City Council Subcommittee Report
March 13, 2014
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Public Works/Parks
March 3, 2014
The Public Works/Parks Committeemeeting was held at City Hall located at 10220 270th Street NW on March 3, 2014 at 6:00 pm.
- Council Member Arne Wennerberg
- Council Member Rob Johnson
- Council Member Rick Randall
- City Administrator Deborah Knight
- Public Works Director Kevin Hushagen
- Public Works Admin Asst. Lisa Noonchester
The meeting opened with Council Member Rob Johnson being nominated and accepting the position of the Public Works/Parks Committee Chair. The Public Works/Parks Committee discussedfive issues:
- Revised Scope of Work for the Water System and Sewer System Plans; 6-yr to 10-yr
- Farmland Preservation Grant
- PZ2 Update
- Fure Well
- Facility Use Policy
Revised Scope of Work for the Water System and Sewer System Plans; 6-yr to 10-yr
Mr.RichardRodriguezwithDepartment of Health (DOH)statedthataproposednewrulewilllikelyextendWSPsfrom6-yeardocumentsto10-yeardocuments.Althoughtheruleisnotexpectedtobeinplaceuntil2016,Mr.RodriguezsuggestedthatRH2 include10-yearanalysesresultsintheCity's2015WSPtoallowfora10-yearapprovaloftheCity'sWSP.ToensurethattheWSPisa10-year document,a10-yearviewisnecessaryforpopulationestimates,projecteddemand,systemcomponentanalyses,hydraulicanalysesresults,andthecapitalimprovementprogram. TheoriginalScopeofWorkincluded6-yearand20-yearviewsoftheseresults.Theadditional effortnecessarytoinclude10-yearinformationisprovidedinthe amended WSP ScopeofWork.
SincetheCityisupdatingitsComprehensiveSewerSystemPlan(SSP)concurrentlywiththeWSP,thesameanalysesperiodsarerecommendedforbothdocuments.The estimated cost to include the 10-year information is $4,966.00 for the WSP and $4,918.00 for the SSP, totaling $9,884.00 for both.
The committee recommended to approve the scope of work amendments for the WSP and SSP and to amend the 2014 budget by taking the $9,884 out of the Professional Services fund and transferring it to the Capital Budget and directed staff to bring the issue as a consent item to the full city council for approval on March 13, 2014.
Farmland Preservation Grant
A discussion on the costs and benefits of purchasing farmland surrounding Stanwood resulted in the committee directing staff to bring the issue to the full city council for discussion and direction.
PZ2 Update
Staff updated the committee on the PZ2 project and discussed the fiscal impact of the project. The PZ2 project also includes replacing pavement and drainage, which unfortunately was not funded for in the 2014 budget. Staff proposal to the committee is to use $125,000 from the drainage operations fund-410, $125,000 from drainage construction fund-411, and $50,000 from the drainage investment fund-412 totaling $300,000. The funds from drainage, $300,000 plus the funds from water $740,000 would total $1,040,000 which would exceed the RH2’s Construction Cost Estimate by $137,910.
The committee recommended that staff bring issue to the full city council for approval at the March 13, 2014 city council meeting.
Fure Well
One water right can have multiple wells associated with it and one well can have multiple water rights associated with it. This is encouraged to give operators as much flexibility as possible. RH2 discussed this briefly with Ecology and they might let us participate in a pilot program where we get to write the report of examination ourselves and then Ecology reviews the final product, which would make things pretty quick and painless.
RH2 thinks this change would be pretty straightforward as far as water right changes go. It helps that the water right being changed is relatively small compared to the other City water rights. If we got the go-ahead from Ecology to process the change through the pilot program, RH2 would basically create the supporting documentation and prepare the draft report of examination for change to present to Ecology for their review. The City would be responsible for paying for RH2’s time to draft the reports as well as Ecology’s time spent reviewing the reports. The estimated cost is $10,000.
Staff has learned that Ecology requires an approved 3rd party to review the report of examination documents. RH2 has been approved by Ecology to review reports of examination,and so staff has contacted Ecology to see if they will allow RH2 to reviewa report of examination that they created. If not, thecost to have a 3rd party review the report of examinationcould increase by $15,000 making the water right transfer estimated cost $25,000.
The committee agreed that the water rights should be transferred to Cedarhome and/or Bryant Wells. The committee would like staff to do more research on what Ecology is requiring and to see if they would allow RH2 to review the report and examination documents. The committee directed staff to bring this issue to the full city council on March 27, 2014 with a not to exceed $25,000 for the project.
Facility Use Policy
The committee agreed that the city should have a Facility Use Policy and directed staff to write a draft policy. Below are some of the items the committee would like in the policy:
- No commercial use
- City business has priority over non-city business
- Fund raisers allowed, e.g. volunteer firefighter pancake breakfast fund raiser
- Damage deposit required
- Do not charge a use fee to non-profit organizations
- Insurance required for organizations that have them, e.g.
Little League – yes
Quilting Club – no - No liquor or smoking
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