Broomfields Junior
Together we learn, achieve and enjoy
Broomfields Junior School
Bridge Lane
Telephone: 01925 265297
Facsimile: 01925 861734
Version / Date / Action1 / February 2012 / Policy Implemented
7 / February 2012 / Policy Review
Broomfields Junior School
Educational Visits/Learning Outside the Classroom Policy
Broomfields Junior School believes that safely managed, well planned educational visits with a clear purpose are an indispensable part of a broad and balanced curriculum for our pupils. They are an opportunity to extend the learning of all pupils, including an enrichment of their understanding of themselves, others and the world around them. They can be a catalyst for improved personal performance, promote a lifetime interest and in some cases lead to professional fulfillment. The teaching staff and governors are committed to providing Educational Visits and Learning Outside the Classroom activities that supplement and enhance the curriculum, providing experiences that may otherwise be impossible.
Broomfields Junior School has fully adopted the Warrington Borough Council Guidance for Learning Outside the Classroom, including the use of Evolve. This guidance can be found through the internet by logging onto
This policy provides a clear and coherent structure forthe planning and evaluation of our Educational Visits/Learning Outside the Classroom Activities, to ensure thatany risks are managed and kept to a minimum, for the health, safety andwelfare of all pupils at all times. We seek to makeour visits available to all pupils, and wherever possible to makethem accessible to those with disabilities.
The aims of this policy are to:
- Ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to benefit from educational visits/learning outside the classroom activities
- Ensure that all visits are safe, purposeful and appropriate to meet the educational needs of the pupils taking part
- Ensure assessments and procedures for managing risks are in place
- Identify appropriate functions, responsibilities, training, support and monitoring.
- Ensure that whenever appropriate, further advice is sought from the Local Authority and from other technically competent sources
Every effort will be made to ensure that educational visits and learning outside the classroom activities are available and accessible to all, as per Warrington Borough Council Guidance for Learning Outside the Classroom.
Broomfields Junior School follows a robust process for planning educational visits/learning outside the classroom activities.
Staff wishing to organize a visit should in the first instance outline their proposal to the Headteacher / EVC. The use of EVOLVE will then provide a means of recording planning during the planning phase, and enable the EVC / Headteacher to monitor, contribute and support the activity.
The extent of planning required is related to the complexity of the visit, see:
- Planning with EVOLVE diagram.(Available through the Warrington Visits Guidance Document on EVOLVE)
- Visit Leader Checklist(Appendix 2)
- RADAR model: based on STAGED: Staffing, Timings, Activity, Group, Environment, Distance. (Available through the Warrington Visits Guidance Document on EVOLVE)
Risks are expected to be reduced to an acceptable or tolerable level, and not necessarily eliminated. Planning should achieve a rational balance between potential adverse risks and the intended benefits and outcomes of the activity. See Managing Risk in Play Provision
Many aspects of planning will normally already be in place in the form of existing policies and guidance, such as the establishment’s own policy, LA policy, etc. These, in conjunction with the EVOLVE Visit Form may be sufficient for a particular visit, as it is not necessary to repeat generic policies on EVOLVE.
Due to the complex nature of off-site visits, conventional ‘risk assessment’ as a stand-alone tool is not particularly useful and can on occasion be misleading. It is of greater benefit to consider the overall ‘risk management’ of visits by taking all aspects of visit planning and management into account. This can be achieved effectively through a combination of the EVOLVE visit form itself, and where appropriate, any event specific notes or attachments.
Visit planning includes consideration of the question: ‘What are the really important things that we need to do to keep us safe?’ It should focus on those issues that are individual to the specific event, taking into account the needs of the group (including special and medical needs), the experience and competency of the staff team, and the leader in the context of the event. Significant issues must be recorded on EVOLVE, either notes or as an attachment, and shared with all parties.
This planning process by the leader may be compared to the expectation of a teacher to plan a lesson/session which is relevant to the needs of the group.
Planning that includes adventurous activity commonly involves delivery by an external provider (see Section 29) and the provider will have responsibility for risk assessing and managing the activity. As such, the provider’s risk assessment is not the concern of the establishment leader, does not need to be requested from the provider, and does not need to be attached to EVOLVE.
Alternative arrangements (Plan B) should be included within the planning process where appropriate, for example, where weather conditions or water levels might be critical, or where an overcrowded venue might necessitate an alternative option.
It is good practice to involve participants in the planning and organisation of visits, as in doing so they will make more informed decisions, and will become more ‘risk aware’ and hence at less risk. They will also have greater ownership of the event.
- this is endorsed by HSE in Principles of Sensible Risk Management
Refer to OEAP document: Planning Basics
Refer to OEAP powerpoint: Planning Visits, Off-site Activities & LOtC (link not active)
Educational visits/learning outside the classroom activities which are adventurous, residential or overseas must be approved by the Head Teacher and then approved by the Local Authority. The system for approval on these types of visits is via the electronic Evolve system.
The LA requires 30 working days notice for all visits which are stated above.
