Women in Film & Television Atlanta's

**duties subject to change**

Each board member is responsible for the fiscal viability of the organization.

WIFTA is an all volunteer, non-profit organization whose income comes from membership dues and sponsorships.

WIFTA provides scholarships, educational programs, networking, job and internship opportunities.


·  Must be past Board Member

·  Preside over all meetings of WIFTA, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee meetings

·  Coordinate and oversee all aspects of the organization and perform all administrative duties as required by Board of Directors

·  Represent WIFTA publicly and act as a liaison with other organizations. Serve as the Advisory Board liaison.

·  Serves on the Executive Committee


·  Act as President in the event of the President's incapacity

·  Preside at Board and Executive Committee meetings when the President is absent

·  Provide oversight for the Internship Program and the Mentorship Program

·  Provide oversight and coordination for the Public Service Announcement

·  Seek out jobs and opportunities for our members and post them in the jobs and opportunities section of WIFTA.org

·  Supervise and assist in the activities of the:

o  Programs Director

o  Workshops Director

·  Responsible for the timely completion of their tasks and will represent their concerns at the Executive Board Meeting.

·  Serves on the Executive Committee


Act as President in the event of the incapacity or absence of the President or Vice President of Professional Development

·  Supervise and assist in the activities of:

o  Public Relations Director

o  Webmaster

o  WIFTA Blog Editor

o  Special Events Director

·  Maintains and administers timely updates to the website and to the webmaster for the weekly e-mail updates

·  Ensures that all information on the web site and in the blog is accurate and timely

·  Ensures that all Board member information on the web is current

·  Ensures that the WIFTA Calendar is up to date and that the past events page is correct

·  Ensures that information about jobs and opportunities for the membership is posted on the website

·  Serves on the Executive Committee


·  Coordinates all membership drives through contacts with area colleges and organizations

·  Actively seeks Corporate Members

·  Seeks benefits for members

·  Keeps prospective new members informed of the activities of WIFTA

·  Processes applications of new members

·  Sends out new member packets when someone joins, including membership cards

·  Maintains and updates the WIFTA membership database

·  Prepares and sends renewal notices and invoices to members with expired memberships

·  Handles inquiries about WIFTA membership

·  Provides updated application forms to interested persons and Board Members when needed

·  Maintains the membership database and sends out reminder for membership renewal

·  Works with VP of Professional Development to ensure the Membership Directory is updated

·  Serves on the Executive Committee


·  Provide monthly financial statements to the Board of Directors

·  Keep all financial records of the organization

·  Deposit all incoming checks and write checks for all incoming bills

·  Reimburse WIFTA members for WIFTA expenditures

·  Reconcile Bank Account each month

·  Responsible for handling tax forms and other financial matters

·  Serve as chair of the Finance Committee

·  Serve on the Executive Committee


·  Record, distribute, and keep record of the minutes of all Executive Committee and Board of Director meetings

·  Keep a record of:

o  By-laws

o  Articles of Incorporation

o  Membership lists

o  Agendas and Minutes

o  Financial Statements

·  Keeps Correspondence and relevant information

·  Maintain attendance records for each Officer's attendance at WIF/A meetings and shall notify the President of any Office whose absences exceed by-law standards

·  Keep a list of addresses of and contact persons for all Women in Film chapters. Maintain a file of correspondence from all Women in Film chapters.

·  Serve on the Executive Committee


·  Plan regular program meetings, which should be educational and informational in nature; the focus of said programs must align with and further the goals of the organization

·  Make all arrangements for each program (location, catering, speaker, etc…)

·  Follow-up with "thank-you" notes to program participants, co-sponsors, and funding agencies

·  Provide meeting notices to the VP of Communication for inclusion in the blog, e-blasts, social media, etc.

·  Provide information to the Public Relations Director with enough notice to send to press sources (must deliver within 10 days of event)


·  Writes and distributes news releases on the activities of WIFTA for:

o  Website

o  Email list

o  Forums

o  Other organizations' websites and email lists

o  And other sources the Board finds appropriate

·  Maintains a file of press sources and contacts at all times

·  Works with the Blog Editor


·  Responsible for obtaining discounts to other events of interest to the membership

·  Oversee the Annual WIFTA Gala; coordinate the Gala Committee

·  Oversee the Short Film Showcase and other events deemed “special events”

·  Responsible for outreach and coordination of celebrity speakers/honorees

·  Coordinate and direct all arrangements for the Gala including but not limited to:

o  Invitations and the Program

o  Public relations and Promotions

o  Budget

o  Staging and catering plans

o  Entertainment of any dignitaries or honorees of the event

o  Silent Auction and “Goodie” Bags


·  Plan regular skill-building workshops (ie. topics must go beyond providing information), which should be educational and result in professional and / or personal development; the focus of said workshops must align with and further the goals of the organization

·  Make all arrangements for each program (location, catering, speaker, etc…)

·  Follow-up with "thank-you" notes to workshop participants, co-sponsors, and funding agencies

·  Provide meeting notices to the VP of Communication for inclusion in the blog, e-blasts, social media, etc.

·  Provide information to the Public Relations Director with enough notice to send to press sources (must deliver within 10 days of event)