Hawea Community Association Meeting
Public Meeting – District Plan
1 August 2015 9:30am Hawea Community Centre
84 people attended and participated in the meeting.
17 people sent in apologies.
MOTION => Apologies be accepted
1ST Dennis Hughes 2ND David Sherwin CARRIED
Main Meeting:
· Presentation by Ian Greaves => Presentation attached
· Ulrich Glasner => Hawea Water Upgrade => Presentation attached
· SH6 L. Hawea turn-off
· Hawea parks & reserves update - Diana Manson
- Playground Trees
- Bowling Green barrier to be removed
- Roadside clean up in township
· Community Centre update
The finances of the HCA remain in good shape with our draft end of year accounts indicating $14129 in the current account, $11887 in investment, and an operating loss for the year of $5500. This operating loss was due principally to the gifting of $5000 to the Lake Hawea Community Centre towards the audio-visual system you see in use, and $1000 to the Hawea Flat School to assist with their projects. In addition, the HCA underwrote the costs of establishing the Anzac memorial with the expectation that at least some of this cost would be reimbursed by the RSA and associated Government funding. That funding has yet to materialise.
On the income side – the major income sources are the HCA membership, which currently sits at 78 paid up members, and the Greenwaste operation which contributed nearly $12,000 in the year. The QLDC also made their annual $5000 grant, of which we have applied the maximum $1000 to administration and the balance to projects and events.
Project expenditure has primarily been the establishment of the Anzac Memorial, upgrading the notice board enclosure adjacent to Sailz store, further work on the Bike Park on the corner of Noema Tce and District Rd, a contribution to the Hawea Flat defibrillator, and on-going funding into the Thursday group’s work on the Lake Foreshore. In addition the HCA Community Support fund has provided support to members of the Hawea Community in times of bereavement or hardship. Upcoming, we have the finalisation of the development of the Bike Park, work on a Hawea History unit, establishment of a memorial board in the Hawea Library - to include the photographs of those locals who lost their lives in WW1, finalisation of the cost of preparing the Hawea submission to the QLDC District Plan, and a contribution toward the upgrading of signage at the dam turnoff off on the main highway.
Our intention through the next financial year is to hold the account balances at about the current level and make grants to community projects from account surpluses as they occur
Ian Rae Treasurer
“That the Financial report be received. Accounts for payment be approved”
1ST Peter Hart 2ND John Taylor CARRIED