William G. Lowrie Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Associate Professor, PhD Carnegie Mellon. Computational catalysis, energy and sustainability.
Awards and Honors
Lumley Research Award, Ohio State College of Engineering (2015)
Refereed Papers
R. Rai, T. Li, Z. Liang, M. Kim, A. Asthagiri, and J.F. Weaver, “Growth and Termination of a Rutile IrO2(100) Layer on Ir(111),” Surf. Sci. (in press).
Z. Huang, W. Luo, L. Ma, M. Yu, M. He, W. Chen, A. Asthagiri, and Y. Wu, “Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Activity of dimeric [Mo2S12]2- clusters: a molecular analog of MoS2 Edges,” Angew. Chemie, 54, 15181 (2015).
W. Luo, X. Nie, M.J. Janik, and A. Asthagiri, “Facet dependence of CO2 reduction paths on Cu electrodes,” ACS Catalysis, 6, 219 (2016).
S.A. Akhade, W. Luo, X. Nie, A. Asthagiri, and M.J. Janik, “Theoretical insight on reactivity trends in CO2 electroreduction across transition metals,” Cat. Sci. Tech. (in press DOI: 10.1039/C5CY01339A).
J. Choi, L. Pan, V. Mehar, F. Zhang, A. Asthagiri, and J.F. Weaver, “Promotion of CO Oxidation on PdO(101) by adsorbed H2O,” Surf. Sci. (in press).
F. Zhang, L. Pan, J. Choi, V. Mehar, J.T. Diulus, A. Asthagiri, and J.F. Weaver, “Propane sigma-complexes on PdO(101): Spectroscopic evidence for the selective coordination and activation of primary C-H bonds,” Angew. Chemie, 127, 14113 (2015).
S. Yuk & A. Asthagiri, “A first-principles study of Pt thin films on SrTiO3(100): Support effects on CO adsorption,” J. Chem. Phys., 142, 124704 (2015).
J. Choi, L. Pan, F. Zhang, J.T. Diulus, A. Asthagiri, and J.F. Weaver, “Molecular adsorption of NO on PdO(101),” Surf. Sci., 640, 150 (2015).
J.F. Weaver, F. Zhang, L. Pan, T. Li, and A. Asthagiri, “Vacancy-mediated processes in the oxidation of CO on PdO(101),” Accounts of Chemical Research, 48, 1515 (2015).
Grant Support
$600,000 (2015-2018). Aravind Asthagiri (Co-PI), Jason Weaver (PI); DOE-BES: Growth and Reactivity of Oxide Phases on Crystalline Pd and Pt surfaces.
$110,000 (2016-2018). Aravind Asthagiri (Co-PI), Jay Gupta (PI); ACS-PRF: Studies of CO2 Photoreduction on Cu2O at the Single Molecule Level.”
$480,000 (2013-2016). Aravind Asthagiri (Co-PI), Umit Ozkan (PI); DOE-BES: Heteroatom-doped carbon materials as oxygen reduction electrocatalysts in acidic and alkaline media.”
Professor, PhD MIT. Sustainability science and engineering, process systems engineering.
Awards and Honors
“Best Papers of 2015,” Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), first runner-up.
Books and Book Chapters
R. J. Hanes and B. R. Bakshi. “Comprehensive life cycle accounting in sustainable process design.” Sustainability of Products, Processes and Supply Chains: Theory and Applications. Ed. by Fengqi You. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Elsevier, 2015.
S. Singh and B. R. Bakshi. “Carbon and Nitrogen Footprints of Chemical and Manufacturing Industry Sectors.” Sustainability in the Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Engineering Processes. Ed. by G. R. Mercado and H. Cabezas. Elsevier, 2015.
Refereed Papers
S. Bogra, B. R. Bakshi, and R. Mathur. “A Water Withdrawal Input-Output Model of the Indian Economy.” Environmental Science & Technology (2016, accepted).
S. S. Chopra, B. R. Bakshi, and V. Khanna. “Economic Dependence of US Industrial Sectors on Animal-mediated Pollination Service.” Environmental Science and Technology 49.24 (2015), pp. 14441–14451.
