/ UTO Training
Workshop: Respondus/StudyMate

Technical Assistance:

·  Website: www.asu.edu/helpdesk

·  Phone: 480.965.6500 (24/7 support)

·  Email:

·  Respondus/StudyMate on Help Center: http://help.asu.edu/node/1008


1.  Respondus

·  Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to a Blackboard course

·  Exams can be created offline using a familiar Windows environment or they can be imported into Respondus

·  Whether you are a veteran of online testing or relatively new to it, Respondus will save you hours on each test/assignment that you create for your students

2.  StudyMate

·  StudyMate lets you create ten Flash-based activities and games using three simple templates

·  The Flash activities can be used with any web server or published directly to a Blackboard course

·  StudyMate will import items from MS Word files and publisher test banks, making it easy to create interesting, interactive activities from existing content

·  The best part of using StudyMate is that you do not have to know Flash programming or HTML to use StudyMate

·  StudyMate is a useful course review tool that could serve to engage students in the learning process

3.  Getting Access

·  Request the software using online form: http://asu.edu/alti/ltlab/mailforms/respondusreq.html

·  Attend Respondus/StudyMate workshop to receive access to resources: Respondus and Studymate Resource Site

4.  Install Software


·  Click on Respondus from the menu in Blackboard shell

·  Click the Respondus 4.0 installer link to run the installation

·  You will be asked if you want to install the Respondus Equation Editor – click No

·  A shortcut to the software will be placed on your desktop; double-click

·  Enter the Institution Name, Local Support Contact and Installation password when prompted

o  This is obtained from the same page in the resource site as the software; copy/paste the information to avoid errors

·  Choose the Course Management System (CMS) Personality from the drop-down list: Blackboard 6.3 - 8.x

·  Click OK and the software will launch


·  Click on StudyMate from the menu in Blackboard shell

·  Click the StudyMate 2.x installer link to run the installation

·  You will be asked if you want to install the Respondus Equation Editor – click No

·  A shortcut to the software will be placed on your desktop; double-click

·  Enter the Institution Name, Local Support Contact and Installation password when prompted

o  This is obtained from the same page in the resource site as the software; copy/paste the information to avoid errors

·  Click OK and the software will launch


5.  Create a Quiz

·  On the Start tab, choose Create button

·  Enter Test Name and add a brief description | choose file type (Test or Survey) | click Ok

·  Choose question type (i.e. – multiple choice) | add Title | type question in Question Wording box | Randomize Answers (optional) | type the answer options in the fields provided (A through D; can go up to T)

·  General Feedback button enables you to provide correct and incorrect feedback (optional)

·  Feedback (optional) – if you choose this, you can give feedback for each answer choice

·  Select Correct Answer – choose which of the answers is the correct

·  Point Value – set total points for the question

·  Add to End of List – click this for the first question or to add question to end of list

·  Insert Into List – this is available when other questions are already in the list; click the button and choose the number for the question

·  Question types include:

o  True/False: add question and indicate if true or false

Essay/Short Answer: type question, assumes essay unless you choose Short Answer, type correct answer in box (optional)

Note: you cannot add an image to reference for this question until you import into Blackboard (i.e. – slide identification)

o  Matching: type question, can choose to keep answers in original order (optional), enter matching pairs next to each other, can choose partial credit in Credit Given field

6.  Settings

·  This is where you can set Random Blocks, choose availability options and settings:

·  Random Blocks | Add New Set | enter question range you want to include (most times its all) | set the number of questions you want to use | assign point value | click Add New Set

·  Availability | add instructions | choose settings including multiple attempts, make test available, timer, etc. | this is where you can set Respondus LockDown Browser as well

·  Other Settings | Feedback and presentation settings are here

7.  Configure Server Settings

·  Respondus/Studymate Resource site | Tutorials & Examples | Configuring Respondus for ASU Blackboard 8 (link to the Help documentation of the following)

·  On the Preview & Publish tab, choose Publish to Blackboard

·  Click Publish Wizard | choose Publish to a single source

·  Choose Add new server | choose No, I want to enter the server settings manually | click Next

·  Enter the following information as labeled on the image provided:

