New Mexico Networkfor
Women in Science and Engineering
OFFICERS: Laurie Marnell, President; Diane Albert, Past President; Yolanda King, Treasurer; Claudia Barreto, Secretary; Elizabeth Kallman, President Elect
February 13, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
Broadstone Heights Apartments
8100 Barstow St Albuquerque NM
Attendees: Claudia Barreto, Elizabeth Kallman, Yolanda King, Laurie Marnell, Barbara Torres.
Diane Albert and Tinka Gammel to Elizabeth Kallman
Dana Roberson to Yolanda King
Call to Order Laurie Marnell
Secretary’s ReportClaudia Barreto
Please send Claudia any edits/corrections to the minutes so they can be sent toTinka for posting on our web page.
Treasurer’s ReportYolanda King
Our balance is $17,745.23 as of last bank statement dated 01/31/10.
Reports from Standing Committee Chairs:
Annual Meeting ChairDana Roberson
We currently have reservations for Oct 8-10th @ Valle Caldera. We have until 30 days prior to cancel.
CommunicationsTinka Gammel
We received the IRS determination letter reflecting our name change to "New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering, Inc", but it may take a few more months before that propagates through the system. Copies, along with other tax exempt info, were emailed to the board on 1/14/2010, and EYH chairs asked to get copies to their treasurers as needed.
Tinka asked if she should post the determination letter and link it from our '501c3 info' webpage. We felt this was unnecessary since she provided
directions on how to get to Guidestar and indicate it can be downloaded there. Claudia Barreto volunteered to test downloading our Letter of Determination from Guidestar and will report back to Tinka .
The minutes through Oct 2009 have been posted. Claudia Barreto will send the missing and or updated minutes to Tinka for posting.
As always, please send news items for posting on the web or including in the next newsletter, and let Tinka know if you notice any errors in our webpages.
Elizabeth is working on the newsletter, BUT EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEND information for inclusion. There was discussion about sending out a newsletter by email is redundant. Elizabeth is willing to send out the newsletter as an email attachment as well as having it posted on our webpage.
Tinka finished the master for the Careers CD. Laurie Marnell is proofing it. We have all the necessary permissions. Lauriewill get edited version to UNM Women’s Resource Center (WRC) and to Phyllis Baca at Santa Fe community College (SFCC)so the copies can be made. Between SFCC and the UNM WRC, burning enough Careers CDs and Hubble's Universe DVDs for all EYH needs so they can be delivered in the mid-March timeframe looks to be taken care of. Dana Roberson has indicated our current stores of tote bags etc also cover those EYH supply needs for this year.
MembershipDana Roberson
We have 48 renewing members. Of those:
- 26 are from Central,
- 1 are from Eastern,
- 5 are from Northern,
- 6 are from the disbanded Southern Chapter.
Dana Roberson will be sending out the Roster this weekend.
Barbara Torreswill contact Dana to offer to will take over this Chair.
IMPACT! AwardNancy Weinbrenner
Barbara Torres was concerned about lack of attendance by a member of the NM Commission on the Status of Women at the awards ceremony. We need to make sure they are kept in the loop. Claudia Barreto will contact Nancy about writing a Newsletter article on 2009 NMNWSE IMPACT! Award winner, Joan Woodard,
and the nomination process. We recommend that the nominees other than the winner not be discussed at the presentation except for perhaps a very brief acknowledgement. It was also pointed out that it is a duty a duty of the president to make such presentations.
Elizabeth Kallman will resubmit a proposal to McCune to this year, but others need to pitch in for other potential donors.
Policies and ProceduresClaudia Barreto
Barbara Torres contacted Northern about thelatest revisions of the Policies and Procedures. Here correspondence with Wendee Brunish indicates that they are fine with complying. Specifically:
- They can meet annually since they meet often to run their EYH conference.
- They have and will continue to use the State logo on all EYH materials
- They will have officer elections every 2 years.
Claudia will contact Jeanne Banks to see if she still feels up to reviewing the current Policies and Procedures.
Publicity/OutreachCharlene Bausinger Jacka
No report.
Laurie Marnell will contact Charlene and ask her to work on getting the word out for the 2010 IMPACT! Award nominations.
Student AwardsMercedes Agogino
The NM Sate Science Fair will be held on April 9-10, 2010 at New Mexico Tech in Socorro. Mercedes Agogino will reserve a room for us. We need judges. Laurie Marnell will send out and announcement and judging registration forms. We will present ten awards at $50 each, across all categories).
We would like to participate in the 2010 National American Indian Science & Engineering Fair, March 11-13, 2010at the Albuquerque Convention Center
Albuquerque, New Mexico. We determined that the budget will allow us not to exceed 2 awards at $50 each.
Tinka requested permission to purchase some 'science goodies' if needed for the state science fair or NAISEF. She estimates the cost to buy 'typical' goodies is around $20/ea - 2-3 items at $5-$10 each - less if one got in bulk of course. Also if anyone knows a good place to get nice but cheap science-related items for bag stuffing, please let Tinka know.