R. J. Hanes and B. R. Bakshi. “Process to Planet: A Multiscale Modeling Framework Toward Sustainable Engineering.” AIChE Journal 61.10 (2015), pp. 3332–3352.
R. J. Hanes and B. R. Bakshi. “Sustainable Process Design by the Process to Planet Framework.” AIChE Journal 61.10 (2015), pp. 3320–3331.
R. J. Hanes, N. B. Cruze, P. K. Goel, and B. R. Bakshi. “Allocation Games: Addressing the ill-posed nature of allocation in life cycle inventories.” Environmental Science and Technology, 49.13 (2015), pp. 7996–8003.
Berrin Kursun, Bhavik R. Bakshi, Manoj Mahata, and Jay F. Martin. “Life cycle and energy based design of energy systems in developing countries: Centralized and localized options.” Ecological Modelling 305 (2015), pp. 40–53.
Prasad Mandade, Bhavik R. Bakshi, and G.D. Yadav. “Ethanol from Indian agro-industrial lignocellulosic biomass - a life cycle evaluation of energy, greenhouse gases, land and water.” The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20.12 (2015), pp. 1649–1658.
Bhavik R. Bakshi, Guy Ziv, and Michael D. Lepech. “Techno-Ecological Synergy: A Framework for Sustainable Engineering.” Environmental Science & Technology 49.3 (2015), pp. 1752–1760.
S. Singh and B. R. Bakshi. “Footprints of Carbon and Nitrogen: Revisiting the Paradigm and Exploring their Nexus for Decision Making.” Ecological Indicators 53 (2015), pp. 49–60. Matthew Winden, Nathan Cruze, Tim Haab, and Bhavik Bakshi. “Monetized value of the environmental, health and resource externalities of soy biodiesel.” Energy Policy 47 (2015), pp. 18–24.
Grant Support
$418,965 (2012-2016). Yebo Li, PI; co-PIs Bhavik R. Bakshi and Rudy Buchheit; US Department of Agriculture: Development and demonstration of a low VOC polyurethane coating system using bio polyols derived from crude glycerol.
$6,000,000 (2013-2017). Yebo Li, PI; co-PIs Bhavik R. Bakshi and several others; US Department of Agriculture, BRDI program: Bioenergy and Biofuels Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass via Anaerobic Digestion and Fisher-Tropsch Reaction.
$300,000 (2013-2016). Bakshi, Bhavik R., co-PI: Michael Lepech, Stanford University; National Science Foundation: Seeking Synergy Between Technological and Ecological Systems for Sustainable Engineering.
$46,645 (2014-2016). Bakshi, Bhavik R.; National Science Foundation: US-UK Planning Visit: Techno-Ecological Synergy for Sustainable Engineering.
$410,000 (out of $12 million) (2015-2019.)
Bakshi, Bhavik R.,PI: Anu Ramaswami, U. Minnesota; National Science Foundation: SRN: Integrated Urban Infrastructure Solutions for Environmentally Sustainable, Healthy and Livable Cities.
$99,994 (out of $12 million, 2015-2020). Bakshi, Bhavik R., PI: Charles Redman, Arizona State University; National Science Foundation: SRN: Urban Resilience to Extremes.
$179,085 (2016-2018). Bakshi, Bhavik R.; Ford Motor Company: Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon Fiber Composites for Auto Applications.
Assistant Professor, PhD California Institute of Technology. Heterogeneous and immobilized catalysis and catalytic materials; sustainability, energy, environment.
Refereed Papers
E.G. Borchetta, S. Negretti, K.M. Chepiga, N.A. Brunelli, Y. Labreche, Y. Feng, F. Rezaei, R.P. Lively, W.J. Koros, H.M.L. Davies,* and C.W. Jones.* "Composite Polymer/Oxide Hollow Fiber Contactors: Versatile and Scalable Flow Reactors for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions in Organic Synthesis." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54 (22), 6470-6474.
