To submit aroutine course change proposal, complete the Routine Course Change Form and submit electronically as a Word document or a PDF, including original signature page, to GSC (500-700 level) and/or UCC (100-500 level) through (). Please address all applicable items and use bold font for responses. Proposals with incomplete information or missing signatures will be returned.

Course ChangesNOT Considered Routine

The following changes are NOT considered routine and require submission of the Amended Course Proposal Form

  • Change of course CIP Code
  • Revising semester credit
  • Changing a course number two or more levels
  • Substantial changes in course description
  • Revision of student learning outcomes in ways that change the purpose or substance of the course, except for General Education recertification review for existing courses.


Course Prefix and Number: Course levels reviewed only by the UCC are 400 below. Courses at the 600-level and above are reviewed only by the GSC. Courses at the 500-level are reviewed by both the GSC and UCC. Courses at the 500-level can be taken by both undergraduates and graduates and may not be restricted to either. When renumbering courses, the Registrar’s Officemust be consulted prior to submission to the School/College curriculum committee, UCC or GSC.

Course Title: The title should be limited to six words or fewer* (30 characters) and should clearly reflect the content of the course. Care should be taken not to use technical terms that may not be clear to students or other non-specialists. The UCC or GSC may recommend changes in course titles.

*Note: Banner allows only 30 characters (including spaces) so be mindful of how your title may be abbreviated for the academic transcript and the schedule of courses.

Department: The department requesting the course amendment associated with the course prefix (letters).

Contact Person and Email: Faculty member submitting the course amendment and corresponding contact information. This should be the person who would answer questions from committees about the request.

Date: Date the form was submitted.

Proposed Effective Date: Use the drop-down box to select the semester (fall, spring, summer) and year the amendment to the course will become effective.

Rationale: The rationale for the routine change explains to the curriculum committees why you are asking for the change, including how it supports the mission of the program(s) and the university; and indicate the relationship to the curriculum of the Department/College/School submitting the course. The rational provided will inform the review and help the committee members make decisions about the proposal. It should include any information relevant to making a judgment, including impact on new and continuing students, and faculty. Failure to include this item may result in a delay in consideration of the proposal by the UCC/GSC.

  1. Revising a Course Title: Include the current and the proposed course title
  2. Changing a Course Number: Include the current and the proposed course number. The course number may be changed by no more than one level. If the number is changed from a 500-level to a 400-level or vice versa, both UCC and GSC must approve. If change is to create a 500-level course, then describe differences for undergraduate and graduate level student learning outcomes and requirements.
  3. Changing Course Prefix:Include the current and the proposed course prefix. For example, changing a MGT course to an MBA course.
  4. Changing or Creating a Course Prefix for Department/Program Use: Include the proposed course prefix, such as PCS. Consult the Office of the Registrar () for an appropriate and available prefix.
  5. Adding, Revising, Deleting Repeat-for-Credit Notation:Describe the student’s options for repeating the course. Indicate the specific number of hours for which a course can be repeated.
  6. Revising Course Lecture/Lab Hour Distribution without Changing the Total Credit: Note thenew credit structure. (Creditchangesrequire submissionof anAmendedCourse Proposal).
  7. Separating Course Lecture and Lab into Two Separate Courses: Note the new credits for each.
  8. Revising, Deleting, or Adding a Course Prerequisite or Corequisite: Include the current and the proposed.
  9. Registration Restrictions: Use this item to indicate when certain populations are to be included or excluded from enrollment. Banner-enforced categories for restrictions include: major, concentration, minor, student classification, student level, degree, program, campus, college, student attribute, and student cohort. Consult with the University Registrar’s Office for answers to specific restriction questions.
  10. Revising a Course Description: Include the current course description and the proposed.
  11. Changing the Grading Method of a Course: Include the current grading method and the proposed. If the new structure is a letter grade, provide the grading scale.
  12. Cross-Listing Courses: Cross-listedcourses are identical in every detail except for course prefix and possible course number. Include all courses to be cross-listed. Typically, cross-listed courses have the same number (e.g. PCS 711 and WGS 711) (Signaturesfromalldepartmentsarerequired on the Routine Course Change Signature Sheet.The Course/Program Consultation form is not required for cross-listing.)
  13. Declaring Course Equivalencies:Describe which courses will be seen as equivalencies when clearing a degree. For example, BIO 106 and CHE 111 may both count toward filling a single science requirement in a program. (These courses are not cross-listed with each other and students should not receive credit for both.)
  14. Create a Footnote to Offer a Course Off-Campus:Whenever a course is taught at an off-campus site, that course must carry a footnote in the course schedule. Provide the full street address. (It the program the course is part of has not been approved to be an off-campus program please Complete Academic Program Planning Questionnaire.
  15. Frequency of Offering: Semester in which course is offered
  16. Deleting a Course from the UNCG Curriculum:This action will remove the course from the Bulletin and course schedule. (To remove a course from a program requirement, use ProgramRevisionForm.
  17. Restoringacoursewithinthreeyearsof itspriordeletionIf you previously deleted a course from the curriculum but wish to add it back and 3 years have not yet passed since deleting it, you can make a routine change request to reinstate it.(IfrequestingGeneralEducationcore categoriesor markers, includingWI/SI,thecoursemustbeapprovedby thecurrentGeneral EducationCouncil.)
  1. Consultations: See “UNCGCourse/ProgramConsultation” on the curriculum website. Consultations serve the purposes of providing information as a courtesy and to avoid course duplications. Please note whether reservations/suggestions from consultations were addressed. Please attach all course consultation forms; if the consulting department did not return the form, this should be noted on the form. You may also attach email correspondence as evidence of consultations.


  1. Department Head/Director of Graduate Study Curriculum Committee
  2. UCC/GSC Approval: Submit completed form and signature sheet to the Graduate Studies Committee and/or the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for final approval.