Albion Elementary School PTA Newsletter
9360 Albion Rd. North Royalton, OH 44133 Phone: 440-582-9060 Mr. Vincent Ketterer, Principal
February 2017
President’s Message
Dear Albion Family,
I’m thankful for the work and dedication of our members. PTA events and behind-the-scenes activities would not be possible without them. Many of these parents work full- or part-time but still carve out a little more time to share their talents for the benefit of the kids. Many who are active will be moving on to the Middle School next year so please consider a question: “How can I help?” Our PTA is an ever-changing, growing organization with lots of room for innovation and improvement each year. Perhaps you can help make PTA better and stronger for your child’s elementary years. Even a few hours of your time throughout the year can make a big contribution. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions concerning any of our committees.
Thanks to Sharon Boland and her team of volunteers for organizing the Family and Friend PTA Fundraiser February 19th at the Jump Yard. It was a great time out for families!
I want to thank everyone who has been contributing to our Box Tops collection! We’ve had another great year thanks to the hard work of Christine Dockrill. These add up quickly and it helps support the ongoing programs that the PTA offers. Keep sending them in!
Thank you to Marie and all of our Breakfast with a Buddy volunteers. Everyone is enjoying the experience! And a special shout-out to Cristina Hornik for always coming to my aid. All of you ladies are the glue that holds this PTA together.
Our next meeting will be held Friday, March 10th at 9:30am at the North Royalton library. As always, thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Leesa Jacubenta
PTA President
North Royalton Schools:
The Time Is Now
This year marks a critical time for our school district and our community. On May 2,
our community has one more chance to support a bond issue that will address current and future educational needs. This is a single, comprehensive solution that takes care of our facility needs for generations. If the issue fails, the board will be forced to implement Plan B, which would entail devastating cuts to the district’s programs and services.
Please stay informed – and find out how you can help inform others, too!
Help us get out the vote!!
For more information, please visit
Albion Elementary PTA
Meeting Minutes
Friday, February 10, 2017
President Leesa Jacubenta called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. Members then said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary’s Report/Minutes – Ann Gurin – Leesa asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes from the January meeting. There being none, Leesa indicated the minutes will stand as published.
Treasurer’s Report – Leesa Jacubenta for Laura Greiner – Balance on hand as of Jan. 31 is $21,225.23 which includes deposits of $183 and disbursements of $123.08. The report stands as submitted.
Principal’s Report – Mr. Vince Ketterer
· Please read the detailed Constant Contact message coming out later today that addresses many of the updates he is giving at this meeting.
· Mr. Ketterer reminded families of the upcoming Third Grade Square Dance later this month involving all elementary schools. Parents do not have to dance. Be sure to come to the event the Burdick family has been coordinating for the last 23 years.
· February 21-22 there will be open hours for kindergarten registration. Please help get the word out.
· Mr. Ketterer discussed the Butter Braids and more fundraiser. Pick-up will be the same evening as the Art Show.
· Valentine’s parties for K-2 will be next week. Third and fourth graders do their own thing planned by their teachers.
· Third and fourth grade state testing begins the week after we return from Spring Break. Third graders will have ELA and Math tests, each in two parts. Fourth graders will have ELA, Math and Social Studies tests.
· Mr. Ketterer said School Board Member Jackie Arendt was unable to attend today to field any questions, but indicated that her report certainly would have focused on the bond issue back on the ballot in May, which is vital for our schools.
· He indicated the school district has hired a new consultant for the campaign with an excellent track record (100/104 issues passed).
· If the bond issue does not pass in May, the district will be forced to implement “Plan B,” which would put us in a very bad spot.
· Mr. Ketterer said we will need everyone to be on board, knowledgeable and ready to be vocal.
· The smaller Breakfast with a Buddy events have been well attended. Many parents have been complementary of the new set-up.
· As always thank you for all your support.
· Regarding the bond issue, Jen Kimmel asked how we can reach people that don’t vote and don’t attend community meetings. Mr. Ketterer responded that the Group Ambassador Committee is a key piece, and will include targeting high school students old enough to vote.
· There was also discussion of the yes/no voter database, and the survey on NR Kids Future.
· Assistant Superintendent Jim Presot discussed many of the facility concerns at the last school board meeting.
· Please keep in mind that there are three more Open Hour sessions at Albion for community members to tour the building and observe the conditions, as well as ask questions.
President’s Report – Leesa Jacubenta
· Leesa apologized that the agenda for this meeting is not correct.
· Thanks to everyone for stepping up, often at the last minute.
· Special thanks to Tammy Fulmer and Kelly Close for helping Marie with Breakfast with a Buddy. Our PTA is a family and together we can make events happen.
· Thank you to the Nominating Committee for their efforts to make sure we have an awesome slate for next year. We will be taking additional nominations from the floor later in this meeting.
· The Jump Yard Fundraiser is February 19.
· Both the Art Show and Third Grade Square Dance are coming up.
· Thank you to all those who volunteered to help with Breakfast with a Buddy.
· I am thankful for everyone! This is a great group of ladies.
· Everyone is encouraged to attend Founders Night on April 20. So far there is just one nomination for the PTA Lifetime Achievement Award.
o Tax-exempt and reimbursement request forms are on the website.
o If you are a new member, please announce your name before making a motion so you can be properly identified.
o Any communication home to families must be approved by Mr. Ketterer through Mrs. Saki (please cc: Mrs. Saki on EVERYTHING).
o Please keep track of volunteer hours & submit monthly to Michelle Stoss at . Include the words “PTA Hours” in the subject line.
· The next newsletter deadline is February 14.
