Thank you for expressing an interest in becoming a Tutor for British Taekwondo.
Tutors of British Taekwondo Coaching Programmes will:
- Need to attend the Level 2 Coach Education Course before being able to deliver the information
- Have at least 5 years current and relevant coaching experience
- Have experience of delivering and assessing education programmes
- Be available and willing to run or co-tutor at least one 3-day British Taekwondo Level 2 Coach Education Course per year
- Be willing to travel across the UK to deliver the coach development programme
- Attend at least one approved/recognised CPD event per year
We will require you, as a British Taekwondo Tutor to have knowledge and practical experience of:
- Preparing and delivering appropriate learning plans, taking learners’ needs and requirements into account
- Setting and delivering learning outcomes
- Creating and maintaining a safe, supportive, interactive and enjoyable environment that optimises learning opportunities
- Using a range of learning activities and resources to encourage learning at mixed levels, with appropriate contingency plans
- Setting up and managing group work and use interventions to draw out learning
- Communicating effectively with learners using clear words and sentences free from jargon and discriminatory language
- Being able to use a variety of questioning and listening skills
- Monitor learners’ understanding and provide sufficient opportunities for them to ask questions
- Provide feedback to learners consistently throughout the session
- Ability to challenge forms of inappropriate behaviour or attitude
- Review own practice and keep up to date through continuous professional development
The criteria for selection are:
Step 1. Complete and return the attached application form.
Step 2. Your application will be considered by the Development Director and you may be called for an interview, which could involve you being asked to deliver a short presentation.
Step 3. If we feel that we have a need for your skills, and there are vacancies in your geographicalarea, you will be invited to attended the 2-day Tutor Training programme.
Step 4. Tutors who attend the 2-day Tutor Training programme will be given a specific action plan. Additional Assessor training will be provided if required.
Personal Details:
Title: / Surname:Forename(s):
County: / Post Code:
Email Address 1
Email Address 2
Day Tel: / Eve Tel:
Preferred method of contact:
Post: Email 1: Email 2: Day Tel: Eve Tel: Mobile:
Gender: / Male: Female:
Ethnicity: please tick the group with which you most closely identify:
African:Bangladeshi:Black (Caribbean):Black (UK):
Chinese:Indian:Pakistani:White (UK):
Please specify any disability/impairment where you require special requirements:
Academic Qualifications
Please list all relevant academic qualifications, including teaching/tutoring/assessment qualifications
Membership of Professional Associations
Tutoring Experience
Please give details of previous teaching/tutoring/assessment experience using the above criteria
Coaching Experience
Please give details of at least 5 years current and relevant coaching experience, including any professional development courses you have attended
County: / Post Code:
Position within Organisation:
Tel: / Mobile:
Signed: Potential Tutor______Date: ______
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File: Tutor Application Form (March 2015)