Minutes of Council Meeting held on 11 February 2013 Cont….
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Meeting
of Ulverston Town Council held in the Town Hall,
Ulverston on 11 February 2013 at 7.15.p.m.
PRESENT : Councillors B. Marr (Chairman), N. Bishop-Rowe, J. Clough, P. Cooper,
M. Hornby, H. Irving, J. Jenkinson, P. Jones, P. Lister, C. Pickthall, J. Pickthall,
J. Prosser, B. Rajan, A. Rigg, P. Smith, Brian Tate, M. Wilson.
Also Present : The Town Clerk, Town Clerk designate, Councillor J. Airey (CCC), Press (2), Public (3), Police (1).
Cllr. J Harris (personal).
Cllr. M. Hornby declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 18, Lake District National Park Authorities Proposed Boundary Changes.
a. The Town Mayor provided an outline of the events that she had attended since the last Council meeting. This included an excellent combined musical event in the Coronation Hall on 31 January, involving the UVHS Wind Band and the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines, Scotland based in Rosyth.
b. The Mayor referred to Item 26 on the agenda, Staff Matters and proposed that this item be held in Closed Session due to the confidential nature of issues to be discussed. This was agreed.
c. Reference was made to the third edition of “The Good Councillors Guide” and the second edition of the “Talk of the Town” magazine, copies of which were provided for members.
a. Davis Wilson, Oubas Hill, Ulverston referred to the planning application regarding the land adjacent to Next Ness Lane and the plans for a factory and office development with ancillary building and car parking related to Tritech International Ltd. Mr. Wilson said that he was generally in favour of the development but noted that the feeder footpath was shown as untended. There had been no effort to clear this footpath last summer and it is overgrown with brambles. He added that there was an opportunity to improve this footpath so that it becomes an asset. The access road would also go into the neighbouring fields and affect his property. Mr. Wilson hoped that there would be planting and screening at an early stage.
b. Ian Jackson, LA12 9DT referred to the Wood Storage and drying ‘Bioplant’ in North Lonsdale Road. He said that there is constant steam and fumes from the plant and residents in the area where complaining about it affecting their breathing. Mr. Jackson had contacted the Environmental Health Department at SLDC who had visited the site and he was told that there was no problem with the plant. He asked the Town Council if they could contact SLDC to arrange for someone to monitor the air quality as there were concerns about the plant. The Town Clerk will write to the Head of Environmental health.
It was resolved that the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 7 January 2013 be approved and adopted.
a. County Councillors
Cllr. J. Airey gave a brief update on progress regarding the proposals to restrict traffic in New Market Street (Option 4) on Market Days. All stakeholders were now being consulted on this scheme and once the consultation is complete there will be a need to go through the legal process in April. Cllr. Airey said that it was important to ensure that the correct procedures were followed in order to move forward and reach a satisfactory outcome. Cllr. P. Lister asked whether the entrance to New Market Street would be protected physically. Cllr. Airey said that appropriate signage would be in place but that there would not be any physical barriers.
b. District Councillors
Cllr. M. Wilson referred to the SLDC Annual Constitution Review that was being set up, details of which were available on the SLDC website on the Constitution pages. Any comments were required by 8 March 2013.
Cllr. N. Bishop-Rowe referred to the Option 4 proposals for traffic restrictions in New Market Street and said that access for emergency services were still required and that he would not want to see fixed bollards installed in this area.
c. Police
Sgt R. Johnston referred to the New Market Street traffic restrictions and said that the Ulverston Police were fully in support of the proposals. There would be a police presence in New Market Street to enforce the new Traffic Regulation Order initially. With regard to Emergency Services, they would be given access the wrong way down New Market Street if necessary. Sgt. Johnston then provided members with an updated Crime Report, which showed that overall, crime was still down. Cllr. M. Wilson asked if the 101 telephone number for contacting the police on non-emergency situations was proving satisfactory and Sgt. Johnston confirmed that it was.