· We need to replace the Carnival Chairwoman.
· Marco’s Pizza Night is next Thursday, Feb. 16. Thanks in advance for supporting this ongoing fundraiser.
Officer Reports
1st VP – Membership/Technology (for Albion & PTA Council) – Michelle Bauer – We currently have 207 members. We only need 10 more to get cash awards from the PTA state organization. We are encouraging staff to sign up, as well as husbands/significant others. Cathleen Finnecy reminded everyone we could place an advertisement for new members on the bulletin board.
2nd VP-Ways & Means – Sara Hatfield – Forms for pre-sale purchase of raffle tickets will go home Monday. Although there is no value listed for the baskets, the Date Night basket includes club seats for a Cavs game valued at $300. We are in need of basket monitors for the event.
3rd VP-Book Fair – Cristina Hornik – Cristina talked with Mrs. Sholtis about a two to three day book fair featuring buy one, get one free books. Cristina will talk to Mr. Ketterer about how to organize this event.
4th VP School Pictures & Yearbooks – Christine Dockrill – 70 yearbooks have been ordered as of 2/8. The order deadline is the end of the month. Chris is still waiting on 18 candid pages from room moms which are due Feb. 24. Leesa asked Christine to send reminders about completing yearbook spreads.
Committee Reports
Box Tops – Christine Dockrill – The most recent contest ended today. Chris had 4,000 box tops ready prior to today.
Ohio PTA Conference – Leesa is looking for people to accompany her to the upcoming weekend conference in Columbus.
Birthday Book Club – Sara Hatfield – Students with January, February, July and August birthdays will have fliers sent home Monday.
Reflections – Mr. Ketterer asked if all entries submitted go on to the state. Leesa responded that only 1st place entries move on.
Nominating Committee Chair Michelle Bauer presented the slate of officers for the 2017-2018 school year:
· President – Leesa Jacubenta
· 1st VP (Membership/Technology) – Michelle Bauer
· 2nd VP (Ways and Means) – Sharon Bohland
· 3rd VP (Book Fair) – Shannon Miezin
· 4th VP (Yearbook/School Pictures) – Christine Dockrill
· Secretary – Kelly Close
· Treasurer – Julie Steel
· Council Delegates – Christie Cervenka, Jacquelyn Firestine
· Council Delegate Alternate – Michelle Stoss
Leesa asked if there were nominations from the floor, which there were not. Any additional nominations may be sent to Leesa until March 3. We will vote on the slate at the March PTA meeting. Leesa thanked the Nominating Committee again for their hard work.
The group voted on Albion’s nomination for the Lifetime Achievement Award for Founder’s Night. Christine Dockrill made the motion to accept the nomination. Cristina Hornik seconded the motion. The motion carried with no opposition.
Following yesterday’s PTA Council meeting, Cathleen Finnecy gave details on Founder’s Night which will be held Thursday, April 20 at 6:00 p.m. in the North Royalton High School Media Center. All PTA members are invited to this special night. If you are an officer next year, you must attend to be installed.
Art Show – Rebecca Moraco – Rebecca met with Mrs. Ricco. We will reinstitute ice cream this year. Mrs. Ricco asked for $75 to pay the keyboardist. No volunteers are needed for the event, but are encouraged for hanging up and taking down artwork. The show will be divided into two different time slots to try to prevent overcrowding: Last names N-Z will attend from 6-7 pm and last names A-M from 7-8 pm.
Breakfast with a Buddy – Marie McLaughlin – Marie asked for ideas for board games to play with kids during upcoming events. She noticed some families doing this as eating breakfast does not take long and kids are not permitted to go to their classrooms until after 8:45 a.m. Tic tac toe, the fishing game or other Dollar Store games could be used. Cristina Hornik suggested families could complete a “Get to Know Your Parent” form where students can “interview” their buddies for answers. A photo backdrop with a camera on tripod (where Marie would volunteer to photograph) could also be set up and then post photos to the PTA Facebook page.
Carnival – Michelle Bauer asked for a chair or co-chairs to help plan the event which she has managed the last two years. She emphasized the bounce house is the majority of the budget, and that a Sign-Up Genius needs to be created. The Carnival is Friday, May 19 and Mrs. Gurka and Mrs. Martella do a lot of the heavy lifting. Kelly Armstrong and Kelly Close volunteered to co-chair the event. Ann Gurin will help support.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 a.m.
Our next meeting is Friday, March 10, 2017 in the North Royalton Library at 9:30 a.m.
Albion Elementary PTA
Meeting Minutes
Friday, January 13, 2017
President Leesa Jacubenta called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m. Members then said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Leesa introduced one of our guests, Ben Stoller, who introduced the upcoming Albion fundraiser featuring Butter Braid Pastries (also cookie dough, soft pretzels, pizza and other desserts). The fundraiser will run Feb. 6-21. Product pick-up will be March 15, the same evening as the Art Show. Information will be sent home to families through student folders. Ben provided product samples and highlighted that student sellers have three ways to win one of two $200 gift certificates.
Guest Speaker: Jackie Arendt, North Royalton School Board
· Thanks to all who attended the Jan. 4 Community Meeting to discuss next steps on the Bond Issue. Board members are still taking input comments and calls as nothing has been formally decided. The board is trying to determine the best course about putting the issue back on the ballot or not. If it is placed on the ballot, it will be identical to the issue on the November ballot.
· Susan Clark is now President and John Kelly Vice President.
Superintendent’s Report – Mr. Greg Gurka
· There was a good crowd of more than 200 at the Jan. 4 Community Meeting with many good discussions about the bond issue. Not all in attendance represented positive feedback.