Woods Loke Monday Mail – 10th October 2016

Attendance Race

Congratulations to classes 6SL and 5BC who both achieved 99.6% attendance last week, all the children in these classes have received 2 golden tickets each.

Also Congratulations to Classes RWA, RMW, 2JS, 3SM, 5PJ, 6CP, 6MT and 6SL who have all reached the Bronze medal on the Attendance race and will have 10 minutes extra playtime. Well Done!


Year 6 pupils had a fantastic time at Kingswood last week. They all behaved really well and staff were very impressed by their attitudes to trying new and challenging activities.

Parent Consultations

Parent consultations take place next week, children will be bringing home a letter today stating the times their teacher will be available. Please speak to your child’s teacher at the end of the school day to sign up for an appointment.

Grandparent Lunches

Due to popular demand, this year will see the reintroduction of our Grandparent Lunch days. Letters will be emailed out tomorrow with details of these lunches and information regarding how to book. In past years, these lunches have proved to be very popular, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Roman Day – Years 3 and 4

If you have a child in Year 3 or 4 they should have brought home a letter about their Roman Day taking place on 11th November, could we please remind parents that a contribution of £3 is requested from each child to pay for this special event. Thank you for your support.

Matball Tournament

Good Luck to the children taking part in the Matball tournament on Friday, we hope you all have a great time.

School Uniform Reminder

Please remember that jewellery is not to be worn in school and children with pierced ears should only wear small studs. Nail varnish and temporary tattoos should not be worn and children should have tidy hair, which is not extreme in style.

As the weather is becoming colder please ensure all children have a warm coat to wear in the playground.

Diary Dates

Parent Consultations week beginning 17th October

Week beginning 24th October – Half Term

11th November – Roman Day Years 3 and 4

15th, 16th, 17th November – Grandparents Lunches (details to follow)

You can access our school website at www.woodsloke.suffolk.sch.uk

This authority is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Mr Crawley is responsible for safeguarding at Woods Loke Primary school.

(Mrs. Marchand and Mr. Axon are alternative SDP).