Civil Air Patrol

Wing Aerospace Education Annual Activity Report

(Fiscal year)

- Wing DAE completes this report; signed by the DAE and the wing commander.

- Submit report to HQ CAP/AE, with copies to region DCS/AE, postmarked by February 15.

- Attach AEO roster: with unit charter number, rank, name, address, telephone, e-mail,

215 rating held, Yeager completed (yes/no).

- No points awarded without documentation; all activities relate to current reporting year.

Wing ______Region ______

As of September 30:

Number of Senior Sq ______Cadet Sq ______Composite Sq ______

Number of Senior Members ______Number of Cadets ______Number of AEMs ______

Activity Information Items: (fill in blanks with “x”, “yes”, “no”, or appropriate number)

1.  Plan of Action: completed _____ in progress _____ no plan _____

Did wing DAE provide an AE plan of action end-of-year report to the wing commander? _____

Does wing DAE provide periodic AE updates to the wing commander? _____

How many Squadron and Group AE Activity Reports were received by the end of the year? _____

Wing DAE positions filled: three _____ two _____ one _____

Is the AEO roster current at the end of the year? _____

AEO roster filled: all positions filled _____ 75% filled _____ plan to fill vacant positions _____

2.  215 Specialty: Number of new 215T _____, 215S _____, 215M _____ this year

Total number of 215T _____, 215S _____, 215M _____

3.  Yeager Award: Number of Yeager awards earned this year in the wing _____

4.  Aerospace Education Excellence (AEX) Award Program: number of units participating _____

5.  Rocket Program: number of units participating _____

6.  Does the wing have an AE bulletin board? _____

7.  Does the wing have an AE resource center? _____

8.  Does wing publish an AE newsletter? _____

9.  Did wing publish any AE articles?_____ How many?_____

10. Did the wing conduct an AE seminar at the wing conference? _____

11. Did the wing conduct any AE workshops?_____ How many?_____

12. Did anyone in the wing attend a Regional or National AEO school? _____

13. How many AE presentations did the units make in schools? _____

14. How many AE presentations did the units make to other outside organizations and groups? _____

15. Did wing staff meetings include AE current events discussions?_____ How many?_____

16. How many units were visited this year to assist AEOs?

17. Did the wing conduct any Teacher Orientation Program Flights?_____ How many teachers flew? _____

18. Was the required AE program presented at a wing encampment? _____

19. Did the wing or any subordinate unit submit an AE Teacher of the Year Award nomination? _____

20. Did the wing or any subordinate unit submit an AEO of the Year Award nomination? _____

21. Did the wing or any subordinate unit submit Brewer Award nominations? _____

22. Were any AEMs recruited this year? _____


Wing DAE Wing Commander