Areas of learning self-assessment checklist
Use this checklist to help evaluate the areas of learning sections of your SAR:
Question / Yes / No / Comment/actionIs there a clear descriptor of the overall effectiveness/quality of the provision, and/or a grade?
Are there clear judgements about the strengths and weaknesses, and requires improvement aspects/areas for improvement, of this provision?
Are these appropriately expressed - in the form of bullet points and/or evaluative text?
Are they framed in terms of the impact on and for learners or other users?
Can you identify clear judgements in relation to achievement, standards and progression?
Can you identify clear judgements in relation to the quality of teaching, learning and assessment? Do these include references to teaching and learning, use of ILT, meetings learners’ needs, learning support and use of resources?
Can you identify clearly the judgements about the effectiveness of leadership and management of the provision including equality of opportunity, quality improvement and safeguarding as appropriate?
Are there judgments about howteaching and learning develop English, mathematics, and functional skills and support the achievement of learning goals and career aims for all learners? (this includes students with disabilities and learning needs).
Are there judgments about Safeguarding? Have you identified in each area how safeguarding is a thread running through the whole of the self assessment report?
Are there judgments about Equality and Diversity? Have you identified in each area how Equality and Diversity is a thread running through the whole of the self assessment report?
Can you determine what sources of evidence have been used to inform these judgements? What are they? Eg the learner / stakeholders’ voice
Is there anything you would want to change, add, remove or move elsewhere?
Source: BASED ON Support for Success Revisiting self-assessment in light of Cycle 2 'ACL' inspection.
Areas of learning self-assessment checklist