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Minutes of a FULL HIGH KELLING PARISH COUNCIL MEETING which was held on Tuesday 16th October 2012 in the ‘Constance Gray Room’ at the Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.

Present:- Carol Otty (Chairman), Robin Johnson (Vice-Chairman), Chris Chinn, Sue Gravenor, Jan Kemp, David Knowles, Maureen Sullivan. District Cllr; David Young.

Clerk:- Tracey Bayfield. Public:- 0.

1.  APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Were received and accepted from; Bob Prescott (family commitments) & Shirley Ratcliffe (unwell). Also from PCSO Guy Slade.

2.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Carol Otty declared a “personal interest in item no. 8.2. as Emma Cletheroe is my daughter.”

3.  It was proposed & agreed that “the MINUTES dated Tuesday 18th September 2012 are signed as a true record.”


4.1.  PCSO Report given by Jason Ford; Since the last parish Council meeting there has been 2 calls made to the Police. In the same period last year there were 4 Calls to police. The calls for this period included; Road traffic collision x 1 & Sudden death x 1. These calls have resulted in no crime. In the same period last year there was no crime reported.

Current Holt SNT priorities:

1)  YOUTH ENGAGEMENT – Active engagement by the SNT with local youths during the summer period in an effort to build relationships and prevent minor anti social behavior

2)  BACONSTHORPE CASTLE - Damage to castle walls and possible drug activity at location

3)  COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - pro-active engagement by the SNT to identify any potential issues and provide general safety/security advice

The next SNAP (Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel) meeting is on Wednesday 17th October 2012 - 7pm at the Holt Youth Project.

‘Adjournment for Open Public Session was not required.’

4.2. Commemorative Plaques – The plaques have now arrived. Sadly John Perry-Warnes is not currently well enough to undertake the unveilings as we originally agreed, hence it was agreed that “we ask our District Cllr, David Young if he would

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be kind enough to undertake this role.” David agreed, and the date will be Wednesday 7th November at 2pm at the Village Hall. David Knowles will kindly fix

all 3 plaques on the seats. One by the Village Hall and one at Pineheath Road/Cromer Road in readiness.

4.3. NNDC Opening Hours – On a Wednesday the offices shall not open until 10am due to staff training.

5. COUNCILLOR REPORT – from District Councillor, David Young.

Full Council on 25 September approved the final accounts for 2011-12 which showed a surplus of £723k.

Council also considered two changes to planning policy. Development of "rural exception sites" has previously required 100% affordable housing. It should now be possible to relax this percentage if it can be clearly demonstrated that some market housing is necessary for the development to go ahead.

The re-use of rural buildings, e.g. barn conversions and change of holiday lets to permanent residence, has previously been confined to areas around towns and large villages. This geographical restriction is likely to be lifted subject to consideration of a tariff in respect of the enhanced value and/or loss of tourism/business use.

The Council has conducted a consultation exercise regarding the new Council Tax Benefit system, though I am not clear as to who have been consulted. A meeting to consider the responses to the consultation exercise will take place shortly. The method currently favoured by NNDC (with Liberal Democrats dissenting) will mean that all benefits are reduced by at least 30% with some households losing more than 60%. Since my last report, in which I mentioned that an unchanged parish precept would result in a rise in individual bills, I understand that DCLG has now decided that town and parish precepts will not be affected. It would seem that one council tax base will be used for towns and parishes and another for the major precepting authorities.

The members of High Kelling Parish Council are extremely saddened to hear that John Perry-Warnes (County Cllr) is recovering from a stroke and we wish him a speedy recovery.


6.1. Application no. PF/12/1140; Proposal; Installation of side and rear dormer windows and re-instatement of gable window at, Lyemoon, Vale Road, High Kelling. It was proposed & agreed that “we have no objection to this application.”

6.2. Application no. PF/12/1003; Proposal; Erection of detached garage at, Land at Wincliff Drive, High Kelling. It was proposed & agreed that “we have no objection to this application.”

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6.3. Application no. PF/12/1061; Proposal; Erection of shed at, Pine Cottage, 32 Pineheath Road, High Kelling. It was proposed & agreed that “we have no objection to this application.”


7.1.  It was proposed & agreed that “the Accounts for the month to date are to be paid.”

7.2.  Clerk/RFO Report – Notified members that the Norfolk Association of Local Councils AGM has been moved to 8th November in order that the prospective candidates for the role of Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner may be received.

