Disclosure 2012-2013
Wilson I Reading Course
Ashlee Heinlein
Phone Numbers:
WHS 435-654-0604
ROOM 435-657-3100 x3739
Room Number: 307
Para Educators
Dez Elting
Melissa Bolinder
- Increase decoding skills
- Increase comprehension skills
- Spell and read 100 sight words
- Become a better reader
- Learn structure of the English language as it relates to reading and spelling
- Increase spelling skills
- Knowledge of basic grammar and sentence structure
- Spell and read 50 vocabulary words
- Increase reading strategies and problem solving skills
The objectives of this class center on increasing reading and spelling skills, therefore attendance is essential to the learning and retention of these skills. This class is based on your participation, which means your grade will be based on your attendance and participation. Every class you can earn 5 participation points and 5 attendance points. Wasatch High School policy is followed and states:
- Students are required to attend each class, on time, unless properly excused.
- Make-up reading sessions can be scheduled for excused absences
- You can only make up assignments for 3 excused absences
- Absences need to be excused within a week or it will be deemed truancy
- School-excused absences can ALL be made up
- A combination of 6 absences and tardies= Non-complete grade, which means you will not receive credit for the class
I take attendance at the beginning of class right after the bell rings. For every tardy, you will be lose 2 of the 5 participation points. Wasatch High School policy is enforced and states:
- Tardy Bell to 10 Minutes= Tardy
- 11 minutes or over= Very Late
- Combination of 6 tardies and absences= Non-complete grade, which means you will not receive credit for the class.
We enforce the cell phone policy of our school. If we see a cell phone it will be taken from the student and may be picked up in the office by a parent. More details are offered in the student planner.
We enforce the WHS dress code. Girls need to be mindful of their dress, skirt, and short lengths (mid-thigh when sitting down) and the neckline of their tops. Tank tops are not allowed. Please don’t wear your pants low. Piercings need to be taken out or covered with a bandage. Hats and vulgar/obscene logos are not allowed. Violations of the dress code will be referred to the office and you will be asked to change.
Participation in the Wilson I Reading class is defined as:
- Coming to class on time
- Having a good attitude
- Giving your best work and effort
- Working on goals and evaluating progress with teacher
- Working with students in the classroom, school and/or out in the community.
- Participating and staying on task the entire class period
- Being respectful to classmates, teachers and aids
Wilson Reading System: Wilson Reading System is a multisensory reading program that focuses on decoding, vocabulary, sight words, comprehension, and spelling. Students last year showed a lot of improvement in their reading and spelling.
Homework: Students will not have homework, unless specifically requested by parent. The student is required to work hard and stay on task throughout the entire period. If the student is off task or sluffs class, he/she will stay during intervention time, after school or during consultation hour to make up the work.
Make-up Absences: If students are absent and it is excused, students can make up the work by staying in for intervention, after school or during consultation hour.
Grading: Students will receive 10 points a day- 5 for attendance and 5 for participation.
Progress Reports: Progress reports will be sent home. A progress report will be given as often as indicated on the students IEP or at the end of every term. This report will give a summary of the progress being made to meet each goal area of the IEP.
Students will need only a pencil and an eraser for this class. If you would like to donate binders, it would be greatly appreciated.
I have read the previous disclosure document and agree with the course requirements and demands.
Signature of studentDate
As a parent/guardian, I have read and understood the demands of this course and give my for ______, my child, to participate in the Wilson Reading Course.
Signature of Parent/GuardianDate