Meeting Notes
Executive Meeting Committee
2009 Annual SRM Meeting
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Wooton Hall, USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range
Participants: Tom Bartlett / Bob Alexander – Chairing Session
Abbott, Laurie
Buchanan, Jacque
Casados, Michael
Chavez, George
Combs, Nathan
Flores, Sabrina
Gamboa, Bernice
Graham, David
Havstad, Kris
LaCasse, Richard
Lefebvre, Pete
Leiting, Ken
McDaniel, Kirk
Merkel, Dan
Misquez, Santiago
Radtke, Lesley
Serrano, Donald
Smallidge, Sam
Stewart, Dave
Tanaka, John
Torell, Allen
Tunberg, John
1)Agenda Approval: Tom Bartlett commenced the 2009 Executive Committee meeting at 7:50 a.m.with the announcement that the Local and Planning Committees would meet following this Executive Committee meeting, and approval of today’s agenda.
2)Minutes of December 10, 2007: Approved
3)Louisville, Kentucky Efforts
a)NM Passports – Bob Alexander: Sample of the “NM Passport” was passed around. Bob presented various options for use of the “Passport” as a New Mexico publicity idea. The cost is $2.47 per passport. The publisher would do a special editions for rangelands if we ordered at least 1,000 copies. Most of the SRM members that will be attending the meeting in Louisville will also attend the meeting in Albuquerque with not special enticement. After much discussion, the Executive Committee voted unanimously to NOT use the “Passport” at the Louisville meetings, but left open the option of including the “Passport” with other 2009 registration documents. Tom requested committee members give ideas for documents to be included in the 2009 Registration folder to Richard LaCasse, Registration Chair. Richard will gather suggestions, including “NM Passport,” and make a presentation to the Executive Committee at a later date.
b)Materials for Louisville booth – Dan Merkel requested any material (Albuquerque Convention, NM Tourism) for the Louisvillebooth be sent to Lesley.
c)New Mexico SRM Booth at Louisville - Booth # 209.
i)Booth set-up: Sunday evening, January 27, 2008. Volunteer sign-up sheet was distributed to operate the booth Monday, July 28 through Wednesday, January 30, 2008.
ii)Publicity booth Promotion ideas included:
(1)New Mexico SRM logo – poster and brochure
(2)New Mexico flag with the zia symbol
iii)The Albuquerque Convention Bureau is sending two door prizes. We will need to have tickets or registration slips for a drawing at the business meeting on Wednesday afternoon.
4)Procedure for Expenditures – Michael Casados: Michael Casados will provide a copy of the SRM Purchase Expenditure form to be made available to committee members on the 2009 SRM web page. Committee members were reminded to complete the Purchase Expenditure form for all event purchases and forward the completed form to Michael Casados/Keith Banks (Keith has agreed to help Michael) for routing approval to SRM Office, John Tanaka and/or Lesley Radtke. All checks are issued by SRM in Wheat Ridge but need 2009 AMP Committee approval.
5)Local Arrangements/Host Activities: Ken Leiting/Dan Merkel/Jacque Buchanan:
a)Ken Leiting announced that the Local Arrangement Committee is scheduled to meet immediately following the Executive Committee meeting to organize a detailed agenda and needs.
b)Budget –Local Arrangement Committee will identify a budget with more detail after reviewing Louisville’s budget. Louisville’s budget will be used as a template for the 2009 convention. Ken is currently gathering in-house material, working closely with Lesley. Lesley will be the designated contact for the AlbuquerqueConvention Center caterer with George Chavez in Albuquerque.
6)Program/Session Operation: Kris Havstad/Allen Torell/Kirk McDaniel:
a)Staffing progress: Program information will be provided by JornadaExperimentalRangein-house staff. This includes the program, web page design, and information available. Publication of program will be through commercial outlets.
i)Web Page –
- Logo will be amended – old version preferred.
- The option of limiting Symposium numbers will be discussed after May 1. Time presentations would be limited to 20 minutes(15-minute presentation and 5-minute discussion/Q&A).
- Hotel information was provided at this meeting and will be updated on the web page.
- Registration tab will be updated after budget approval by SRM.
- Kris requested each committee chair to submit information for web pages to be complete/informative.
