Pastor’s Ponderings
“Will you not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice You? Psalm 85:6
Well here we are in July. Hot summer days. Vacations to the mountains or to the beach. Cook outs. Camping. My goodness, all kinds of activities to keep us busy. AND, during this busy summer month we have revival meetings scheduled. I am amazed at the line-up of speakers and singers God has led us to. It seems He has chosen to use the physically weak or challenged ones to bring about revival in Clear Creek. Think about it:
Sunday morning Rev. Chris Dale, pastor of Missionary Ridge Baptist Church in Morganton, N.C. will be preaching. He was told early on in his ministry, that he would never pastor a church of any size or significance. Wow, did that ever prove to be wrong. His church now is one of the strongest in that association.
Sunday night, Michael Combs will be in concert. He has had a liver transplant and is just recovering from a kidney transplant and singing for Jesus every day with a great following.
Monday night, Rev Chris will be preaching again with his 50-voice choir presenting a mini musical concert.
Tuesday night, Rev. Thomas Whray who has recently been diagnosed with ALS will be preaching. He already has some difficulty speaking but is planning on preaching for us both Tuesday and Wednesday night.
Then, on Wednesday night before the preaching, Eric and Laura Ollis will do a musical concert. FYI, with Lupus. It is going to be amazing to see what God is going to do with this line up.
I am preparing a prayer guide to help prepare our hearts for revival. I plan to have them ready and give them to you on Sunday, July 9th. Also I would love to have the 24 hours of continuous prayer on Friday and Saturday before our revival starts on Sunday.
Let’s do our part so God can truly “revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You.”
Pastor Homer
We Welcome Jason and Ashley Terrell as our new Youth Leaders. They will begin working July 2nd.
2-Adam Johnson
4-Patrick Ferguson
7-Angie Page
9-Karen Ferguson, Kris Williams
10-Simon McCormick
13-Carolyn Frye
19-Vicky Barry, Karla Kostkas
20 Jeffrey Page
21-Barbara Murdock
22-Lena Cabe
30-Don Freeman
31-Michael Adams
“In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me” (Psalm 56:4)
Do you know how richly blessed we are to live in America? When Carolyn and I prepared to go to East Asia, we were given so many examples of how Christians were being persecuted for their faith in the God we serve…horrible stories. Though we weren’t physically in danger (probably because we weren’t nationals), we did meet believers who were constantly watched and had many privileges taken away because they trusted in Jesus. In other cities around us, houses were searched to see if anything in the home was Christian affiliated. If so, families could be separated, or jobs could be lost, or much worse. A friend of ours was sent to a labor camp for three years to be indoctrinated after becoming a Christian.When we finally arrived home, and we began again to participate in worship services with our home church family, the feeling was overwhelming to me that I could worship without a sense of knowing I wasn’t being watched. But I sensed that many in the congregation just didn’t understand what freedoms we have in America to worship freely!
“In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me”
The time may be coming soon that we may face persecution in America for praising the name of Jesus. In some states, it’s already happening. Would you be afraid to stand up for Christ, no matter what could happen to you? Do we really sing and praise God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength no matter what man can do to us?
Serving Our Savior, Joe Frye
This is a very exciting time for our youth!
Over the next month we’ll be diving deeper into God’s word and learning how, at any age, we can serve Him and spread the Gospel.
On September 23rd, the Youth will be attending Christian Music Day at Carowinds.We’ll be planning fundraisers to help offset the cost.For early bird ticket pricing, we need a commitment by July 20thfor those wanting to go.Please see Ashley if you adults can chaperone or are a youth wanting to go.
Ashley & I are excited to serve the Lord together and work closely with our youth.To reach either of us, see our contact info below.
Jason -
Ashley –
For His Glory,
To God be the Glory great things He has done here at Clear Creek Baptist Church.
I thank God for America. The wonderful land we live in and the men and women who served our country and are serving it now. Continue to pray for America to turn back to God.
We will NOT be having our Ladies Night Out during the summer months. But will continue later in the fall. Our meeting for July 18th has been canceled but will be meeting on August 15th at 6:00 pm. Will be having a short meeting and learning how to make a bow.
