The New Jersey Family Business of the Year Awards recognizes family firms that best exemplify strong businesses acumen,
active family engagement, innovation and community involvement. Please help us honor the Family Businesses whose innovativestrategies and business practices have had a positive impact on the New Jersey business community and society. Winnersare eligible for the National Family Business of the Year Competition and are featured in New Jersey Monthly Magazine.
Any New Jersey-based family-owned business that now includes, or has included, more than one generation, and whose policies and business practices have had a positive impact on business and the community.
Nominations may be submitted by anyone.You may nominate your own
Category One: Businesses with annual sales/revenuesup to $10 million Category Two: Businesses with annual sales/revenuesof more than $10 million.
All nominating forms and any accompanying materials must be postmarked by April 12, 2006 to be considered for the Family Business of the Year Award.
NEW JERSEY MONTHLYis published by New Jersey Monthly L.L.C., a familyowned company. For more than 29 years New Jersey Monthly has addressedthe needs and the interests of an active, well-educated and affluent readershipin the GardenState. Its editorial coverage represents an exciting mixof topics from political and business trends, to interior design, fine dining,entertainment and weekend getaways. If it’s in New Jersey, it’s in New JerseyMonthly.
PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.(NYSE:PNC) is one of thenation's largest diversified financial services organizations providing consumerand business banking; specialized services for corporations and governmententities, including corporate banking, real estate finance andasset-based lending; wealth management; asset management and globalfund services. PNC Advisors, a member of the PNC Financial ServicesGroup, Inc. is one of the nation's largest wealth managers, providing servicesand advice to affluent individuals and families, including full –servicebrokerage through Hilliard Lyons. In addition, the Hawthorn divisionadvised ultra high net worth families. The roots of PNC Advisors dateback more than 150 years to two of the nation's oldest and largest investmentmanagement and trust companies.
has been serving the academic and business communities in support of entrepreneurshipand innovation since 1989. Part of the Silberman College ofBusiness, the Institute's mission is to foster entrepreneurship through avariety of innovative academic and outreach programs. Outreach programsinclude the Family Business Forum, executive training programs, theFemale Entrepreneur's Alliance, the Business Enterprise Forum and the
Business Plan Development program that partners teams of MBA studentswith regional businesses, start-ups and non-profits. Recognition programsinclude the Family Business of the Year Awards program, the Richard M.Clarke Distinguished Entrepre-neurial Lecture Series, the East CoastStudent Entrepreneur Awards program, the New Jersey BusinessIdeaCompetition, and the New Jersey Female Entrepreneur Lecture.
CAMARÈSCamarès delivers research, planning, marketing, advertising andPR to companies selling business-to-business – and has done so since1982. Camarès is both a Fully Integrated Advertising, Marketing and PRagency and an Entrepreneurial Go-to-Market Advisory. We recognize thatthe B-to-B market place demands its own peculiar marketing solutions,most of which are well beyond the reach of traditional PR, Advertisingand consulting firms. Camarès clients tap the strong research and planningcapabilities of the Camarès Advisory for swift assessment of theirmarketplace issues and for clear-headed solutions. They tap the awardwinningCamarès Agency to execute those solutions for them.
THE CRYSTAL PLAZA is a magnificent turn-of-the-century mansiondesigned by renowned architect Stanford White, and restored to its originalgrace and splendor by the Janoff family. Hosting one affair at a time,the mansion is exclusively private for the duration of your social or businessaffair. Renowned for its cuisine, butler service, sparkling chandeliers,cozy fireplaces, and breathtaking Renaissance styled ballroom - the CrystalPlaza creates an atmosphere of refined elegance and sophistication. The
CrystalPlaza mansion is located in Livingston, NJ just five minutes fromthe Short Hills Mall, and accommodates up to 1,500.
