WMHT Educational Telecommunications

January 21, 2016

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WMHT Educational Telecommunications
WMHT Board of Trustees MeetingMinutes
January 21, 2016
A Meeting of the WMHT Board of Trustees was held on January 21, 2016at WMHT, Troy, New York. Karen Hitchcockof the Board of Trustees, presided.
Present / Karen Hitchcock
Robert Altman
Eileen Bagnoli
Prentiss Carnell
Gloria DeSole
H. Graham Jones
Susan Novotny
Karen Opalka / William Picotte
Joseph Raggio
Joseph Richardson
Harry Rutledge
Jan Smith
Richard Taylor
Maggie Vinciguerra
Eugene Zeltmann
Excused / Jane Altes
Doris Fischer Malesardi
John Kolb
Annemarie Lanesey / Scott Rajeski
Shelby Schneider
Carl Shuster
Also Attending
Call to Order / WMHT Staff: Sandra Beer, Val Belden,Bob Cummings, Mary Gribulis, Ainsley Harris, Katherine Jetter, Julie Raskin,Scott Sauer
Guests from Fingerpaint Marketing: Anne Marie White, Ken Hocker, Alicia Deering, Jack Hyndman
Ms. Hitchcockcalled the meeting to order at 4:08PM. She noted the celebration of paying off the 10 year WEXT loan and gave special thanks for the work of Dick Taylor as the previous Chair of the Board.
Consent Agenda Items / On a motion byMr. Picotteseconded by Mr. Jonesthe consent agenda of minutes and notes listed belowwere unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees.
Minutes and Notes
  • November 19, 2015Board Meeting
  • December 3, 2015 Audit Committee Meeting
  • January 7, 2016 Investment Sub Committee Meeting
  • January 14, 2016 FinanceCommittee Meeting

Branding Update / Mr. Sauer introduced the team from Fingerpaint who have been working much of the past year on WMHT marketing and communications. They presented some of their initial creative work in Brand Architecture and Creative Expressions.
Finance Committee Report / Ms. Bagnoli noted that the bottom line as of the end of December is about $90,000 better than budget though timing of certain items is the likely reason. Overall performance has been in line with expectations, though not significantly better. The WEXT line is paid off and there is no balance on the credit line so the balance sheet looks good. The Investment Subcommittee met and Hugh Johnson shared his outlook on the economy. The Investment Subcommittee is considering shifting the equity investments away from individualstocks and into exchange traded funds and will have a recommendation at the next meeting.
President’s Report / Mr. Altman will send a brief written report and highlighted the importance of the Board attending and bringing friends to the Downton Abbey Gala on March 5th.
Chair’s Report / Ms. Hitchcockwelcomed the new board members. She noted the shift to focusing outwards to the community that was evident in the branding presentation. Graham and Prentiss are working on a spring social gathering for the Board.
Executive Session
Adjournment / The Board met in executive session beginning at6:03 and adjourned at 6:16 pm to discuss confidential personnel matters.