

1. For many patients, institutional care is the most and beneficial form of care.

A) pertinent B) appropriate C) acute D) persistent

2. Among all the changes resulting from the entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.

A) massive B) quantitative C) surplus D) formidable

3. Mr. Smith became very when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.

A) ingenious B) empirical C) objective D) indignant

4. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into ones.

A) turbulent B) tragic C) vulnerable D) suspicious

5. The cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.

A) incompatible B) exceeding C) instantaneous D) eternal

6. She remains confident and untroubled by our present problems.

A) indefinitely B) infinitely C) optimistically D) seemingly

7. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations .

A). Simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) contemporarily

8. The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the .

A) vain B)vicinity C) court D) jail

9. Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major in every family's budget.

A) nutrition B) expenditure C) routine D) provision

10. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.

A) configuration B) constitution C) condemnation D) contamination

11. There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the from fall to winter.

A) transmission B) transformation C) transition D) transfer

12. I think we need to see an investment before we make an expensive mistake.

A) guide B) entrepreneur C) consultant D) assessor

13. The on this apartment expires in a year's time.

A) treaty B) lease C) engagement D) subsidy

14. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state

A) pensions B) earnings C) salaries D) donations

15. There is supposed to be a safety which makes it impossible for trains to collide.

A) appliance B) accessory C) machine D) mechanism

16. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally .

A) deteriorated B) dispersed C) dissipated D) drained

17. No one can function properly if they are of adequate sleep.

A) deprived B) ripped C) stripped D) contrived

18. For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly by a dictator.

A) depressed B) immersed C) oppressed D) cursed

19. Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been towards producing workers.

A) harnessed B) hatched C) motivated D) geared

20. The prospect of increased prices has already worries.

A) provoked B) irritated C) inspired D) hoisted

21. The suspect that he had not been in the neighborhood at the time of the crime.

A) advocated B)alleged C) addressed D) announced

22. Although the colonists to some extent with the Native Americans, the Indians' influence on American culture and language was not extensive.

A) migrated B) matched C) mingled D) melted

23. E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that well to human needs.

A) adheres B) reflects C) conforms D) satisfies

24. The wings of the bird still after it had been shot down.

A) slapped B) scratched C) flapped D) fluctuated

25. The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously relations between the two countries.

A) tumble B) jeopardize C) manipulate D) intimidate

26. When you put up wallpaper, should you the edges or put them next to each other?

A) coincide B) extend C) overlap D) collide

27. Under the present system, state enterprises must all profits to the government.

A) turn down B) turn up C) turn out D) turn in

28. Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being .

A) laid out B) laid off C) laid down D) laid aside

29. We'll you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.

A) compensate B) remedy C) supplement D) retrieve

30. She cut her hair short and tried to herself as a man.

A)decorate B) disguise C) fabricate D) fake


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.D

11.C 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.D 20A

21.B 22.C 2.C 24.C 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.B


1. The doctors don't that he will live much longer.

A) articulate B) anticipate C) manifest D) monitor

2. I suggest we put the scheme into effect, for it is quite .

A) eligible B) sustainable C) probable D) feasible

3. The old gentleman was a very looking person, with gray hair and gold spectacles.

A) respectful B) respected C) respective D) respectable

4. This book is expected to the best- seller lists.

A) promote B) prevail C) dominate D) exemplify

5. That part of the city has long been for its street violence.

A) notorious B) responsible C) historical D) illegal

6. Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat by steam.

A) towed B)pressed C) tossed D) propelled

7. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, themselves.

