Damien Sereni

Personal Details

Address: Oxford University Computing Laboratory

Wolfson Building, Parks Road

Oxford OX1 3QD


Home Address:3 rue des Bernardins

75005 Paris


Telephone:07786394719 (mobile)

0870 120 0870 + 25764 (home)


Date of Birth: 26/08/1983



I am a Probationary Research Student at the Computing Laboratory, Oxford University (starting in October 2003). I am a member of the Programming Tools research group under the supervision of Prof. Oege de Moor. I am also a member of Magdalen College.

My research interests include time analysis of functional programs and the analysis of the impact of compile-time optimizations.


2000-2003Undergraduate studies at Magdalen College, Oxford University

1986-2000Ecole Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel (EABJM), Paris

Examination Qualifications

2003: BA (Oxon) in Mathematics and Computer Science, First Class. Awarded two prizes for Finals.

2000: French baccalaureate (Scientific curriculum, with Further Maths) with international option (English), Mention Très Bien avec Félicitations du Jury (grade: 17 / 20)


British Telecom Research and Technology Prize 2003 and Junior Mathematical Prize 2003 for the Final Honour School of Mathematics and Computer Science at Oxford

Tutorial prize for mathematics at Magdalen College (2003)

Demy of Magdalen College (2001 – 2003)

Scholarship (Bourse d’excellence), EABJM 2000

Language Skills and Qualifications

FrenchNative Language

EnglishFluent. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) band 9.0, 2003

JapaneseIntermediate. Japanese Language Proficiency test level 3, 2003. I am actively working on my Japanese language skills (when I can find the time)

Work Experience

2003:Marking: I was the marker for the MSc. class on Compilers at Oxford (10/2003 – 12/2003), as well as a marker for the undergraduate admissions test in mathematics at Oxford (12/2003)

2002: Research Project: Following my undergraduate project, I was invited by my supervisor Prof. de Moor to work as part of the Programming Tools group at Oxford in September 2002.

2000-2001Data Processing: I was responsible for the design of a database, inputting data and analysing the results for a medical survey by the Astra-Zeneca laboratory.

1998Work Experience: I spent two weeks in a R&D centre for production of flat panel displays (Balzer Process Systems) and gained experience in various areas of engineering.


2003(with Oege de Moor) Static Analysis of Aspects. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD)

2002Undergraduate Project: A Definitional Interpreter for Aspects. Available online at

Other Interests

Sports: Ballroom dancing: member of the Oxford University Dance Club in 2003

Sailing: I very much enjoy sailing both light boats and cruising yachts. I have acquired several qualifications from the French Sailing Federation.

Scuba diving: I have practised diving in Corsica and the Caribbean and have held a PADI Junior Open Water Diver licence.

Theatre:I am involved in the technical aspects of student theatrical productions at Oxford, and was technical operator for a production of Nabokov’s Lolita in 2003.

Opera/Ballet: I am a passionate opera-goer, and see both operas and ballets on a regular basis

Computing Skills

I am proficient in the use most desktop office applications, both on Windows and Solaris systems, including scientific word processing systems such as LaTeX.

Programming languages and environments:

Functional programming languages: Haskell, OCAML


Java, Pascal

Limited experience in C/C++

IDEs: Eclipse

Web design: assistant webmaster for the EABJM web site 1997-1998 (