Tinka informed us of other local or regional science fairs we may want to cover, Regional fair dates are (see
SE Regional: February 27
SW Regional: March 6
NE Regional: March 6
4 Corners Regional: March 6
San Juan Regional: March 13
Central NM: March 20
Expanding Your Horizons:
StateDana Roberson
All four of the State EYHs have been registered with the National EYH. Silver City EYH is Saturday, March 27, 2010 at Western New Mexico University. Albuquerque EYH is Saturday, April 3, 2010 at Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) Main Campus. Los Alamos (LAWIS) EYH is Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at Catholic Church Parish Hall and Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos. Santa Fe EYH is Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at the Santa Fe Community College
An Insurance Quote has been requested from:
Charles, Garland & Harris Agency
3310 N. White Sands Blvd.
Alamogordo, NM 88310
Phone 575-437-6910
Fax 575-437-8187
The group we have been using this firm for years. Dan estimated that the cost will be in the $500.00 range. Dana will send the bill to Yolanda as soon as she receives the quote.
Albuquerque (non-Board position)Diane Albert
The Central Expanding Your Horizons (CEYH) committee met to prepare approximately 500 envelopes with the CEYH brochures on Feb 11, 2010.
We will be stuffing bags on April 2 at CNM in Smith Brasher, since we have a storage room there. Volunteers appreciated!
Adult Program – Betsy Frederick, chair
- CNM programs – Susan Murphy; email is: ; WORK (505)224-5213; her cell phone number is 239-0343
- Financing your child's college education – ANNETTE from NM TECH We are going to have a fun science activity session using hand held PDAs (like phones)
- a session demoing the Labor Department's Career Data base which has info about NM and the US
Presenters- Kelly Collins reports we have 16 presenters; we need at a minimum 20 presenters.
Registration- Beulah Woodfin is handling this.
Publicity Coordinator – Elizabeth Kallmangot the brochure printed and has Established Facebookand Twitter pages. We all need to help Elizabeth get the word out about CEYH. Do you have contacts with your local schools? If so, please personally hand over the brochures to the teachers and girls!
Panel Coordinator – Diane Albert – I have secured the following 4 young women to serve on the panel.
1. Kelly Gomez , Quality Manager , MFSC Albuquerque PD Crime Lab
M.F.S., Forensic Sciences, August 1997, B.S., Biology, May 1996, Magna Cum Laude. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Responsibilities include: coordinator of the laboratory’s quality system, oversee the proficiency testing program, propose improvements to the laboratory’s operations, conduct annual internal audits of operations, and monitor laboratory practices to verify continuing compliance with policies and procedures. Assist Chemistry Section in breath and blood alcohol functions to include: certified Key Operator of Intoxilyzer 8000, certified instructor of Intoxilyzer 8000, blood alcohol analysis, technical review, and expert testimony.
2. Tiffany Lampkin , General Engineer, Kirtland AFB, was born and raised in Clarksdale, MS. Tiffany was introduced to engineering in a Diversified Technology course that she took in high school. Tiffany earned her Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering in 2004 and her Master's Degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering in 2007 from Mississippi State University. In August 2007, Tiffany joined Shaw Industries' Operations Management program. In May 2008, Tiffany became the Regional Operations Manager for Shaw's Albuquerque Regional Distribution center. In September 2009, Tiffany joined the Air Force Nuclear Weapon Center's Engineering Directorate at Kirtland Air Force Base as a Defense Career Intern/General Engineer. As a Defense Career Intern/General Engineer, Tiffany is serving as the center's Air Force Systems Engineering Assessment Model lead, developing operating instructions for the center, taking online courses at the Defense Acquisition University to further develop her professional skills, and serving in other roles that focus on continuous process improvement. Tiffany aspires to one day serve in an Executive civilian position for the federal government, pursue another advanced degree, and serve as a motivational speaker for the younger generation.
3. Emily Kowalchuk earned a BS in Civil Engineering in 2002 from the University of Kansas and is working on a MS in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Environmental Engineering from the University of New Mexico. She has worked for municipalities and consulting firms in Kansas and Virginia and earned her Professional Engineer license in Virginia in 2007. Her expertise is in water, wastewater, and storm water distribution, collection, and treatment with a specialization in pump stations. Her master’s research is on the defluoridation of drinking water.
4. Rebecca Garcia, Grad student NM Tech Rebecca earned a BS in Geology and Education in 2007 from New Mexico State University and is currently working on a MS in Geology with an emphasis on Geochronology and Thermochronology from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. During her undergraduate career she was able to travel, study, and work in many different places. Some of the many adventures included a summer internship with the US Forest Service in Athens, OH, research experience on the Caribbean island of Dominica studying volcanoes, and a study abroad opportunity in Costa Rica. Rebecca’s current research has her climbing mountains in the Colorado Rockies in order to collect and date rocks for the purpose of uncovering when and how fast these mountains were created.