A) expanding B) stretching C) prolonging D) extending

8. England's team, who are now superbly fit, will be doing their best next week to themselves for last year' s defeat.

A) revive B) retort C) revenge D) remedy

9. If you want to get into that tunnel, you first have to away all the rocks.

A) haul B) transfer C) repel D) dispose

10. It took us only a few hours to the paper off all four walls.

A) shear B) scrape C) stroke D) chip

11. The famous scientis this success to hard work.

A) imparted B) granted C) ascribed D) acknowledged

12. It is difficult to of a plan to end poverty.

A) speculate B) conceive C) ponder D) reckon

13. Now the cheers and applause in a single sustained roar.

A) mingled B) concentrated C) assembled D) permeated

14. Improved consumer confidence is to an economic recovery.

A) crucial B) subordinate C) cumulative D) satisfactory

15. Although the body is made up of many different tissues, these tissues are arranged in an and orderly fashion.

A) incredible B) intricate C) internal D) initial

16. If you work under a car when repairing it, you often get very .

A) waxy B) slippery C) sticky D) greasy

17. The damage to his car was , therefore, he could repair it himself.

A) considerable B) appreciable C) negligible D) invisible

18. My sister is quite and plans to get an M. A. degree within one year.

A) aggressive B) enthusiastic C) considerate D) ambitious

19. The manager tried to wave aside these issues as details that would be settled later.

A) versatile B) trivial C) preliminary D) alternate

20. His was telling him that something was wrong.

A) intuition B) hypothesis C) inspiration D) sentiment

21. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important of American life.

A) fashions B) frontiers C) facets D) formats

22. Parents often faced the between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.

A) paradox B) junction C) dilemma D) premise

23. Clark felt that his in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent.

A) apprehension B) appreciation C) presentation D) participation

24. As one of the youngest professors in the university, Miss King is certainly on the of a brilliant career.

A) threshold B) edge C) porch D) course

25. The lawyer made a great impression on the jury.

A) protecting B) guarding C) defending D) shielding

26. Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very .

A) dim B) obscure C) conspicuous D) intelligible

27. This movie is not for children to see: it contains too much violence and too many love scenes.

A) profound B) valid C) decent D) upright

28. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it into fragments.

A) broke off B) broke away C) broke through D) broke up

29. The detective and his assistant have begun to the mysterious murder.

A) come through B) look into C) make over D) see to

30. Sadly, the Giant Panda is one of the many species now in danger of .

A)extinction B) migration C) destruction D) extraction



【辨析】难词辨析,manifest (展现,使显示);articulate(清晰的发音);monitor(监视), anticipate (预期,预见)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,feasible(可行的); probable(可能的); eligible(合格的); sustainable(可以忍受的)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,respective (各自的,分别的);respectful(对…尊敬的,恭敬的); respectable(可敬的,令人尊敬的);respected 是respect的过去分词。过去式,表示尊敬,尊重。


【辨析】近义词辨析,exemplify(例证,用例子证明); prevail(流行,战胜); promote(促进,发扬,策划); dominate(支配,统治,占主导)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,historical(有关历史的,历史的);responsible(有责任的,可靠的);常与to和for连用, illegal(非法的); notorious(声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的)。


【辨析】同义词辨析,tow (拖着);toss (掷,投);propel(驱动,推动); press(拥挤,压着某物体)。


【辨析】动词辨析,stretch (伸展);stretch oneself表示伸个懒腰 ,prolong (延长,拖延);expand(使膨胀,扩张); extend(延长,伸展); extend oneself表示竭尽全力。


【辨析】动词辨析,remedy(治疗,修正,纠正); revive(使苏醒,符合);revenge(复仇,雪耻); retort(反驳,反击)。


【辨析】同义词辨析,repel(抵制,击退);haul (拖拉,拖动);transfer(迁移,转移,改变); dispose(处理,布置,安排)。


【辨析】同义词辨析,chip(切成碎片); shear (剪,,剪切);scrape(包下,刮下); stroke(抚摸); scrape away (刮掉,擦掉);chip away(消掉);硬东西等。