L. Espinal, M.L. Green, D.A. Fischer, D.M. DeLongchamp, C. Jaye, J.C. Horn, M.A. Sakwa-Novak, W. Chaikittisilp, N.A. Brunelli, C.W. Jones. “Interrogating the Carbon and Oxygen K-edge NEXAFS of a CO2-dosed Hyperbranched Aminosilica.” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2015, 6 (1), 148-152.
E.G. Moschetta, N.A. Brunelli, C.W. Jones. “Reaction-
dependent heteroatom modification of acid-base catalytic cooperativity in aminosilica materials.” Appl. Catal. A 2015, 504 (5), 429-439.
Grant Support
$110,000 (2016-2018). Brunelli, PI.; ACS-PRF-DNI: Designing Uniform Paired Copper Catalytic Sites for Conversion of Methane to Methanol (PRF# 55946-DNI5).
$40,000 (2015). Brunelli, PI.; OSU-MRI Exploratory Materials Research Grant: Investigating Crystallization Mechanisms of Microporous Materials Using Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry (IM-MS).
Professor, PhD Cornell. Biochemical engineering, bioengineering, biomedical engineering.
Books and Book Chapters
Jeffrey J. Chalmers, Maryam B. Lustberg, Clayton Deighan, Kyoung-Joo Jenny Park, Yongqi Wu, Peter Amaya, “Depletion of normal cells for CTC enrichment,” Circulating Tumor Cells: Isolation and Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
Zborowski, M., Chalmers, J.J., “Magnetophoresis: Fundamentals and Applications,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
Refereed Papers
Gallardo-Rodrigguez, J.J., Lopez-Rosles, L., Sanchez-Miron, A., Garcia-Camacho, F., Molina-Grima, E., Chalmers, J.J. New insights into shear-sensitivity in dinoflagellate microalgae. Bioresource Technology. 699-705. 2016.
Chalmers, J.J., “Mixing, aeration and cell damage, 30+ years later: what we learned, how did it affect the cell culture industry and what would we like to know more about,” Current Opinions in Chemical Engineering, Vol 10:94-102. (2015)
Joao Paulo Oliveira-Costa, Alex Fiorini de Carvalho2, Giorgia Gobbi da Silveira1, Peter Amaya3, Yongqi Wu, Kyoung-Joo Jenny Park, Mabel Pinilla Gigliola, Maryam Lustberg, Marcilei Eliza Cavicchioli Buim, Elisa Napolitano Ferreira, Luiz Paulo Kowalski, Jeffrey J. Chalmers, Fernando Augusto Soares, Dirce Maria Carraro, Alfredo Ribeiro-Silva, “Gene expression patterns through oral squamous cell carcinoma development: PD-L1 expression in primary tumor and circulating tumor cells,” OncoTarget. 28;6(25)20902-20. (2015).
Barrow, M, Taylor, A ,Nieves, DJ, Bogart, LK,, Mandal, P.,Collins, CM , Moore, LR, Chalmers, JJ, Levy, R Williams, SR, Murray, P, Rosseinsky, MJ, Adams, DJ, “Tailoring the surface charge of dextran-based polymer coated SPIONs for modulated stem cell uptake and MRI contrast,” Biomaterials Science. 3(4):608-616. (2015).
Buck, A., Moore, L.R., Lane, C.D., Kumar, A., Stroff, C., White, N., Xue, w., Chalmers, J.J., Zborowski, M., “Magnetic separation of algae genetically modified for increased intracellular iron uptake,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material. 380:201-204. (2015). 17.
Mathsyaraja, H., Thies, K., Taffany, D.A., Deighan, C., Liu, T., Pecot, T., Yu, L., Fernandez, S.A., Shapiro, C., Otero, J., Timmers, C., Lustberg, M.B., Chalmers, J.J., Leone, G., Ostrowski, M.C. CSF1 Induces Oncogenic microRNAs in Macrophages to Drive Metastatic Tumor Growth. Oncogene 34(28):3651-3661. (2015).
