WMS Track and Field

Welcome to the 2015 Middle School Track Season!


  • In middle school track, athletes participate in about 14 different running and field events. We hope you have fun and learn a lot!
  • First-year runnerswill be experimenting with most events to see what they enjoy and learn new skills.
  • Veterans will be working to improve their skills in specific areas.
  • All athletes will be encouraged to try a variety of events.
  • Try not to come into the season with ideas of what kind of a track athlete you are; i.e. only a sprinter or a distance runner or only good at field events. Keep your mind and your options open!
  • Most schools don’t allow 6th graders to participate in sports. We are so fortunate that we can work with 6th graders. At meets, our 6th graders will be considered 7th graders and be competing against 7th graders.
  • We have experienced some theft on the team. Team members do not steal from team members or anyone else. Please use discretion in bringing expensive electronic devices to track meets. Our meets are not usually far away, so electronic entertainment devices are not needed. Coaches will have their phones if you need to call for a ride home.
  • Athletes have to be flexible as a middle school track athlete. Our team is large, with three grades of boys and girls. We have rookies and veterans. We have about 14 different events to teach you and we have to deal with the weather. Being flexible and being a good listener are so important since we have to make changes quite frequently for many reasons.
  • We have a short 6-week season. Let’s make the most of it.

Athletic Forms/Physicals/Fees/Medical:

  • All athletes are required to have a physical before starting practice. Remember to turn your sports forms and fees into the office.
  • Please let the coaches know if your child has a disability or a medical condition, such as asthma or ADHD, which may affect the child’s participation and performance. Also, please let us know about any reoccurring athletic injuries.

Practice Schedule:

  • The first day of practice for everyone is March 28th.
  • Practice will start at 3:00.
  • Depending on the weather, we WILL have some indoor practices. Indoor practices include running inside, working on core/strength, and swimming.
  • Once we can get outside, we will be alternating practice between the Middle School and Kennedy. A shuttle bus will be providedto Kennedy. Under no circumstances are you to walk to Kennedy from the MS for your safety.
  • Middle School practices end at 4:15 and Kennedy practice days end at 4:45.
  • The Willmar Middle School website will have a track link with important information such as the practice and meet schedules. Check the website frequently for updates.
  • If you must miss practice, you will need to bring a note from your parents.
  • Please try to schedule family functions and appointments after 4:30.

Practice and Meet Clothing:

  • Running shoes are very important. Many injuries are the result of inadequate

footwear. If you have questions about proper shoes, the coaches can help.

  • Running spikes are optional. You do not have to purchase them, but if you have them, we will talk about the proper use of spikes. Spikes are not used during practice, generally.
  • Order forms for a teamt-shirtwill be provided.
  • Warm up sweats are not provided; please bring your own.
  • Some days you will need your swim suit and a towel.
  • Most days we will be running outside, so always have sweats to wear. Bring sweats even if you think it will be warm enough for a T-shirt and shorts.
  • We follow the school dress code for practice. No spaghetti strap tops or short shorts. Volleyball shorts are not appropriate for running.
  • Bring a water bottle every day.
  • If you have asthma, bring your inhaler.
  • We also follow the cell phone and iPod policy at school. Do not take your cell phone or iPod out once practice has started or during meets. You may use them before and after or by permission as needed.

Optional clothing order and photos:

  • An order form for track clothing and pictures will be forthcoming. The purchase of additional track clothing, above and beyond the required uniform, is optional.

Meet Participation:

  • Missing practices for unexcused reasons will affect your participation in meets.
  • You are expected to stay at all meets until your teammates are finished competing. A note or signature fromyour parent(s) is required if you are not riding the bus home at the end of the meet. You may not ride home with anyone other than your parents unless you have a note from your parent.
  • Willmar Middle School athletes will be expected to be passing all classes in order to compete in meets and/or practice with the team.
  • When we have one meet scheduled in a day, 6th graders may have 2 events while 7th and 8th graders may have as many as 4 events at meets. When we have two meets on the same day, most everyone should get 4 events.
  • ICU List – Coaches will be checking regularly and students must realize that school is a priority to sports. Students with 3 or more missing assignments will not be allowed to dress for practice. This will count as an absence and will certainly affect participation in meets.

Practice and Meet Behavior:

  • You represent Willmar Middle School; so represent us well at practice and meets.
  • We expect that athletes show respect for others at all times;listenand follow directions.
  • We also expect that athletes work hard at all times. Hard work pays off!
  • With so many events and athletes, there is a lot to learn. Please be patient, ask questions, ask for help, and help others.
  • Please do not eat snacks before practice. You may get a stomach ache while running.


  • We can only estimate an approximate time as to when we will be arriving back in Willmar from meets. Phones will be made available for the athletes to call for rides.
  • Students will not be left alone at the Middle School after practice or when we return from meets. Please make arrangements to pick up students promptly.
  • Thanks in advance for your promptness when coming to get them. We appreciate it!
  • We invite you to come to our meets and cheer for all our Middle School athletes. The athletes love it when parents come to watch them compete.
  • We may be needing assistance from parents at our home meet (TBD).
  • Please refer to the attached calendar with practice locations, meets, and times.
  • Please go over the above information with your son or daughter.
  • You are allowed to take your child home with you after a meet but there is a form that you are required to fill out. THIS IS A CHANGE!!!!! I will put this form on the Track website.
  • There is a lot for everyone to learn about track, so if you have questions or concerns, please call. We are here to help!
  • We are very excited to work with your athlete and are looking forward to a great Middle School track season. Thank you!


  • Travis Michelson-WMS 320-905-2959
  • Larry Selchow - Roosevelt 320-220-4295
  • HayleeHastad – Roosevelt 320-894-1735
  • Kirsten Zumwalt 612-619-8263

MS Meet Schedule:

Go to Willmar Public Schools Website and follow the links:

Middle School, athletic schedule, athletic schedule at CLC site; scroll down sports menu and click on Track Middle School, view.

MS Track Website info: Check often for updates.

Go to Willmar Public Schools Website and follow the links:

Middle School, athletic schedule, MS track