【辨析】动词辨析,acknowledge(承认,致谢); grant(赠与,授予);ascribe(归因于,归功于); impart(给予,授予)。


【辨析】同义词辨析,ponder(仔细考虑); speculate(沉思,推测); reckon (计算,评价);conceive(提出,构思);常与of连用。


【辨析】同义词辨析,assemble (结合,组合);表示声音的词不能于assemble做主谓搭配和动宾结构; mingle(混合,汇成);常与 with连用; concentrate(集中的);常用concentrate on结构, permeate(弥漫,遍布)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,crucial(至关重要的,有决定性的);subordinate(次要的,从属的);常与 subordinate to 连用,cumulative(积累得,渐增的);不与介词to连用, satisfactory(令人满意的,合适的,符合要求的)。


【辨析】形近词辨析,intricate (复杂的,错综的);initial(最初的,初始的); internal(内在的,国内的); incredible(难以置信的,难以理解的)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,greasy(有油污的,油腻的);slippery(光滑的); sticky (粘的,粘性的)waxy(油漆的,蜡封的)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,appreciable (可估计的);considerable(相当的,巨大的); negligible(微不足道,可忽略的) ,invisible(看不见的)。


【辨析】近义词辨析,aggressive (好斗的,侵略的);enthusiastic(热心的,热情的); considerate(体贴的。周到的);ambitious(有雄心的,雄心勃勃的)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,alternate (交替的,轮换的);trivial(琐细的,价值不高的); versatile(通用的,万能的); preliminary(初步的,预备的)。


【辨析】难词辨析,sentiment(情感); hypothesis(假设) inspiration (灵感);intuition(直觉,本能)。


【辨析】名词辨析,facet (问题的一个方面);frontier(边界,前沿); fashion(样式,模式); format(样式,格式)。


【辨析】名词辨析,junction (结合点,汇合点);premise (前提);paradox (矛盾)dilemma(进退两难,困难的选择)。


【辨析】名词辨析,appreciation (理解);presentation (出席,出现);participation(参加,加入) apprehension(恐惧,不安)。

24.【译文】作为大学里最年轻的教授之一,Miss King正处于辉煌事业的开始。

【辨析】难词辨析,edge(边界,刀口); porch(门槛,走廊); threshold(开端,入口); course (过程,课程)。


【辨析】名词辨析,defend(辩护,辩解,当辩护律师); shield(防护,保护); guard (守卫,保卫);protect(保护)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,intelligible (可理解的,清楚的);obscure(模糊辨不清); dim(光线暗的); conspicuous(引人注目的)。


【辨析】形容词辨析,profound (深奥的);upright(垂直的); valid(正确,有效的); decent(合适的,正当的)。

28.【译文】这块木头如此腐烂,所以我们一拉 ,它就碎成小块。

【辨析】短语辨析,break away (逃跑,逃离);break up(打碎,成碎片); break off (中断,终止)break through(突破)。


【辨析】短语辨析,look into(调查,检查); make over(改变,重新); see to(照料,照顾); come through(冲破,突破)。

30.【译文】可悲的是 ,大熊猫是濒临灭绝的物种之一。

【辨析】名词辨析,migration (移民);destruction(破坏); extinction (灭绝);extraction(拨出,取出)。


1. When people are asked what kind of housing they need or want, the question a variety of answers.

A) defies B) magnifies C) mediates D) evokes

2. If you want to set up a company, you must with the regulations laid down by the authorities.

A) comply B) adhere C) confirm D) accord

3. Although there are occasional outbreaks of gunfire, we can report that the rebellion has in the main been .

A) canceled B) destroyed C) suppressed D) restrained

4. Since the two countries couldn't their differences, they decided to stop their negotiations.

A) rectify B) oblige C) reconcile D) obscure

5. The presidential candidate his position by winning several primary elections.

A) enforced B) enriched C) intensified D) consolidated

6. The fuel of the continental missile is supposed to be by this device.

A) ignited B) lighted C) fired D) inspired

7. Mike just discovered that his passport had three months ago.

A) abolished B) expired C) amended D) constrained

8. Frankly speaking, your article is very good except for some mistakes in grammar.

A) obscure B) glaring C) trivial D) rare

9. There was once an idea that the earth was flat and motionless

A) absurd B) intrinsic C) eternal D) offensive

10. Certain species disappeared or became as new forms arose that were better adapted to the Earth's changing environment.