Chalmers JJ, Melnik K, Lara-Velasco, OR, Tong X, Zborowski M, Moore LR, Farag S. Biological Cell Separator and Disposable Kit. US Patent 9,176,111; 2015.
Grant Support
$10,000 (Phase 1: 2015-2016). Genentech: Multi-color immunohistochemistry staining of Genentech cells.
$50,000 (2015.) Millipore Merck, RF 60046284: Microcarrier cell shear collaboration.
$20,000 (2014-2016). PI. National Cancer Institute–R21CA17864: Role of tumor-associated endothelial cells in chaperoning tumor cells.
$60,000 (2014-2019). Co-Investigator; National Institutes of Health: Targeted delivery of miroRNA-loaded microvesicles for cancer therapy.
$359,779 (2012-2015). PI: Jessica Winter, co-PIs: Barbara Wyslouzil, Jeffrey Chalmers, Gang Ruan; National Science Foundation: Micellular Electrospray Synthesis of Magnetic Quantum Dots.
$716,118 (2011-2016). Zborowski, PI, Chalmers subcontract; National Institutes of Health: Magnetic Cell Sorting and Analysis.
University Scholar Professor, CBE Chairman Emeritus, PhD Princeton University. Polymer science and engineering, properties of polyurethanes and ionomers, blood-materials interactions, tissue engineering.
Awards and Honors
Voted president-elect of Sigma Xi, one of the largest scientific societies in the world. Will serve as President Elect in 2016, President in 2017 and Past President in 2018.
Books and Book Chapters
Edited Advances in Polyurethane Biomaterials with Jianjun Guan (MSE), Woodhead Publishing an imprint of Elsevier, 22 chapters 660 pages, 2015.
Distinguished University Professor, C. J. Easton Professor, PhD West Virginia University. Fluidization, particle technology, environmental control technology, multiphase flow and reaction engineering.
Awards and Honors
The 67th Institute Lecture of AIChE at its Annual Meeting in Utah, November 15-20, 2015.
Plenary/Keynote Lecturer of the following National or International Conferences:
Gordon Conference, Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, Stonehill College, MA, May 31 – June 5, 2015.
5th UK-China and 13th UK Particle Technology Forum, Leeks, U.K. July 12-15, 2015.
8th US/China Chemical Engineering Conference, Keynote Lecture, October 13, 2015.
Japan Science and Technology Agency Symposium on “Co-Generation,” Tokyo, Japan January 29, 2016.
Distinguished Scholar Lecture, Arizona State University, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, April 3, 2015.
Books and Book Chapters
"Chemical Looping Combustion and Gasification," with Elena Chung, Sam Bayham, Mandar Kathe, Andrew Tong, and Liang Zeng, in Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, edited by Jinyue Yan, Volume 3, pp. 1409-1430, Wiley, (2015).
Refereed Papers
Deshpande, N., N. Phalak, S. Sundaresan, L.-S. Fan, “Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from coal-fired power plants using calcium looping,” Chemical Engineering Education, vol.49, No. 2, Spring 105-110 (2015).
Mirzababaei, J., L.-S. Fan, S. S. Chuang, “Solid oxide fuel cells fueled with reduced Fe/Ti oxide,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3(5), 2242-2250 (2015).
Fan, L.-S., L. Zeng, S. Luo, “Chemical‐looping technology platform,” AIChE Journal, 61(1), 2-22 (2015).
Deshpande, N., A. Majumder, L. Qin, L.-S. Fan, “High-pressure redox behavior of iron-oxide-based oxygen carriers for syngas generation from methane,” Energy & Fuels, 29(3), 1469-1478 (2015).
Zhou, Q., L.-S. Fan, “Direct numerical simulation of low-Reynolds-number flow past arrays of rotating spheres,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 765, 396-423 (2015).
Wang, D., L.-S. Fan, “L-valve behavior in circulating fluidized beds at high temperatures for group D particles,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(16), 4468-4473 (2015).
Fan, L.-S., “The next chapter,” Powder Technology, 269, A1-A2 (2015).
