Oldham and Carolyn Cox, who obediently and reverently assembled two awesome teams to lead this great group of pilgrims on the spring walks! Well done, good and faithful E’town Emmaus Community! You were a true blessing, and your efforts truly blessed a lot of new folks and will not go unnoticed by our LORD!

As to our word of the month...what does LORD mean to you? A good sign, may be in the way you address him in prayer and worship. Is He your: Savior, Healer, Rock, Redeemer, Fortress, King, Comforter, Light, Author, Jehovah, Father, Holy One, Prince of Peace, Brother, Supreme, Giver, Power, Living One, Supporter, Deliverer, Authority, God, Focus, Ruler, Anointed, Friend, and/or something totally different?

In his book, Christ is All, author David Bryantin discussing Jesus asking Peter who he thinks Christ is (Matthew 16:15-16), states that Peter’s answer was the equivalent of saying: Lord Jesus You are the...

·  Superlative One - no language is adequate to describe You. You defy all human categories. (1 Pet. 1)

·  Incomparable One - You are in a class by yourself - no duplicates, no clones. Your importance will continue to eclipse all others. (2 Thess. 1)

·  Exalted One - For eternity, You will hold the primary focus of our praises, worthy to receive every ounce of praise from all peoples. (Rev. 5)

·  Preeminent One - In time, in space, in history, and throughout eternity. All things to come are Your possession, to do with as Your Father pleases. (Col. 1)

·  Sufficient One - Nothing can ever exhaust Your power and resources. You require no outsourcing! (Phil. 3)

·  Triumphant One - None of your enemies will prevail. You are the everlasting Overcomer. (Rev. 17)

·  Unifying One - In the Consummation all creation, as well as the Church itself, will be held together in perfect harmony by Your irrevocable decrees and Your indestructible might. (Heb. 1)

That’s who your awesome LORD is! Aren’t you glad you know Him? And can call Him ______! (you fill in the blank)

I look forward to worshiping Him with you at the next Emmaus Gathering, April 2nd, and getting to hear how He changed our new pilgrims during “Open Mic”! This is always a very special and exciting Gathering! Remember we will have a dessert fellowship after Gathering where you’ll get to meet some really special new pilgrims.

So please bring your favorite dessert, snack, finger food, and will be provided. You won’t want to miss this!

De Colores!

Doug Shepherd, Walk 108 Table of Matthew

Elizabethtown Emmaus Community Lay Director


Just a reminder that at each Emmaus Gathering and Candlelight free childcare is provided for nursery-age and older children. Babies and toddlers are cared for in the nursery area of the church, with the older children being allowed to gather in the gym. All childcare workers are certified under the Methodist Church’s Safe-Sanctuary policy and guidelines.

Welcome Walk 118 Pilgrims

Barry Adams / Volta Amey / Marion Barnes
Timothy Barnes / Charlie Beavers / Pete Binkley
Kevin Bryant / Bill Carr / Clay Collins
Elmer Cummings / Derek Dennison / Roberto Diaz
Gary Doolittle / David Downs / Trent Evans
Bernard Ford / Terry Gibson / Jeff Grams
Bud Guenther / Randy Henderson / Dennis Hensley
Ed Holt / Dick Jestis / Alex Keeling
Ken Krause / Marty Lee / Earl Lewis
Arthur Love / Bryan Lyvers / Pierre McMullen
Anford Miller / Keith "Moose" Mulkins / Gerald Payton
Alan Phillips / Luis Ramirez / Brent Rice
Dean Riggs / Darryl Robbins / Chuck Runyon
Rick Rutledge / Ed Shonkwiler / Benjamin Smith
David Smith / William "Smitty" Smith / Tom Thibaudeau
Tim Webb / Patrick Wyatt / Mark Young

Welcome Walk 119 Pilgrims

Virginia Bailey / Cheryl Barnes / Janie Beavers
Rhonda Blessitt / Dolores Brown / Wanda Bryant
Tina Burkhead / Bonnie Carney / Leslie Downs
Kammon Eckert / Loretta Edington / Patti England
Mary Jane Gerber / Samantha Goodman / Linda Gootee
Kathleen Grams / Thea Guenther / Carolyn Hammond
Jackie Handley / Kim Hensley / Billie Jestis
Amy Jones / Cathy Kirsch / Deb Kodama
Shelley Lewis / Jenny Liles / Kim Lyvers
Chong McMullen / Sarah Miller / Tavis Mulkins
Ann Payne / Brandi Price / Jane Riggs
Karen Riggs / Cathy Roberts / Angela Rutledge
Sharen Selby / Alecia Stinson / Tracy Thibaudeau
Rachel Todd / Eileen Townsend / Anita Varnadore
Katie Wise / Angie Young / Beth Young

Prayer Time


∙ Japan as it recovers from the earthquake and tsumani

∙ Military Service Men and Women

∙ Nicaraguan Emmaus Community

∙ Emmaus & Chrysalis Board Members

∙ Emmaus & YAC Sponsorship

∙ Chrysalis and Emmaus Reunion Groups

∙ Emmaus Lay Directors (Fall 2011)

Larry Holthouser (Men’s Walk #120)

Rhoda Baumfalk (Women’s Walk #121)

∙ Chrysalis YAC #2 Lay Directors

Amanda Drane (Girls)

Carl Stoltzfus (Guys)

∙ The Lost

Mark Your Calendars

April 2nd / Board Meeting
Gathering – “Lord”
“Open Mic” / 5:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
May 7th / Board Meeting
Chrysalis Leads / TBA
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
21st – 23rd / YAC 2 / Campground
June 4th / Board Meeting
Gathering / TBA
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
July 16th / Board Meeting
Gathering and Picnic Fellowship / TBA
TBA / Memorial UMC

Worship Leaders

The E’town Emmaus Community is looking for additional praise and worship singers or groups that can provide music for our monthly Gatherings. You’ll need to provide or assemble your own musician(s) to volunteer for this opportunity. Your music must be something that the community can sing along to, not a concert type of song list. If interested, please send email to Arnel Megino at , or call 270-401-9722 for scheduling.

Board Happenings

·  Jimmy Garcia updated us on Residents Encounter Christ (REC) in Nicaragua which will be held on 6-8 July 2011. The team from the US will leave on 1 July to prepare for the REC. Team members pay their own expenses for this trip. Jimmy is asking for prayers and also looking for volunteers that might want to serve on this team. If you are interested please contact Jimmy at or 270-307-3327.

·  Instead of the Summer Outing, we will have a Gathering in July but it will be moved from July 4th weekend to the third Saturday (July 16th). A potluck fellowship meal will be held with the Gathering.

·  The September Gathering will be held at Grace Heartland Church.