A) feeble B) extinct C) massive D) extinguished

11. His directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.

A) ambiguous B) complicated C) arbitrary D) intricate

12. Franklin D. Roosevelt argued that the depression stemmed from the American economy's flaws.

A) underlining B) vulnerable C) vulgar D) underlying

13. Some studies confirmed that this kind of eye disease was in tropical countries.

A) prospective B) prevalent C) provocative D) perpetual

14. I am afraid that you have to alter your views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.

A) indifferent B) distressing C) optimistic D) pessimistic

15. Although he has had no formal education, he is one of the businessmen in the company

A) shrewdest B) sternest C) nastiest D) alertest

16. Stop shouting! I can't hear the football .

A) judgment B)interpretation C) commentary D) explanation

17. The cultures of China and Japan have shared many features, but each has used them according to its national .

A) engagement B)destiny C) capacity D) temperament

18. Every member of society has to make a to struggle for the freedom of the country.

A) pledge B) warranty C) resolve D) guarantee

19. I was deeply impressed by the hostess' and enjoyed the dinner party very much.

A) hostility B) indignation C) hospitality D) humanity

20. David tends to feel useless and unwanted in a society that gives so much to those who compete well.

A) prestige B) regime C) superiority D) legislation

21. As you have seen, the value of a nation' s currency is a of its economy.

A) reaction B) reflection C) response D) revelation

22. In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world.

A) succession B) array C) string D) procession

23. We should make a clear between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.

A) separation B) discrimination C) deviation D) distinction

24. The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in Athens, set to when it arrived in New York.

A) go off B) get off C) come off D) carry off

25. We should be able to do the job for you quickly, you give us all the necessary information.

A) in case B)provided that C) or else D) as if

26. The younger person's attraction to stereos cannot be explained only familiarity with technology.

A) in quest of B) by means of C) in terms of D) by virtue of

27. Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were .

A) in no way B) on the contrary C) at a loss D) of no avail

28. By signing the lease we made a to pay a rent of $150 a week.

A) conception B) commission C) commitment D) confinement

29. To prevent flooding in winter the water flowing from the dam is constantly by a computer.

A) graded B) managed C) conducted D) monitored

30. Many people think of deserts as regions, but numerous species of plants and animals have adapted to life there.

A)virgin B) barren C) void D) wretched


1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10.B

11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. A

21. B 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. B



【辨析】难词辨析,defy (公然反抗,藐视);magnify(扩大,夸大,放大);mediate(调停,调节); evoke(引起,产生)。


【辨析】短语辨析,comply with 是固定搭配,意思是顺从,遵守,accord with意思是与…相配合,confirm是及物动词,意思是使巩固,进一步确定,ashere 多与to 连用,表示坚持,粘俯。

3.【译文】 尽管偶然还有枪声,但我们可以说叛乱基本平息了。


【辨析】形近词辨析,rectify (纠正,调整,整顿 );oblige (强迫,使负有义务); 如be obliged to do是被迫做某事的意思, reconcile (使和解,调停口角分歧等);obscure(使阴暗,搞混)。

【辨析】近义词辨析,四个词都有加强的意思,enforce (实施,强制,加强);enrich(使富有,充实); consolidate(巩固,使联合起来,统一); intensify(加强,增强)。

【辨析】近义词辨析,light (点火,点燃);主要对象是能发光的物体,发热的物体, inspire(激励,引起,产生灵感); fire (烧,点燃,放);多指点燃作为烧烤的物体,如草,ignite(使着火,点燃);一般指点燃作为燃料的物体,点燃引擎等。

【辨析】难词辨析,expire (期满,死亡,排出);amend(修正,改好); abolish(废除,废止); constrain(强迫,抑制);如 constrain sb. to do sth.表示强迫某人做某事 。

