Meeting Minutes

WINGA Board of Directors Meeting

5 May 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Leckel at 1705. Members present: Eric Leckel,Alicia Grenier, John Noga (Phone), Sean Murphy, Emily Yttri (Phone), Gerald Olesen, Dan Statz, James Engeler, Josh Johnson, John Oakley (Phone), and Mike Williams; representing a quorum. Lynn Rasmussen was in attendance, but not a part of the quorum. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Leckel.Oleson administered the oath of office to Grenier.

  1. Board minutes from March Board meeting were presented. Motion from Engeler to accept, second by Statz, no further discussion, motion passed.
  2. Treasurer’s Report:
  3. Profit and Loss Statements for both WINGA and Insurance were presented.
  4. Discussion included: 1) Frequency of posting Schwab investments becoming quarterly; 2) difference between 2016 memberships and dollar amount; 3) frequency of insurance draws; 4) money spent on tax preparation; 5) money owed to WNGEA; and 6) each line item for the profit and loss statements include budgeted amount.
  5. Motion from Olesen and seconded by Johnson. Without further discussion, motion passed.
  6. Committee Reports:
  7. Insurance Committee report: 1) 6 claims for 2016-$78,000; 2) received $119,000 in premiums YTD; 3) experience refund was $10,781; 4) WINGA placed $50,000 in an “Incurred but not Reported” (IBNR) account, taken from Schwab Investment account; and 5) WINGA will create audit trail for this account, specifically with addition of interest. Motion by Murphy and second by Oleson to accept report. Without further discussion, motion passed.
  8. Executive Director Report:
  9. May Communicator will be 6 pages, and will include WINGA AAR/pictures, scholarship info, and NGAUS registration info. In addition, Yttri and Johnson were tasked to write short articles on company grades attending NGAUS OPD sessions.
  10. NGAUS Awards: motion by Johnson and seconded by Statz to submit 2 company grade officers for Theodore Roosevelt Awards and a warrant officer for another award, currently under review by Army CoS. Motion passed.
  11. Cost Stabilization Transfer (CSR): WINGA must maintain 40% of SSLI premiums ($267,310) in CSR. WINGA brought over $114,701 from leaving MIT pool. Amount of transfer would be $156,196. Motion by Oakley, second by Engeler to move this money out of investments. Further discussion included: tax consequences, paying the CSR difference in 12 installments, extra fees for installment process, and determining which investments the money comes out of. Motion failed. Second motion by Oakley and seconded by Murphy for Investment Committee and ED gather data to answer the questions above and report back to the board either via conference call or email vote. Motion passed. –FOLLOW UP: Email sent out to board members stating no additional fees or tax consequences. Email vote called to transfer funds from Schwab Investments. Motion passed.
  12. Old Business:
  13. Air OPD to DC next week. Jeannie Western and Tim Guy will attend.
  14. WNGEA MOA: Bart Van Roo was asked to remain involved with negotiations. Questions/concerns include: 1) IBNR being joint or WINGA; 2) good-faith negotiations; 3) difference between what WNGEA uses and what they need and 4) review process or end date to MOA.
  15. NGAUS Baltimore: Reminded Board members of their responsibility to WINGA. 40 rooms blocked off at Hyatt Regency on Inner Harbor. Hospitality room is smaller than previous years; will put together a planning committee. Must be sold as OPD, not a partying venue.
  16. WINGA Conference AAR: Topic included: 1) communication-target audience, ways to put out message; 2) more involvement from Senior level commanders, specifically with BoD from the MSCs (10 out of 24 attended); 3) focus on Wisconsin, not whole nation; 4) different speakers; 5) focus on talent management; 6) update conference SOP, complete AARs (board members), and bring in Communication Chairperson to next BoD meeting to understand the feasibility to upgrade the webpage (motion by Statz, second by Johnson, passed); and 7) updates to business practices (Community partners, why members attend, inclusion of OPD, and if specific events will continue-shooting challenge).
  17. New Business: A Way Forward: 1) Educate on what NGAUS and WINGA do for the soldier/airman; 2) OPD; 3) Strategic Priorities; 4) 2 Committees: Company Grades and Retirees. Why some line-time retirees no longer attend; 5) MSC $500 grant. No WIARNG units applied for it; 6) Leckel will energize MSC/Wing Commanders; 7) Time and location of Board Meetings to increase participation; 8) Oakley and Leckel will deal with field grade officers;and 9) Legislative Initiatives and education on WINGA initiatives.
  18. Items not on Agenda: None.

With no further discussions or topics, meeting was adjourned at 2000 (conference call cut out at 1950). Next meeting will be 3Aug 2016 at Location TBD.

Respectfully submitted,

CPT John E. Noga