A. Go to the Blackboard login screen and copy the URL (must be logged out)

B. Log in and go the Control Panel in one of the courses you are teaching; copy the URL and paste it into item 2:

C. Click the EXTRACT button and Respondus will get the information it needs from the two URLS to enter in item 3.

D. Enter your ASURITE ID and password, then click OK at the top of the page.

8.  Publish the Test to Blackboard

·  Choose Course to Publish to from drop-down list

·  Either create new or replace existing test or pool (choose existing test from drop-down list)

·  Next, then Finish

·  Check your Blackboard shell to verify the questions are imported

Print a Written Test

You can print a test from Respondus for use as a written test.

9.  Printing

·  On the Preview & Publish tab, choose Print Options from the menu

·  Choose your format (Exam, Exam with Answer Key or Answer Key)

·  Click Settings next to format: choose question content and formatting options

·  Header – have option to add header (optional); useful for title of test

·  Choose options: randomize questions, use a random block or specifically choose questions (number)

·  Save to File or Send to Printer

Import a Test from Blackboard

You can import a test from Blackboard so you can create a printed test. You can also retrieve test scores reports from Blackboard and download Blackboard tests to Excel.

10.  Import a Test from Blackboard

·  Click the Retrieval & Reports tab

·  Choose the server you set up from the drop-down menu

·  Choose the Blackboard course from the drop-down menu

·  Choose what you want to import (Exam, Survey or Pool)

·  Name the new file and click the Retrieve button

·  If you receive a message that an invalid question was skipped, it’s because Respondus cannot handle the question type (i.e. – Hot Spot)

Importing Tests from File

You can import a test from a file (.doc, .txt, .csv). To see how sample questions are set up, reference the file in the Respondus Blackboard site called “sample_import.txt” located in the Workshop Files section.

11.  Import a Test from .txt file

·  Type number of question followed by parenthesis and one space: 1)

·  Type question with 5 underscores representing blank: _____

·  Don’t punctuate sentences or questions (period or question mark)

·  Type answers directly under question using parenthesis: a) answer

·  Indicate the correct answer by placing a star (*) before the correct answer (no spaces)

·  Sample multiple choice question:

1) _____ currently holds the overall leaders jersey in the 2007 Tour de France

a)Alberto Velasco

b)Levi Leipheimer

*c)Michael Rasmussen

d)Yaroslav Popovych

2) _____ won the 2007 Boston Marathon

a)Jeff Austin

b)James Kwambai

c)Robert Cheboror

*d)Robert Cheruiyot

3)Analysts recently stated the US is currently experiencing the greatest housing slump since the Great Depression

*a) True

b) False


Title: Mama Mia essay question

4) It was recently announced that the musical, Mama Mia, will be adapted by Hollywood for film. Please write about your thoughts on Meryl Streep singing the music of ABBA. Will she be able to pull of the role of Donna. Should Hugh Grant have been cast for the part of Sam Carmichael?


12.  Create a New File

·  On the Start tab, choose Create button

·  Enter File Name | enter Author | enter File Description | Keywords (optional)

13.  Import Questions

·  On the Start tab, choose Import Wizard button

·  Choose Respondus | click Next | click Browse | go to c:/Respondus Projects | choose file | enter Name | click Preview | check your options | review the report | click OK | click Finish

14.  Types:

·  No Answer: Fact Cards

·  One Answer: Flash Cards, Pick-a-Letter, Matching, Fill in the Blank, Crosswords and Glossary

·  Multiple Choice: Quiz and Challenge

·  Calculated: Quiz and Challenge

·  Add questions for each or some of the categories

15.  Settings:

·  Choose activities for each type

·  Choose various settings

16.  Preview & Publish

·  Click Publish Wizard

·  Can publish directly to Blackboard (choose from list) or export as a Learning Unit (HTML, etc.)

·  Next | choose Add New Server in item 2 and set up as was done for Respondus | click Next

·  Choose course from drop-down list | choose Content Area you want to publish it to | enter title of file and optional description | Next

17.  Import a Test

You can import files (.txt, .doc., etc.) with questions set up as with Respondus.

·  Click Start tab, then choose Import Wizard

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