Press Release: Immediate Release
Expressing surprise at the statement released by the NAHT yesterday, the trade unions representing the vast majority of staff employed at DanescourtPrimary school in Cardiff quickly rejected any suggestion that the Headteacher, Sharon Randall-Smith, is in any position to return to her post at the school whilst issues that forced two days of industrial action remain unresolved. A spokesperson speaking on behalf of the NUT, NASUWT, ATL and Unison said:-
“The representatives of teaching and non teaching staff at Danescourt Primary have been working hard to ensure that the school is placed firmly upon an even keel whilst difficulties remain. We have met frequently with the local authority and put forward proposals to resolve the dispute that will have minimum effect upon the school, its children or the community. In that regard we are all committed, as are our members, to restoring a happy and pleasant working and learning environment at Danescourt Primary that will be a credit to the community.
“The NAHT have acted unwisely and unhelpfully to say the least. To release a statement suggesting that their member can return to work in circumstances in which they know matters remain unresolved is at best irresponsible. At worst it is a direct attempt to inflame an already tender situation and an attempt to derail delicate negotiations. This issue is not about point scoring. As far as we and our members are concerned it has always been about securing a bright and positive future for DanescourtPrimary school.
“We would like to reiterate our thanks for the support and encouragement that our members have received from parents of children at the school. It is to the staff’s credit that they have sought to minimise disruption over an extended period of time and they have worked extremely well with the current Acting Headteacher Debbie Lewis. Recently we have sought assurances from Cardiff County Council that the whole matter be resolved before the end of this summer term so that everyone can return to a happy, progressive and successful school in the new academic year.
For further information, contact:
David Evans – NUT Cymru:07815 071164
Rex Phillips – NASUWT Cymru:07966 151498
Phil Dixon – ATL Cymru:07974 651467
Steve Belcher – UNISON:029 2072 9413