【辨析】难词辨析,trivial (不重要的,轻微的);如trivial loss(轻微损失); obscure(阴暗的,不明确的,无名的); rare(稀少的 ,珍贵的); glaring(耀眼的,瞪眼的,突出的)。

9.【译文】 曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球是平的,静止的。
【辨析】难词辨析,absurd (荒谬的,不合理的);eternal(永恒,不变的); intrinsic(实在的,固有的,本质的); offensive(进攻的,冒犯的,讨厌的)。

10.【译文】 随着一些新的,能更好的适应地球环境的变化的生命形式的出现,一些物种灭绝了。

【辨析】难词辨析,feeble (虚弱的,无力的);extinct (灭种的,消失的);extinguish(熄灭,消灭);多指灯,火,信念;massive(巨大的,有力的,大规模的)。

【辨析】难词辨析,ambiguous (意义不明确的,模糊的,含糊的);complicated(复杂的); arbitrary(专横的,任意的); intricate(复杂的,难以理解的)。

【辨析】形音易混词辨析,vulnerable(易受伤害的,有缺点的); vulgar(粗俗的,普通的); underlying(在下面的,根本的,潜在的); underlining(突出的)。

【辨析】形音易混词辨析,perpetual(普通的,永恒的,终身的), prospective(未来的,预期的); provocative(激怒的,一起议论的,争论); prevalent(盛行的,流行的,普遍的)。

【辨析】难词辨析,pessimistic(悲观的,厌世的); distressing (使人痛苦的,令人苦恼的);indifferent(不感兴趣的,冷淡的); optimistic(乐观的)。

【辨析】形容词辨析,nasty(讨厌的,下流的); shrewd(精明的,敏捷的); stern(严格的,严酷的); alert(机警的,活泼的)。

【辨析】近义词辨析,judgement(审判,判决,判断); interpretation(解释,说明); commentary(集中,关注某一事件连续评论或报道); explanation(解释,辩明,说明)。

【辨析】难词辨析,destiny(命运,定数); capacity(能力,容量,资格); engagement (约定,交战,婚约);temperament(气质,性格,行为) 如 national temperament(民族性格)。

18.【译文】社会 每一个成员都要发誓为祖国的自由而奋斗。
【辨析】近义词辨析,resolve (决心,坚决,)guarantee(担保,保障) ,pledge(誓约,承诺,典当);如 make a pledge to do sth.(发誓干某事); warranty(理由,批准)。

【辨析】难词辨析,humanity (人性,仁慈,人类);hostility(敌对,敌意); indignation(愤怒) ,hospitality(好客,招待殷勤)。

【辨析】近义词辨析,prestige(声望,显赫,威望); regime(政体,制度); superiority(优秀,卓越); regislation(立法,法规,法令)。

【辨析】近义词辨析,reaction(反应,反作用); reflection(反射,反映,见解,想法); response(回答,答复,响应); revelation(揭露,新发现)。

【辨析】近义词辨析,四个词均有“排列”之意,string(一串,一行,一列); procession (队伍,行列);array(排列有序的一批,大量) ,succession(继续,继承); in succession表示的意思是接连的。


【辨析】近义词辨析,distinction(区别,个性), separation(分离,缺口); deviation(偏差,不符合);常与from连用, discrimination(区别,辨别,歧视)。


【辨析】短语辨析,get off(下车,出发,逃脱), go off(爆炸,水电断掉等); carry off(夺去,抢走); come off(离开,举行,结果是)。

25.【译文】 只要你将所有必要的信息告诉我们,我们就可以立即为你做这件工作。

【辨析】短语辨析,in case 相当于in the event(以防万一,如果); provided that(只要,假如,以…为条件) ,that可省略; or else(否则,要不然); as if相当于 as though,是好象,仿佛的意思。

26.【译文】 不能仅从熟悉技术的角度来解释立体音响对年轻人的吸引力。

【辨析】短语辨析,by means of (用…手段,靠…);in terms of(从…方面来说重要);in quest of(寻找,追求);by virtue of(由于,凭借,依靠)。


