Speaker Application to Present to ICF Philadelphia Members

Thank you for your interest in presenting to the International Coach Federation Philadelphia (ICFP), an ICF Charter Chapter. ICFP’s mission is toenrich lives, create value, and expand possibilities for our members, clients, and communities while promoting standards of excellence in coaching.

We are specifically interested in speakers that can address the ICF core competencies, personal development of the coach, business development and any other skills and tools that are relevant to the coaching business. Presentations that are interactive and incorporate experiential exercises work best with our audience. They involve the audience actively participating via exercises forthe whole audience, small groups or dyads followed by time for debriefing and/or questions.

Here’s the process to apply:

  1. Read and complete this form
  2. Submit it to:

Maria Novey


  1. We will contact you upon receipt.


ICF Philadelphia Dinner Meetings take place atthe Valley Forge Radisson Hotel, 1160 First Avenue, King of Prussia, PA. Our meetings are a combination of general business and educational experiences complete with continuing coach education credits (CCEUs). ICF Philadelphia’s audience will include 30-60 coaches with varying levels of experience. A buffet dinner is served and members sit at round tables of 10. Generally members are finished with dinner during the program but may still be enjoying dessert and coffee. Depending on the month and the other business we are covering, presentations are usually 1 or 1-1/2 hours long. If more than one person is presenting then each presentation will be approximately 45 minutes. We can’t guarantee which time slot will be available so we ask that your presentation be adaptable. Once we accept your proposal and set a date you will know how long you will have.

  • Presenting atthe ICF Philadelphia Chapter is an opportunityto expand the knowledge and skills of our attendees, while giving back to the profession of coaching.
  • Presenting atthe ICF Philadelphia Chapter is not a sales or marketing opportunity for your company or yourself during your presentation. The ICF Philadelphia Chapter does not pay presenters per diems, honorariums or expenses. However, you are invited to join us for dinner at no charge.
  • As an added benefit, a table will be made available at no charge for presenters to display their select publications, promotional items and business cards before and after the meeting.

Currently booked presenters and their topics can be viewed on the Calendar of Events page of our website:

We look forward to receiving your submission.

Please fill out the following form and email to:

Date of Application:

I am interested in:

______Giving a face-to-facepresentation at ICF Philadelphia member meeting

______Facilitating a Tele-class at a mutually decided time



Name of Primary Presenter (point of contact person):




Tele: W: C:


Credential status of the primary speaker/facilitator:

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[ ] ACC

[ ] PCC

[ ] MCC

[ ] Currently pursuing an ICF Credential

[ ] Not currently pursuing an ICF Credential

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Please check which, if any, memberships you currently hold:

[ ] ICF Philadelphia[ ] International Coach Federation

Name of additional presenter (if any):




Tele: W: C:


Credential status of the additional speaker/facilitator:

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[ ] ACC

[ ] PCC

[ ] MCC

[ ] Currently pursuing an ICF Credential

[ ] Not currently pursuing an ICF Credential

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Please check which, if any, memberships you currently hold:

[ ] ICF - Philadelphia[ ] International Coach Federation

How did you find out about this opportunity?

Has the Presenter spoken at other ICF chapters or conferences? If yes, please identify the event, date and topic.

What education, life experiences or credentials does the Presenter have that qualifies him/her to speak on this topic?

Presentation Information

Title of Presentation:

Description of the presentation, will be used for promotion (500 words or less):

Speaker Bios, will be used for promotion (100 words or less):

Learning Objectives, provide 3 – 5:

CCEU Categories, please check which apply:

[ ] ICF Core Competencies: and training or instruction that advances coaching practice. List Core Competencies you would cover/address:

[ ] Resource Development: for example, 1) development of the coach as a person rather than as a coach, 2) marketing, finances, technology or other business skills, or 3) instruction other skills and tools that are not coaching skills but may be useful to a coach. List Resource Development areas you would address in your presentation:

I/We are choosing to submit one of the following:

1. A 10-30 minute video of the applicant(s) delivering a presentation of some kind.

2. Contact information of two people that have seen me and any co-presenters speak or present:




We can provide the following:

  • Microphone
  • Podium (placed in the front of the room)
  • Table for Promotional Materials
  • Projector/Screen (computer compatible)

Please list top three date preferences (third Thursday of the month) for in person meeting for 2016:

January 21 June 16

February 18 September 15

March 17 October 20

April 21 November 17

May 19 December 15

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