We are continue collecting different items for our Christmas Joy Boxes each month. For August, our items are watches or yoyo’s. Baskets are in the foyer for your items. THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THIS MINISTRY.
Also, Collecting clothes (summer), small pocket books, sheets and pillow cases, blankets, towels, and shoes for El Salvador. The ladies will be working on boxing the items as you bring them in and they are still making the salvation dolls too. We are beginning making pillow cases dresses for the girls and blue jeans shorts for the boys.
Our secret sister ministry is going good. Remember your secret sister on her special occasions and other holidays with a gift that you would like to receive yourself. Remember to pray for her.
COOKBOOKS! Let me know if you need one or several. Cost is only $10.00. We have two boxes to sell.
Thank God for our new neighbors that are moving into our area. We are giving them a welcome basket with cookies and information from our church. Diane Kelley is our leader for this ministry. We need you to bring in some nice small baskets for this project and cookies. Give to Diane or me. Thanks!
Our trip to West Jefferson is coming soon! Will be eating and going to an Antique Store to purchase a piece for us to redo. Christie Ferguson will be teaching a class of redoing furniture in August.
We had nine ladies who came to our June meeting and we also learned how to make a wreath. Thank you for coming. Our meetings are for every lady in CCBC. Try US. I appreciate all our ladies and all that they do for our Lord and Savior and for our church. Let’s keep up the good work until He comes to take us home.
We have several events in the working so You don’t want to miss one. Love you all.
REVIVAL July 23rd – 26th
24 Continuous hours of prayer- Friday July 21st, from 5:00 am to Saturday 22nd, 4:30 pm. Please sign up for your time to pray.
The altar is open for prayer on Saturday’s –
7:00 – 8:00 pm
This month, our Sunday Night Sing will be on the 2nd Sunday, the 9th.
I would like to encourage you to join us for this time of worship. Anyone is welcome to sing solo or with a group. You can play an instrument, sing with piano or or CD or accapella.
Men-on-Missions update: The This month we celebrate the birth of our nation and are thankful for all the men and women who have given us freedom. June was another busy month. A Few more projects at the church were done.
Thank you to all the men who helped out with VBS.
Father's Day we had the men of our church sing, and give testimonies. At our meeting, we had 12 men and we hope we will continue to grow.
Brother David Faulk is starting a class for Experiencing God. All who are interested please see David.
July and August are here and we do have projects on hold until the weather cools down. One project that will be done is the steeple of the church will be cleaned. We will be putting our second t shirt order in. Colors of the shirts are blue and teal. Pictures of shirts and signup sheets are in the vestibule.
Starting in September we will have a breakfast fellowship the second Tuesday of each month. More details to follow. If anyone needs the help of the Baptist Men please let us know. Let's be about Our Father's Business.
God bless,
Tommy Carlucci
NEW: Clear Creek Baptist Church, P.O. Box 690280, Charlotte, NC 28227
As we celebrate, our nation’s birthday, let’s not forget the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence.
Good News: So far in 2017, 21 abortion clinics have closed their doors. Another amazing announcement on the pro life front is that Harvard Law Journal has admitted that unborn babies have constitutional rights.
Let’s pray for the protection of our children childhood innocence. The other side is making all kinds of attempts to ruin their childhood innocence.
Our religious freedom is continually under assault. Please pray.
Praise the Lord for giving us victory in a Supreme Court decision. states cannot deny a public benefit to a church simply because of its religious status.
Let’s adopt this verse. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My people who are called by My Name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.” Remember, we must meet the conditions before we can have the promises.
David and Jody
Jaydan Whitley and
Elizah Stewart
Books of the Month
For Preschoolers and beginning readers:“We Serve Too” by Kathleen Edick and Paula J Johnson. This is told from the standpoint of a little girl whose father is in the military and has been sent overseas.
For older children:“The Story of the Declaration of Independence” by Norman Richards. This tells the story of the USA from the arrival of the Pilgrims until the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
For youth:“For Patriot Dream by Cathon & Schmidt”. This is a series of essays about people and events who helped make America great.
For adults: The Bible and America by Larry Braidfoot. This helps us how important a role the Bible played in America becoming the great nation she is.