Food: Adults, presenters and students (~200 people) - LeAnn Brasure
Last year we spent approximately $500 on snacks and beverages for the three groups. My goal is to stay at approximately that same dollar amount however it looks like UNM catering was a fairly good deal. I've compared their prices with Flying Star and UNM was significantly less expenses - although I'm sure the quality of what we would get from Flying Star would be better.
I also have the name of a small caterer who may be able to give us a better price and I will try a couple of other caterers as well. The other benefit to using a caterer is they will do more of the work setting up the food and should have the table clothes and things to make a better presentation.
In the past we've purchased bulk snack bars for the students but if I can get a better deal purchasing all the food from one place I'll take that route. If I'm unable to stay within the $500 budget I'll let you know.
Gifts: I'm starting to look for things on sale to put in the door prize bags and hope to give them a more "sciencey" feel this year. Also, I need to know who will be doing the keynote this year so I can start to look for that gift (or those gifts if it's a panel).
DAY OF and Volunteer coordinator – Amy Tapia, chair with Dana Roberson and Yolanda King, Alice K. W. Yuen Shriver
- icebreaker game upon arrival
- staffing registration table
- making sure you have go-fers, volunteers the day of to do various tasks
- scheduling rooms for presenters and providing signs, directions, and guides to get people to where they need to be.
CEYH website - Tinka Gammel
1) I have updated the pages to reflect the new design and have removed most of the various 'draft' cautions by incorporating the info from the final brochure as well as the feedback I have gotten to date. I'll try and add the info from the reports that come in as appropriate. I would appreciate the various chairs emailing me corrections or updates as they notice or have them, as well as any other suggestions from any of you to improve these pages.
2) I would eventually like someone else to take on doing the CEYH pages
- ideally, it should be someone actively on the committee to facilitate keeping them up-to-date.
CEYH listserver - Claudia Barreto and Tinka Gammel (not sure if this category needs to be kept on, but since it's new it's probably worth a report)
Tinka's report: I hope you all are finding it useful. Now that we have some experience with it, two questions:
- Should we keep the default reply-to as being the whole list (to keep everyone in the loop)? Or should we change that to be just to the person who sent the email (to reduce unnecessary traffic)?
- do we need a second listserver so we, e.g., have one for active committee business and another for 'general interest', which could possibly could be for presenters and other volunteers who don’t need to keep informed of the day-to-day business of the committee, or for teachers etc who want periodic reminders or similar (or we could have three - presuming people felt the need and Claudia was willing to host...) Also, if any of you have other feedback on switching to using a listserver, let us know.
Evaluations - Dana Roberson; has been sent out to EYH chairs
Fundraising and sponsors- Diane Albert
McCune has funded statewide EYH $2,000
SFCC, Phyllis Baca Tech Prep has funded $5,000 statewide and will fund the teacher STEM 115 course
Sandia has funded CEYH up to $5,000
Items for the tote bags needed!!
Los Alamos (non-Board position)Lisa Colleti
No updates.
Silver City (non-Board position)Rosa Romero
No updates.
Chapter Reports:
Central ChapterJeanne Banks
No report.
NorthernWendee Brunish
We need to ask WB for a report.
Old Business/Action Items:
Date Opened / Open Action Items / Responsible / StatusOngoing / Newsletter
We need articles. / Elizabeth / ongoing
Changes to Committees
School to World / Laurie / February 27
Spill and Ripples Activities for Careers CD / Laurie / closed
Stuff for tote bags: buy or donations / Tinka
Name change / Laurie / closed
Northern chapter / Barbara Torres / closed
NAISEF: how many $50 awards, volunteer judges
LM will send out a call for judges. Not to exceed 2 awards. The minimum award this year is $50. March 11-13 in ABQ. / Tinka / closed
State Science Fair: volunteer judges / ALL / ongoing
Regional Science Fair
Spills & Ripples: We currently include S&R activities on the Careers CD. Elizabeth Kallman moved to accept the increased price (165 instead of 100 to include entire sate) Yolanda King seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. (For a review of S&R see
Elizabeth Kallman is working on AGO report.
New Business:
WE NEED JUDGES FOR STATE SCIENCE FAIR on 4/10/10. We will hold the next board meeting after the science fair in Socorro
Tinka proposed the following future agenda items:
* We will need another tote bag printing for 2011
* We need to decide if we are going to do another hardcopy Careers book printing, as we are down to about 100, although we have not been using many the past few years.
* EYH chairs please consider giving any odd leftovers from EYH to our student award cache.
* Is Laurie doing the 2011 CD permissions? If not, do we have a volunteer? Any suggestions for new things to add to the 2011 CD?
* Any chance of getting someone to take over creating the 2011 CD master once permissions are in hand?
* Any chance of getting someone to take over as webmaster or Communications chair?
The meeting was adjourned at12:00pm.
NMNWSE Board Meeting February 2010 MinutesPage 1