All other visits are approved by the Head Teacher through the use of the electronic Evolve system.
Parent/Carer Consent
Parent / carer consent is always sought prior to taking children on any educational visit/learning outside the classroom activity. For day visits this will be via a reply slip attached to the letter detailing the trip details. For residential visits we ask all parents/carers to complete our residential visit consent form (Appendix 1)
Roles and Responsibilities
The following roles have specific responsibilities for educational visits/learning outside the classroom activities – Visit Leader, EVC, Head Teacher, Parent/Carer, Governors. Our school has adopted the Warrington Borough Council Learning Outside the Classroom Guidance relating to specific roles and responsibilities. As a school we will ensure that all staff who have specific roles and responsibilities for educational visits are trained and have the experience that is required. Visits and activities will be monitored through both our Leadership Team and the Governors’ Safeguarding Committee.
Appendix 1
Broomfields Junior School Educational Visits
Parental Consent Form
Educational Visit Information
Name of School:Broomfields Junior School
Details of Visit:
- Dates of Visits:
I have received and read the information the school has provided for me outlining the proposed visit to XXXXX. I understand the reasons for the visit and the nature of the activities to be undertaken.
I am willing to allow my son/daughter……………………………………………to take part in the planned activities.
I give my permission for the teacher in charge to sign on my behalf any forms of consent required by the hospital authorities in the event of my son/daughter being ill or injured during the course of the journey or stay to the extent that a surgical operation or serum injection becomes necessary, provided the delay required to obtain my own signature might be considered likely in the opinion of the doctor or surgeon concerned to endanger my son’s/daughter’s health or safety.
I understand that during the period of the activities away from the school base my son/daughter will be under the supervision of the appointed members of staff.
I understand the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided.
Emergency Contact Information
Contact No 1:______
Tel No. (Home)______(Work)______
Contact No 2:______
Tel No. (Home)______(Work)______
Name of Family doctor:______
Tel no of Doctor______
Medical Information
Please complete the medical questionnaire for your son/daughter
- Has your child been immunised against tetanus in the last five years?Yes/No
(please give date if known)
- Is your child sensitive to penicillin?Yes/No
- Does your child suffer from fainting attacks or blackouts?Yes/No
- Does your child suffer from fits or epilepsy?Yes/No
- Does your child suffer from any allergy, asthma or hay fever?Yes/No
- Does your child take any medication for the condition?Yes/No
- Does your child suffer from diabetes?Yes/No
- Does your child suffer from ear trouble?Yes/No
- Does your child suffer from any illness, and/or injury not mentioned above?Yes/No
If yes, please give details including and infectious/contagious illness in the last
3 months and details of other recent illness/injuries or physical disabilities.
- Are your child’s teeth in good condition?Yes/No
If you are not sure, please get your dentist to check your child’s teeth on a
regular basis.
- Is your child on any sort of medical treatment at the present time, is theYes/No
Treatment self-administered? If yes, please give details.
Name of Medicine______
How often taken______
Please indicate any special dietary requirements due to medical, religious or moral reasons
- Does your child suffer from travel sickness?Yes/No
- Does your child suffer from incontinence problems?Yes/No
- Are there any activities in which your child may not participate? Please give reasons:
- Is there any other information which school should be aware of? Eg suffers from vertigo, claustrophobia or is frightened of the dark etc.
Appendix 2
Visit Leader Check List
- I have been formally approved to carry out the visit
- I am specifically competent and meet the requirements of employer guidance
- I have undertaken Visit Leader training as recommended / required by myemployer
- I have planned and prepared for the visit, involving staff in the planning andrisk management process to ensure wider understanding
- I have kept my EVC informed at each stage of the planning process
- I have undertaken a preliminary visit if appropriate or required byestablishment policy
- I have involved young people in these processes, wherever appropriate
- I have defined the roles and responsibilities of other staff (and young people)to ensure effective supervision, and have appointed a deputy
- I have shared details of 24/7 emergency contacts and emergencyarrangements with key staff
- I have obtained parental consent forms (where required), medical details andcontact details and these have been copied and shared with relevant staff andproviders
- I have checked whether insurance arrangements are adequate
- If accompanying leaders take a family member on a visit, there are adequatesafeguards to ensure that this will not compromise group management
- Child protection issues are addressed, including CRB/ ISA checks andprocesses where appropriate
- I have disseminated relevant information to supporting staff
- There is access to first aid at an appropriate level
- Relevant information has been provided to parents and young people and previsitinformation meetings have been arranged where appropriate
- All aspects of the visit (both during and after the event) are evaluated
- Staff and other supervisors have been appropriately briefed on:
- The nature of the group, including age, health characteristics,capabilities, special educational needs, likely behaviour and any otherinformation relevant to the planned activities
- The nature and location of the activity
- The visit is effectively supervised - staffing ratios meet requirements of goodpractice
- I understand that the overarching duty of care remains with establishmentleaders, even when partial responsibility is shared with a provider
- Staff and third party providers have access to emergency contact andemergency procedure details