The Clerk has circulated to all members, a copy of her Appraisal with section one completed, and has invited the members to complete their section ahead of the November meeting, when this item will appear on the agenda.

No Cold Calling Zones – We are very grateful to Mr Alan Mason of Heathfield Close & Robert Fitzgerald of Beech Close for very kindly volunteering to take on the roles of co-ordinators for these roads. Paperwork is being completed and will be returned to Norfolk Trading Standards who will be in touch thereafter.

7.3.  Funding Opportunities – Members were asked to give consideration to any specific item which they would like to have considered given the grants available and the specifics in relation to each grant. Ideas particularly welcome now, as the budget is now being prepared in order that the Precept can be set at the next meeting. No additional items discussed.

7.4.  Members were advised that the End of Year Accounts for the period ending 31st March 2012 have now been satisfactorily signed off by the external auditors ‘Mazars’, with no matters having been raised and that the appropriate copies were displayed on the public noticeboard.


8.1. The Norfolk County Council Highways Rangers will be in our parish carrying out maintenance works identified by the Highway Inspector during the week commencing 12th November. Any items for consideration should be emailed to including RANGER and HIGH KELLING in the subject title or reported to the Parish Clerk as soon as possible. Members raised a number of items which the Clerk shall forward.

8.2.  Holt Area Patients Participation Group – The following report was received from our representative, Bob Prescott. With the next meeting falling on 19th October, Bob could only report that he would be handing the post of Membership Secretary to Emma Cletheroe, while retaining the post of Treasurer at the AGM, which he is unable to attend this year.

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9.1.  Carol Otty declared “a personal interest as I work for the NHS.” Members received information and survey from Norman Lamb MP regard the Ambulance Service. Collective reply will be given and this has been given much coverage in the press recently. Sue Gravenor and The Clerk will attend the meeting at Cromer tomorrow evening when representatives from the East of England Ambulance Service will be present.

9.2.  Before we reply to the review of the Registration Service opening hours; pilot scheme for registering births and deaths via NCC it was proposed & agreed that “we contact Lloyd Durham to ask if they have any thoughts that they would like to share with us and then place this item back on the November agenda.” (Consultation deadline 31st December 2012.)

9.3.  Members noted the information from the Cabinet Member for Environment and Waste about Looking after Norfolk’s footpaths; including how to report problems on Public Rights of Way (PRoWs) etc. Enquiries and reports about PRoWs can be made using the online reporting form via or by calling the Customer Service Centre on 0344 800 8020.

9.4.  Kelling Heath Holiday Park advised that in relation to the Squirrel Wood Spa Proposal, construction of the new link road from Kelling Heath to the proposed Health Spa development, will take place in mid October and is expected to take about 3 weeks. Condition 4 of the planning permission, requires the construction of the road to base course level before any works take place at the spa.

9.5.  Proposals to the change in Council Tax; this was covered earlier during the District Councillor’s report.

9.6.  It was proposed & agreed to undertake a Village Litter Pick on Saturday 24th November, meeting at 10am at the Village Hall, and aiming to be finished by 12 noon, with a welcome cuppa. Robin Johnson will be the co-ordinator and The Clerk will arrange the items needed and the collection of rubbish collected.

Meeting closed at 8.55pm.

Chairman ______

Appendix 1 – Full Council Meeting, Tuesday 16th October 2012


NNDC PLANNING UPDATES/DECISIONS: From now on NNDC will notify Parish & Town Councils of all non-material amendment applications for information only purposes. They shall be listed each month as below:-

i)  Application no. P0/08/1193 – Proposal; Extension to Care Home, at, Cromer Road, High Kelling; Permission granted/reconfirmed.

ii)  Tree Preservation Order – Application no. TPO/12/0853 – Land at, 39 Pineheath Road, High Kelling; Order confirmed.

iii)  Application no. PF/12/0278 – Proposal; Demolition of singe-storey dwelling and erection of two-storey dwelling at, Rosana, Vale Road, High Kelling; Permission granted with conditions.


1. CORRESPONDENCE – Items on the table/in circulation to read include (these items do not require a decision at this moment in time);

a)  North Norfolk Railway – Jointline (Poppyline Magazine) – Autumn 2012.

b)  Norfolk Playing Fields Association – Newsletter – Autumn 2012.

c)  Nfk Association of Local Councils – Rural Statement 2012 – What is in this for Local Councils? (No deadline.)

d)  Campaign to Protect Rural England – Fieldwork Newsletter – Autumn 2012.