Zeng, L., A. Tong, M. Kathe, S. Bayham, L.-S. Fan, “Iron oxide looping for natural gas conversion in a countercurrent moving bed reactor,” Applied Energy, 157, 338-347 (2015).
Bayham, S., O. McGiveron, A. Tong, E. Chung, M. Kathe, D. Wang, Z. Liang, L.-S. Fan, “Parametric and dynamic studies of an iron-based 25-kWth coal direct chemical looping unit using sub-bituminous coal,” Applied Energy, 145, 354-363 (2015).
Wang, A., Q. Marashdeh, L.-S. Fan, “ECVT imaging and model analysis of the liquid distribution inside a horizontally installed passive cyclonic gas–liquid separator,” Chemical Engineering Science, 141, 231-239 (2016).
Bayham, S. C., A. Tong, M. Kathe, L.-S. Fan, “Chemical looping technology for energy and chemical production,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 2015, doi: 10.1002/wene.173
Kathe, M., A. Empfield, J. Na, E. Blair, L.-S. Fan, “Hydrogen production from natural gas using an iron-basedchemical looping technology: thermodynamic simulations and process system analysis,” Applied Energy, Applied Energy, 165 (1), 2016, 183-201, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.11.047.
Grant Support
$300,000 (2012-2015). Liang-Shih Fan, Co-PI; National Science Foundation: Microfluidics for Cell Entrapment.
$300,000 (2012-2015). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; National Science Foundation: Biomass Tar Interaction with Metal Oxide Oxygen Carriers.
$66,666 (2013-2015). Liang-Shih Fan, Co-PI; US Department of Energy: Novel Low-Cost Environmentally-Friendly Synthetic Approaches toward Core-Shell Structured Micro-Particles or Fossil Energy Applications.
$500,000 (2013-2015). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; US Department of Energy: Coal-Direct Chemical Looping (CDCL) - Phase II Study.
$100,000 (2013-2015). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; Ohio Coal Development Office: Coal Agglomeration Study in the CDCL Process.
$3,328,314 (2014-2016). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)/Ohio Development Services Agency: Pilot Scale Operation and testing of Syngas chemical looping for Hydrogen production.
$3,208,225 (2014-2016). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)/Ohio Development Services Agency: Commercialization of an atmospheric iron-based coal direct chemical looping process for power production, Phase II.
$32,743 (2013-2015). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; Howard University: Novel Low-Cost Environmentally-Friendly Synthetic Approaches toward Core-Shell Structured Micro-Particles for Fossil Energy Applications.
$200,000 (2014-2015). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; Ohio University/Ohio Development Services Agency: Study of Physical and chemical interaction between coal and oxygen carrier particles in the OSU Coal-direct chemical looping process.
$200,000 (2016-2017). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; Ohio Development Service Agency: Study of Physical and Chemical Interactions between Coal and Oxygen Carrier Particles in the OSU Coal-Direct Chemical Looping Process II.
$200,000 (2016-2017). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; Ohio Development Service Agency: Techno-economic Analysis of the Carbonation-Calcination Reaction (CCR) Process for CO2 Capture from Coal Combustion Power Plants.
$2,700,000 (2015-2017). Liang-Shih Fan, PI; National Energy Technology Laboratory/ Ohio Development Service Agency: Chemical Looping Coal Gasification Sub-Pilot Unit Demonstration and Economic Assessment for IGCC Applications.
Morrow Professor (now Professor Emeritus), PhD Princeton University. Complex reaction engineering, chemical reaction network theory.
Books and Book Chapters
Feinberg, Martin, “Chemical Reactions” in The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics, eds. H. Higham et al., Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2015.
Refereed Papers
Daniel Knight, Guy Shinar, and Martin Feinberg, “Sharper graph-theoretical conditions for the stabilization of complex chemical reaction networks,” Mathematical Biosciences, 262, 10-27 (2015).
Haixia Ji, Daniel Knight, Philip Ellison and Martin Feinberg, The Chemical Reaction Network Toolbox, Version 2.3, (2015), available at
Grant Support
$340,718 (2010-2015). Martin Feinberg; National Science Foundation, Emerging Frontiers: Design Principles of Biochemical Reaction Networks.