(i) Resolved: That the following observations be made on planning applications:-
SL/12/0813 CCC Offices, Brogden Street, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVED this application subject to neighbours considerations being taken into account.
SL/12/0977 Tarn Side, Ulverston. The Town Council REFUSED this application on the grounds that the development proposed is intensive and there are strong safety concerns with regard to access and egress on the site on a blind corner. SLDC Planning Department are asked to carry out a full highways assessment of traffic and parking issues.
SL/12/1000 Newland Farm, Newland, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVED this application.
SL/12/1021 75 Urswick Road, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVED this application subject to neighbours considerations being taken into account.
SL/12/1063 4 Sea View, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVED this application.
SL/12/0046 Land Adjacent to Next Ness Lane, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVED this application, but asked for confirmation that a full Environmental Impact Assessment had been carried out and that there should be special attention to Planning Gain, which could include partnership working involving access to the site, footpath maintenance and good screening
(ii) Applications Granted and Refused by the District Council noted.
Property at : Masonic Hall, Kings Road, Ulverston.
Proposed Development : Rear extension to accommodate escape stairs and
Changing rooms.
The Planning Appeal was noted.
a. Local Neighbourhood Forum
It was noted that Low Furness & Ulverston Community “Drop-In Meetings” were being held throughout February for members of the public to speak to Local County Councillors and representatives from Cumbria Highways to view plans and comment on the proposals for restrictions on New Market Street, Market Street and Brogden Street on Market Days.
b. Proposed 30mph Speed Limit, Tebay Lane, Ulverston
The Consultation deadline for responses is 28 February 2013.
c. Ulverston bus Services
A six-month trial will see two of Ulverston’s bus services merge to increase availability for users. Cumbria County Council’s South Lakeland Local Committee had agreed to fund the trial. From 11 February, five of the 11 journeys a day on the Service 70 route will be diverted to cover the Service 60.
d. Training for Councillors
Training Courses delivered by CALC until July 2013 had been made know to Councillors. This included finance and business planning. CALC can also deliver training on site on specific needs as required.
e. Furness Wind Farm Infinergy and GSK
GSK has expressed an interest in purchasing green electricity from the proposed Furness Wind Farm in line with GSK’s overall sustainability strategy of using renewable energy sources.
f. Emergency Planning for Communities
It was noted that the Communities sub group of Cumbria Local Resilience Forum recently produced a 10-step emergency planning toolkit to help communities plan how they can assist in the response to local emergencies. It was agreed that John Davies, the SLDC Emergency Officer be invited to address the Town Council on this issue.
g. Meeting of the CALC South Lakeland District Association
The next meeting will take place on 7 March 2013 at 7pm at the Gilpin Bridge Inn. Agenda, Minutes and supporting papers were provided for members.
h. Cumbria & Lancashire Vascular Services Review – Appeal Decision
The appeal was reviewed and considered by a Local Dispute Resolution Panel. The Panel found the procurement process to adhere to the standards expected and to be fair, robust and transparent. The appeal, which challenged the procurement process has not been upheld. It is anticipated that the proposed vascular network will now proceed.
i. Update on plans for a clinical strategy for the Morecambe Bay area
A letter had been received from the Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group on plans to develop a clinical strategy for the Morecambe Bay area and further consultations will follow.
j. Welfare Reforms Briefing for CALC Members
It was noted that the Government is introducing major changes to the national welfare and benefits system later this year. The centrepiece of the changes will see six income-related work-based benefits replaced with a new Universal Credit. This is currently expected to start for new claimants in October 2013, with people moving over from existing benefits during the following four years.
k. Police and Crime Plan Consultation
The new Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes has launched a consultation on the Police and Crime Plan for Cumbria. The consultation is open until 20 February.
l. Report to Parish & Town Councils within the South Lakeland District by the Parish Remuneration Panel
This report and recommendations for the year from 1 April 2013 until 31 March 2014 was noted.
