COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Ms.Dulka, Mr. Crochetiere, Mr. Giaccone, Mr. Malone, Ms. Perrier, Mr. Seaha.

ALSO PRESENT: Ms. Maura Robie, Wetlands Agent, Attorney Tom Fahey, and Mr. Ken Baldwin for Glenbrook Associates, Mr. George Andrews for UTAS

Call to order: Ms. Dulka called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM

Approval of November 5, 2014 Minutes:. Mr. Crochetiere made a motion to accept the November 5, 2014 Minutes, Seconded by Mr. Seaha.. Motion carried.

Old Business:

75 Tracy Circle. See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent Report dated 12/3/2014

3 Industrial Road: See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent Report dated 12/3/2014..She was asked by Ms. Dulka if she was going to go out to the site with David Askey, before the next meeting, she said she was going to.

Ms. Dulka suggested that Ms. Robie go out to the site in May 2015 to re-survey the site to see what survived the winter and determine what if anything needed to be added.

Seymoor Brook (UTC Aerospace) See Below

Woodbridge: See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent's Report dated 12/3/2014.

Chapman Chase: See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent's Report dated 12/3/2014. A letter was sent to inform the builder that they had not complied with the conditions of the Permit issued. Since the receipt of the letter, Ms. Robie and Dana Steele went out to the site and found that the majority of the violations had been rectified.

Fox Hollow: See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent's Report dated 12/3/2014.

New Business:

New Applications: UTAS- Seymour Brook erosion: See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent's Report dated 12/3/2014. Mr. George Andrews appeared before the commission representing United Technologies. Ms. Dulka reminded the Commission that this was emergency work that had already been performed under the guidance of the Town Engineer and Town Staff. UTAS is now presenting the application for approval for the Commission Mr. Andrews said the location of the problem lay between Cargo Road and Route 20Ms. Dulka asked him if he thought the repairs would survive the winter.. He assured her they would. A motion was made by Ms..Perrier to accept the application, seconded by Mr. Seaha. Motion carried.


14 Glenbrook Drive: Received DPN to install stairs off back deck on

November 14, 2014

6 Glenbrook Drive Received DPN to allow previously installed stairs off back deck

16 Glenbrook Drive Received DPN to allow previously installed stairs off back deck.

Ms.Dulka addressed members of the three Glenbrook addrssses covered herein. Ms. Dulka explained to the three (3) residents of Glenbrook that the reasons they put on their applications could not be taken into consideration because they did not fall under the jurisdiction of the Wetland Commission. She also stated that The Wetland Commission was forced to follow the rules and uphold previous decisions. Ms. Dulka stated that prior to the last meeting the Commission was not made aware that the buffer area had been lost due to erosion down the bank in 2005. Ms. Dulka further stated that these three (3) applications could be approved because the actual building of the stairs did not cause an impact on the wetlands. Mr. Crochetiere made a proposal to accept the applications, seconded by Ms. Perrier. Motion carried with one abstention.

Public hearings: none

Agent Reviews:

35 Ellis Street: See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent's Report dated 12/3/2014.

Center Street Subdivision: See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent's Report dated 12/3/2014.

Permit Violations: Glenbrook Association: During the prior meeting, The Glenbrook Association, Mr. Baldwin agreed to send a letter to all residents of the complex informing them of the restrictions of the wetlands which abut the property, and to provide signage along the bank of the Wetland. Ms. Dulka reviewed the letter and the signage and suggested some modifications which Mr. Baldwin agreed to. Mr. Baldwin also provided the Commission with the section of the rules and regulations which are part of the bi-laws for the complex which state the restrictions of the wetland areas.

Bills and Correspondence: None.

Other concerns: none

Adjournment: Mr. Seaha made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 PM, seconded by Ms. Perrier. Motion carried.