Stone Lake Elementary PTO General Meeting Minutes –June 9, 2015
The June meeting of the Stone Lake PTO was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Lisa Mehl.
Attendance: Jessica Trudell, Jeremy Roberts, Yvette Sack, Linda Trujillo, Liz Mellinger, JoAnna Cline, Dreena Freeman, Mark Beard, Kristen Beckner, Lisa Mehl.
Approval of General Meeting Minutes:
Minutes for the May 12, 2015 meeting were approved on a motion by Liz Mellinger and a second by Linda Trujillo. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections.
Treasurer’s Report:
•JoAnna Cline reported on the budget: 1) PTO sold over $2,400 in yearbooks for onsite sales. Lisa Mehl reported that there are 21 yearbooks remaining to be sold in the office. 2) The invoice for the 6th grade field trip busses was received and paid. 3) Yvette Sack mentioned that she submitted a reimbursement for gift cards she purchased as thank you gifts for the CDI / Kid Central staff.
The May budget was approved on a motion by Jessica Trudell and a second by Linda Trujillo. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections.
A: Ice Cream Social Friday June 5th, 2015 from 5:30-8:30p.m.
•Lisa Mehl and JoAnna Cline reported on the success of the Ice Cream Social. Total revenue was $10,097.15. Squeeze Inn Truck donated $137.10. All other food truck donations are still pending. Teachers present expressed their praise of the event and complimented the layout and raffle baskets.Thanks were given to the PTO Board for a great social.
Upcoming Events:
A: Five Star Families Event: Wackford Aquatic Center, Saturday, June 20 from 5:30 –7:30p.m.
•Lisa Mehl reported on behalf of Jennifer Ferraiuolo. Approximately 20-25 families have submitted a Five Star card. Mrs. Sack suggested that the low number might be due to the newness of the program and that numbers would probably be better next year. Lisa invited all teachers and staff to the event. Jeremy Roberts reported on the professionalism of the personal invitations.
B: 6th Grade Promotion: A, B, C tracks
•Lisa Mehl reported that Betty Low, 5th grade parent, has volunteered to chair 6th grade promotion for A,B & C tracks. Lisa offered the waters remaining from ICS to be used for the promotion.
C: 2015-2016 School Year Events:
- 2015-2016 APEX Fun Run: C & D Track Aug. 10-21 and A & B Track Sept. 21 - Oct. 2
Lisa Mehl reported that we have rescheduled the APEX Fun Run for A track per teachers’request. Mr. Beard inquired if APEX could incorporate the new H.A.W.K.S. acronym into their Fun Run theme. Lisa offered to speak with APEX regarding this request.
- Kinder Welcome “BooHoo Breakfast”
Lisa Mehl asked whether PTO wanted to host this event again next school year. The consensus was that it was a great event and that it should be held again for the upcoming year.
- Spirit Wear Days
Lisa Mehl asked Mr. Beard if he would be holding Spirit Wear Days again for the 2015/16 school year. He said he is planning on doing them again. Kristen Beckner mentioned that PTO would be selling new spiritwear during Back to School Nights on July 16 for B, C & D tracks and August 6 for A track. Lisa Mehl offered the remaining ice cream from ICS to Mr. Beard to share with the 3rd Semester winners from his Spirit Wear contest. Ice cream was also offered for Mrs. Freeman to share with the 5th/6th grade valets.
- ZBest Coupon Book Sales Dates
Lisa Mehl requested that PTO look at the calendar and make some suggestions for sale dates for the Coupon Book for the 2015/16 school year. Suggestions were made for B, C & D tracks to sale from July 14-28 and A track from August 6 – 20. Other possible dates were for October for A, B & C and Nov for D track.
Principal’s Report
Mr. Beard reported that CAASP testing was almost finished. B track will be finishing this week. The testing went very well with minimal problems. Results will be known in the next couple of months.
Mr. Beard stated how appreciative he was of the PTO for coordinating the Ice Cream Social. He was thankful for the family atmosphere created by the event.
Mr. Beard mentioned that he was wrapping up the school year and looking forward to the next year. He also reminded the group about the change in schedule for the next school year.
Finally, Mr. Beard reported on the blog he has started for parents.
Open Forum
•Yvette Sack asked if the PTO would provide membership information to the teachers for Back to School night. She asked that an envelope be provided for parents to return with dues.
•Jessica Trudell asked that if the teachers took any pictures at ICS that they submit them to Erica Davis for the next school year’s yearbook.
•Jeremy Roberts asked if the Learn360 computer program was being considered for inclusion by the Board into the budget for the 2015/16 school year. The Board assured him that it is being considered and a decision would be made before the invoice is due on July 31.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:42 p.m. on a motion by Liz Mellinger and a second by JoAnna Cline.