- Volunteer page: John Tunberg requested a Volunteer page be added to the web site with his contact information. He said volunteers can then contact him, and he will provide an updated spreadsheet with names and tasks to be uploaded to the web page on a regular basis.
b)Budget: As more information is available, it will be forwarded to Michael Casados for inclusion in the 2009 SRM Annual Meeting Budget. The budget will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee.
c)Plenary Session: Kris Havstad/Kirk McDaniel/ Allen Torell/Dan Merkel: Theme recommendation is concentrating on diverse New Mexico culture representing home grown roots/talent. Draft program will be developed following discussion.
d)Equipment, audio/visual: This item and selected vendor will be discussed in more detail at a future meeting. SRM Denver will contract the vendor. Each committee chair should submit their A/V needs to the Program Subcommittee.
7)Publicity / Trade Show Information: Pete Lefebvre / Santiago Misquez: Tom Bartlett recommended Jeff Powell to take the lead on the Trade Show, and Pete Lefebvre take the lead on the Publicity, and adding Jim Thorpe to this committee.
- Trade Show participants – list
- New Mexico Stock Growers
- New Mexico Wool Growers
- New Mexico Tourism
- AlbuquerqueConvention Center –
- Albuquerque media
- Quivira Coalition
Pete and Santiago will provide an outline - “Plan of Action” for publicity and what will be needed. Jim Thorpe has been assisting in publicity.
a)Publicity – Bill Popich of the BLM in Farmington is to help with SRM publicity
b)Steve Stucker of KOB-TV in Albuquerque may also be able to assist in publicity.
8)Student/Youth Activities: Laurie Abbott / David Graham
a)Budget – the budget will be developed when more is known relative to cost of services (bus, meals, A/V, tours, transportation, etc.). Will assess comparing Louisville’s budget.
b)Other – student involvement. Important for students’ lodging to be as close as possible to the actual meetings. High school youth will be housed in the DoubleTreeHotel Lesley and George will explore other hotels and prices to determine the best hotel for students. Important to get the students involved and meet SRM delegates. Laurie will check on the desires of the college students at the Louisville meeting. Students may want to make their own choice of hotels. In that case, it is a first come first served situation. We will revisit this at the next meeting to find out Laurie’s final recommendation
i)Hotel arrangements need to be arranged through Hotel Liaisons, Lesley and George.
c)Career Opportunity and Student Activity Workshop information will be evaluated and organized after the examining these workshops at the Louisville Conference. Linda Coates-Markle is working with Laurie and David.
9)Meeting at 2008 Annual Meeting in Louisville: Tom Bartlett announced:
a)2008 Annual Meeting Committee will meet with the 2009 & 2010 Annual Meeting Planning Committees – January 30, 2008; 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Galt House Hotel, Morrow Room
b)2009 SRM Annual Meeting Planning Committee meeting – January 30, 2008; 9:00 a.m. – 12:00noon. Galt House Hotel, Morrow Room. Arrangements need to be made to have the 2009 SRM Booth covered while in these meetings.
10)Future Meetings:
a)Executive Committee --Tuesday, February 12, 2008. (9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) Web based conference call information:
- Touch-tone phone to participate by voice in Instant Meeting Conference
- Dial 877-513-1613 (USA only)
- Enter passcode 1143517 followed by #
- To participate by voice and watch via web based video
- Using Internet Explorer or any other internet program, go to URL:
- enter: Meeting description: SRM Planning Meeting
Meeting Number: 748159547
Meeting Passcode: jornada
- Fill in your name so we know who is participating.
- Check that you have read and agreed to the policy, select PROCEED.
- To participate by voice, watch via the web, and be seen by other video camera:
- Follow the above AND have an inexpensive video camera connected to your PC that can provide a video feed to the conference web site. Call Jim @ 575-646-2951 for further information.
b)Full 2009 SRM Annual Meeting Planning Committee -- All committee members to meet with Local Arrangements/Host ActivitiesSub-Committee in Albuquerque, NM, March 24-25, 2008 to view Convention Center and other facilities. More details to follow.
c)Proposed Technical Tour possibilities in conjunction with summer tours.
Meeting Adjourned: 10:30 a.m.
Notes by: Bernice Gamboa