Pilot Counselling and Treatment Centres for Pathological and Problem Gamblers
Using Alternative Treatment Methods


Name of applicant:
  1. Background  Please tick as appropriate

(a) Subvented NGO
(b) Non-subvented NGO
(c) University
(d) None of the above (Please explain : ______) / (a) 
(b) 
(c) 
(d) 
Service Profile / Summary of description
  1. Service, programmes activities to be provided

(a)Detailed description of service design and whether the proposed arrangements/measures are feasible and practical:
Overall intervention strategy in pursuit of the objectives of the pilot programme;
The screening services / tools and data collation methods for assessing the severity, needs, and profiles of the problem gamblers;
The hotline and face-to-face intervention / treatment / relapse prevention services, including their long-term development strategy;
The self help and support group services to the problem gamblers and significant others;
Public education programmes;
Methods for reaching out and engaging the gamblers to receive counselling and / or medical treatments;
Training for professionals working with, and family members or persons related to, pathological or problem gamblers; outreach programmes.
(b)Details of mode of operation including operating hours, case management flow, etc and concrete measure on how to achieve smooth service operations
(c)Concrete measures to publicize the services and enhance accessibility of the services to target group
  1. Performance Management

(a)Appropriateness of output indicators and level proposed
(b)Appropriateness of the outcome indicators, means of measurement and level proposed
(c)Appropriate assessment tools of client progress and treatment effectiveness
(d)Quality-assurance measures and mechanisms (service manual, guidelines, records, review system, regular meetings, etc), including the approach/means and details of how they will be implemented in order to monitor the service output and outcome
(e)Evaluation and review framework and mechanism, including on-going evaluation/review on the service needs
(f)Internal and external monitoring mechanism and complaint-handling procedure
  1. Financial and Human Resource Management

(a)Quality and quantity of staff, the competence of staff in working with problem and pathological gamblers
(b)Management / organisation structure and monitoring mechanism
(c)Planned budget and financial management system
(d)Quality of professionals to whom services would be referred to
(e)Staff training and support
(f)Appropriateness of fee-charging policy, range of fees and waiving mechanism
  1. Ability to network and form alliances

(a)Existing or planned strategic alliance / interface with stakeholders of different background to tap expertise such as family / legal / financial counselling, mental health, community work, etc. to maintain multi-disciplinary cooperation and collaboration
(b)Collaboration with relevant agencies to conduct outreach/preventive campaign
(c)Existing or planned networking with other professionals (e.g. social welfare agencies, hospitals, police, schools, etc.) for early identification of cases
(d)Assisting the relevant agencies in preparing the education and publicity campaign
  1. Planning of service commencement

(a)Implementation schedule of the services
Target commencement date
Interim arrangement
(b)Availability of own premises
(c)Concrete plan of securing premises
(d)Whether fitting–out, renovation or alteration works is required and availability of outside funding
  1. Experience and Familiarity

(a)Capability and relevant experience in providing problem gambling or other similar service (years of service, services rendered, source of funding and performance)
(b)Familiarity and work / programme start-up experience in the designated districts
  1. Innovation initiative and value-added items offered

Any innovative initiatives and value added items (e.g. additional services, service hours, resources, equipment, etc.) which are relevant and applicable

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