Wind Integration Study, Recommendations
- Recommendation 1 (Assess Voltage reactive support capabilities for existing wind farms and recommend enhanced operations tools for Dynamic Reactive Reserves and develop criteria requirements for real-time operations.); assigned to VTF. Timeframe tbd.
- Identfiy existing physical capabilities on wind farms (Assigned to SPP Staff; existing MWG AI)
- Assess the need of the BES (Assigned to VTF)
- AI: RR to be written that will require Voltage Control on new GIA, considering all fuel-types (Assigned to SPP Staff)
- AI: RR to be written that will require Voltage Control on existing GIA, considering wind farms (Scope to be recommended by the VTF)
- Long-term goal potentially install additional Dynamic Reactive Reserves
- Recommendation 2 (Evaluate and recommend real-time operations tools to calculate and monitor real-time voltage stability limits using an applicable real-time software suite); assigned to SPP Staff. Offline mid-May 2016. Online end of 2017.
- Current SPP Effort
- Offline VSAT incorporated into SPP Ops planning weekly mid-May
- Online VSAT scoped by end of August 2016 with project in 2017
- VTF (on hold):
- Education sessions, bring in vendors, what best practices others internally to membership or externally in the industry
- Deliverables:
- TOPs may increase voltage awarenesss, tools, & processes
- SPP incorporate offline/online voltage stability assessments in Operations
- Recommendation 3 (Provide additional flexibility to the Reliability Coordinator for NDVER redispatch); assigned to SPP Staff.
- Develop Revision Request to have systematic blast or other communication mechanism to NDVERs considering Reliablity-only issues due to high transfers
- Need to have a feedback loop to ensure receipt of any systematic reliability instruction
- Consider utilizing additional module in RSS or MCS
- Deliverable:
- New RR for systematic Operating Instructions to NDVERs: Focus will be to have a systematic OOME, with an additional confirmation of receipt enhancement.
- Recommendation 4 (Develop additional planning criteria to reflect real-time Operations conditions via more robust scenario development); assigned to TWG/ESWG/TPITF
- Develop an Operations track in the SPP Planning processes
- Deliverable:
- Vetted/established process, procedure, timelines, and governing language that incorporates Operations feedback to the Planning process that may include, but is not limited to:
- Resolve all SPP IROLs
- Minimize Operations Transmission reconfigurations
- Assess cost/benefit of resolving congestion on permanent flowgates
- Assess reoccurring seasonal n-1 loading
- Resolve all CIP-014 facilities to a non-critical state
- Minimize at risk load due to n-1+ scenarios
- Recommendation 5 (Accelerate ITP projects); assigned to SPP Staff via TWG/ESWG/MOPC
- Change recommendation wording to ‘Evaluate ITP projects for acceleration based on study results’
- Recommendation 6 (Evaluate the bulk electric system impacts with the addition of Solar PV in combination with wind); assigned to ORWG in conjunction with the Wind Integration Study Phase 2
- Recommendation 7 (Perform an additional evaluation of PMU applications to provide real-time situational awareness); assigned to SPP Synchrophasor Strike Team as an Enterprise project
- ORWG would like to understand benefits of real-time use cases in PMU
- Deliverable:
- RR to include PMUs on new applicable GIAs (Nameplate threshold to be considered)