m. Flood Risk Management, Ulverston
An update on Flood Risk Management in Ulverston from the Environment Agency will be given at the Low Furness & Ulverston Neighbourhood Forum on 19 February 2013.
n. Temporary Footpath Closure, The Gill, Ulverston
The closure is in relation to the proposed Ulverston Flood Risk Management Scheme, which also includes flood defence work at the Gill. The Environment Agency confirmed that they had consulted widely on this liaising with affected residents and affected parties.
o. SLDC Latest Policy Briefing
The latest SLDC Policy Briefing covering financial matters, Homelessness, Reports & Strategies, Consultations and Neighbourhood Plans was noted.
Cllr. C. Pickthall introduced the following Motion to the meeting :
“This Council is committed to working with SLDC to ensure a sustainable future for the Coronation Hall”
Cllr. C. Pickthall said that there was a need to examine the financial figures that had been provided by SLDC for the Coronation Hall and that there will be an opportunity to discuss this at the next Participatory Budgeting meeting in the Town Hall on 25 February. He proposed that a “Friends of the Coronation Hall” working group be established to look at all aspects of the Hall. Cllr. J. Jenkinson said that this should be a partnership concept that could raise funds. Cllr. P. Lister seconded this proposal and it was agreed that this should be taken forward. It was noted that the next Strategy Meeting would take place on 4 March and the outcome of this meeting would be reported to full council on 11 March.
Jayne Kendall referred to her paper which provided an update for members on the progress of the Business Improvement District initiative in Ulverston. This included supporting papers, including a quote for preliminary work, a copy of Mr. C. Kolek’s power point presentation and notes of the recent UCP meeting on this issue on 21 January.
At this meeting, representatives from businesses including GSK, Mark and Oxley Developments had all expressed their interest in the proposal. Following the meeting, it was agreed that Chris Kolek be commissioned to undertake preliminary work on the feasibility of a BIDS initiative for Ulverston. This work would be funded from the UCP Business & Enterprise Group and would cost £1,300. Cllr. P. Lister proposed that this work goes ahead. This was seconded by Cllr. J. Jenkinson and agreed. Cllr. J. Jenkinson added that if a future election is held on the BID, then the cost of this will need to be funded.
The Town Clerk referred to the papers relating to the Community Governance Review for 2013. These included SLDC’s Governance Review Timetable and the Terms of Reference. UTC needed to respond initially to this consultation by 7 May. Members were reminded that a full council response is required, even if no changes are put forward by the council. More details are available on SLDC’s website. The timetable was noted and UTC will respond in due course.
The Town Clerk reported that United Utilities had now received Planning Permission for their wastewater project at the Ellers Allotment site. The estimated start date is the middle of April, to be confirmed. Arrangements were being made by UU to remove the existing trees in the orchard by 31 March at the latest to avoid the bird nesting season. UU intend to hold a second public exhibition on 21 February at the Sure Start Children’s Centre on Lund Terrace. Further details are expected shortly and once the construction phase has started, UU will keep UTC updated on how work is progressing on site. An update was also expected shortly from the Environment Agency on their flood protection scheme at the Ellers and they are consulting with UU on this, as at some stage they will be on site at the same time.
The Town Clerk reported that following on from the UTC meeting on 7 January, Item R.249, costs for replacement and demolition of the existing concrete structure had been established as follows :
Cost of New Shelter : £3,895.00 plus Vat
Demolition of existing shelter : £1,295.00 plus Vat
This information had been passed to Carol Last, Area Engagement Officer, Cumbria County Council and was needed in order to place on the agenda of the next C.C.C. Local Committee to approve the expenditure. Once this has been approved, the order can be submitted. The question of ownership will need to be agreed. Cllr. J. Jenkinson said that in the spirit of partnership working, that SLDC should pay for the demolition of the concrete shelter. This was agreed and this will be put to SLDC.