RIKER, DANZIG, SCHERER, HYLAND & PERRETTI LLP Riker Danzig is proudto have served the New Jersey business community for over 100 years.Our clients range in size from small businesses and individuals to multinationalcorporations and regional enterprises. We provide practical tax andcorporate legal advice to a variety of closely-held businesses. Our broadbased
approach is especially critical in the family-held business situation,
where good counseling must integrate tax planning and estate planningwith general business planning.Riker Danzig is New Jersey trial counsel, regional trial counsel and nationaldefense counsel for some of the largest and best-known corporations in
a wide variety of matters. We also have highly-respected practices in corporateand mergers and acquisitions, commercial law, trial and appellatelitigation, labor and employment, bankruptcy, governmental affairs, intellectualproperty, tax, trusts and estates, public utilities, public finance,environmental law, and real estate development.
PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY(PSE&G) has been meetingthe needs of New Jersey's residential and business consumers for morethan 100 years. It is the state's oldest and largest public utility, servingnearly three quarters of the state's population. PSE&G is dedicated tomaking New Jersey a better place to live and do business. The companyhas approximately 6,300 employees who provide safe, reliable gas andelectricity, business development guidance and active community support.
PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Private Company Services practice is madeup of a dedicated group of professionals that are focused on the audit, taxcompliance and planning, and business advisory needs of private companiesand their owners. Our Private Company Services professionals concentrateon the needs of manufacturing retail and consumer, wholesaleand distribution, law firm and construction and engineering companies.We deliver custom-tailored, cost-effective, practical solutions and responsive,
proactive service with the quality that you expect from
PricewaterhouseCoopers. By helping private companies make strategicdecisions throughout the business lifecycle, our Private Company Servicespractice is designed to help clients improve cash flow and increase owner'swealth accumulation.
Name: / Title:Company:
Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Business Phone: / Fax:
Company Website: / E-mail address:
Type of Business: Manufacturing, Retailing, Sales, Distribution, Service, Technology, Other (please specify):
Financial Category (please check one) Up to $10 Million in annual sales Over $10 Million in annual sales
1. How long have you known the nominee and in what capacity?
2. Company Description: Please include the following information:
Year the company was founded, number of employees, number of family members involved, number of generations involved, generationcurrently in charge, oldest active family member, youngest active family member.
3. Has the company been involved in any controversy that should be considered when submitting a nomination? If yes, please feelfree to explain (**PLEASE NOTE: A “YES” ANSWER WILL NOT NECESSARILY DISQUALIFY THE CONSIDERATION OFYOUR COMPANY)
Name: / Title:Company:
Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax:
4. Please describe or draw a "family tree" showing the generations of family members working in the business(past, present.) Please begin with the founder, and include the names and ages of all current family members.
5.Please provide a brief history of the nominee’s business. Please consider such factors as how the family’s valuesare incorporated into the values of the business and how the family balances work life and home life.(250-650 words)
6.What element of the company sets it apart from other New Jersey Family Businesses (such as policy, humanresources, marketing techniques, special employee benefits, financial success and longevity, innovation?)(100-300 words)
7.Community involvement.
Family businesses often have a multi-generational effect on the community. This extended memory of communityevents and involvement in both the economic and basic well being of the community make familybusinesses uniquely powerful corporate citizens. This is true of younger as well as older family businesses. Inconsideration of this, please reflect on what your company and family have stood for. Please describe what yousee as your primary responsibilities towards family, company and community. Tell us about how the company’sleadership, service, and financial support to civic, philanthropic and industry organizations have propelledthese values forward. (250-650 words)
8.It is relatively easy to do business in good times, but great businesses are proven in the tough times. Tell usabout a tough time in your business history and how your business and your family got through it. What werethe challenges? How did you solve them? (250-650 words)
9.Future plans and expectations: Where do you want to take your family business? What is your vision forthe future? Each generation involved in the business is encouraged to respond to this question. (250-650Words)
10.How did you hear about the Family Business of the Year Awards?
Radio New Jersey Monthly Word of mouth Mailing Other
Please provide us with any brochures, photos, news clips, web site addresses, advertisements that would give us a more
complete picture of your company. Please print out and photocopy on to 8.5 x 11 paper that can be three-hole punched.
Family Business of the Year Award
Rothman Institute of Entrepreneurial Studies
FairleighDickinsonUniversity, Madison, NJ07940
For further information, please contact the Institute at (973) 443-8842
Fax: (973) 443-8847
Additional forms are available to download at