【辨析】短语辨析,of no avail (无用的,无效的);in no way(决不,无论,如何不);on the contrary(相反地);at a loss(不知所措,茫然)。


【辨析】形音易混词辨析,confinement(限制,禁闭,分娩);commitment (承诺,保证,委托);conception(概念,设想,构想);commission(佣金,委托,委员会)。




【辨析】难词辨析,void(空的,无效的); virgin(处女的,未开垦的); barren(贫瘠的,不育的); wretched(可怜的,不幸的)。


1. The Space Age in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.

A) initiated B) originated C) embarked D) commenced

2. John said that he didn’t' t quite and asked me to repeat what I had said.

A) snatch up B) summon up C) catch on D) watch out

3. When he tried to make a , he found that the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention.

A) complaint B) claim C) reservation D) decision

4. A budget of five dollars a day is totally for a trip round Europe.

A) inadequate B) incapable C) incompatible D) invalid

5. In our highly technological society, the number of jobs for unskilled worker is .

A) shrinking B) obscuring C) altering D) constraining

6. The fire has caused great losses, but the factory tried to the consequences by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported.

A) decrease B) subtract C) minimize D) degrade

7. If the world is to remain peaceful, the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local .

A) collisions B) combats C) contradictions D) conflicts

8. Satellite communications are so up-to-date that even when in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as if they were next door.

A) gliding B) cruising C) piloting D) patrolling

9. In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed in Chicago and New York City.

A) homogeneously B) simultaneously C) spontaneously D) harmoniously

10. The court considers a financial to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

A) option B) duty C) obligation D) penalty

11. I think that I committed a in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.

A) blunder B) revenge C) reproach D) scandal

12. Even when textbooks are through a school system, methods of teaching may vary greatly.

A) commonplace B) standardized C) competitive D) generalized

13. They have always regarded a man of and fairness as a reliable friend.

A) robustness B) temperament C) integrity D) compactness

14. All individuals are required to to the laws made by their governments.

A) obey B) conform C) concede D) observe

15. The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been .

A) identified B) guaranteed C) notified D) conveyed

16. It is very strange but I had an that the plane would crash.

A) inspiration B) intuition C) imagination D) incentive

17. The changing image of the family on television provides into changing attitudes toward the family in society.

A) insights B) presentations C) revelations D) specifications

18. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax .

A) efficiency B) revenues C) privileges D) validity

19. Bill is an example of a severely disabled person who has become at many survival skills.

A) proficient B) persistent C) consistent D) sufficient

20. The ties that bind us together in common activity are so that they can disappear at any moment.

A) trivial B) fatal C) tentative D) feeble

21. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to building materials to the upper floors.

A) toss B) tow C) hoist D) hurl

22. Diamonds have little value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.

A) extinct B) permanent C) surplus D) intrinsic

23. The kitchen was small and so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.

A) conventional B) compact C) compatible D) concise

24. He will resign in view of the complete failure of the research project.

A) doubtfully B) adequately C) presumably D) reasonably

25. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable his financial situation.

A) with respect to B) in accord with C) regardless of D) in terms of

26. The original elections were declared by the former military ruler .

A) void B) vulgar C) surplus D) extravagant

27. They stood gazing at the happy of children playing in the park.

A) perspective B) view C) landscape D) scene

28. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women' s status in society will through the current law system in Japan.

A) permeate B) probe C) violate D) grope

29. When he realized he had been to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened to start legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.

A) elicited B) excited C) deduced D) induced

30. These areas rely on agriculture almost , having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.

A)respectively B) extraordinarily C) incredibly D) exclusively


1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.D

11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.D

21.C 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.D


1. The directions were so that it was impossible to complete the assignment.

A) ingenious B) ambitious C) notorious D) ambiguous

2. Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most areas in Japanese life.

A) sophisticated B) competitive C) considerate D) superficial