HC Slip Slider Professorship and Assistant Professor, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Polymer physics, theory and simulation, statistical thermodynamics.
Awards and Honors
NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, 2015.
Refereed Papers
Prasant Vijayaraghavan, Jonathan R. Brown, and Lisa M. Hall, “Modeling the Effect of Polymer Composition on Ionic Aggregation in Poly(propylene glycol)-Based Ionenes,” Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, accepted Jan. 2016.
Youngmi Seo, Jonathan R. Brown, and Lisa M. Hall, “Effect of Tapering on Morphology and Interfacial Behavior of Diblock Copolymers from Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Macromolecules,48, 4974−4982, 2015.
Grant Support
$475,000 (2015). NSF CAREER Award.
$137, 258 (out of $299,816, 2015-2018). PI: Vishnu Sundaresan, OSU; co-PI: Hall; National Science Foundation CMMI: Thermoelectric Extrusion of Smart Structural Composites with Molecular Precision (1463103).
$342,000 (OSU portion, 2015-2018). PI: Thomas Epps (U of Delaware), PI: Lisa Hall; Department of Energy, Materials Chemistry: Designing Efficient Nanostructured Polymer Electrolytes Using Tapered Block Polymers – Joint Experiment and Theory Effort in Controlled Interface Design (DE-SC0014209).
Distinguished Professor of Engineering, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana. Molecularly based membrane separations, fuel-cell fuel processing and membranes, transport phenomena in membranes, separations with chemical reaction, reverse osmosis.
Awards and Honors
Distinguished Alumnus Award, the 70th Anniversary of the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015.
Chemcon Distinguished Speaker Award – Prof. G. S. Laddha Medal, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2015.
Honorary Professor, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, 2015-now.
Invited Keynote Lecturer, “New Scale-up Membranes for CO2 Capture and Separation,” 8th China-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, Shanghai, China, October 12-16, 2015.
Invited Keynote Lecturer, “New Fouling-Resistant High-Flux Membranes for Seawater Desalination,” 8th China-US Conference of Chemical Engineering, Shanghai, China, October 12-16, 2015.
Invited Keynote Lecturer, “New Scale-up Membranes for CO2 Capture and Separation,” Inaugural Indo-US Symposium on Carbon Capture, Sequestration, Utilization and Other Frontiers, CHEMCON 2015 (Annual Meeting of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers), Guwahati, Assam, India, December 27 – 30, 2015.
Invited Plenary Lecturer, “Recent Developments on Membranes for CO2 Separation and Water Purification,” 26th Annual Meeting of NAMS (North American Membrane Society) to be held in Bellevue, Washington, May 21-25, 2016; see
Books and Book Chapters
V. K. Vakharia and W. S. W. Ho, “Separation and Purification of Hydrogen Using CO2-Selective Facilitated Transport Membranes,” in “Hydrogen Production from Renewable Resources,” Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., and Xinhua Qi, eds., Springer Book Series -Biofuels and Biorefineries, Springer, Dordrecht, Germany, Chap. 12, pp. 315-338 (2015).
He Bai and W. S. W. Ho, “Proton-Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells,” in “Encyclopedia of Membranes,” Enrico Drioli and Lidietta Giorno, eds., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40872-4_1309-3 (2016).
Refereed Papers
H. Dong, L. Zhao, L. Zhang, H. L. Chen, C. J. Gao, and W. S. W. Ho, “High-Flux Reverse Osmosis Membranes Incorporated with NaY Zeolite Nanoparticles for Brackish Water Desalination,” J. Membr. Sci., doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2014.11.054, 476, 373-383 (2015).
Z. Tong, V. K. Vakharia, M. Gasda, and W. S. W. Ho, “Water Vapor and CO2 Transport through Amine-Containing Facilitated Transport Membranes,” React. Funct. Polym., doi:10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2014.09.010, 86, 111-116 (2015).