Wichita High School East Speech and Debate

Dear Coach,

You and your students are cordially invited to the annual Wichita East High School Invitational Forensics Tournament. The Congressional Debate, Public Forum Debate, and Lincoln-Douglas Debate competition will be on Friday, February 9th; the remaining individual events will be on Saturday, February 10th. This year we will again have both an open and a novice division in our tournament for most events. Please note the topics used for the debate events on Friday!

Each school may be represented by up to 30 entries in Saturday's individual events, 6 entries in Lincoln-Douglas debate, 6 entries in public forum debate, and unlimited entries in Student Congress. (If you would like additional entries, please talk with me. Our goal is to accommodate as many competitors as we can.) Please have your final entries to me by Monday, February 5th. ENTRY THIS YEAR IS ON TABROOM. YOU MAY ACCESS OUR TOURNAMENT AT

If you have anyone who would like to judge you can also enter their information on your Tabroom registration, and they will be added to the pool.

On the next pages you will find our tournament regulations and general information.

We sincerely hope that your school will be represented at our tournament.


Mike Harris

Forensics Coach


Congressional Debate

• We will provide as many chambers as necessary to provide speaking

opportunities for the students. We will have one Senate and as many House

chambers as needed to accommodate entries. You may have 2 senators and

unlimited representatives, although only 4 voting members in any house.

• The entry fee is $5.00 per Congressperson.

• Scorers’ nominations will be used to nominate and medal 6 from each chamber.

Wewill also award a sweepstakes trophy, with the top four from each chamber

counting toward sweepstakes.

• Legislation from the Sunflower NFL legislative packet will be used. The agenda will be set from pre-selected pieces of legislation.

Schedule:Registration3:00 - 3:30

Session I4:00 – 5:00

Session II5:00 – 6:00

Session III6:00 – 7:00

Session IV7:00 – 8:00

Awards will follow Session IV

Lincoln Douglas and Public Forum Debate

• Rounds I and II will be pre-set. Rounds III and IV will be direct


• We will use the March-April NFL resolution for Lincoln-Douglas


• ***CHANGE***We will use the March-April NFL resolution for Public Forum Debate.

• The entry fee is $5.00 per debater. ($10 for a Public Forum team)

Medals will be awarded to the top six places.

• Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum debaters may not participate in

Student Congress. (LD debaters may not enter Public Forum.)

• We reserve the right to collapse novice LD into open LD if there are too few


Schedule:Registration3:00 - 3:30

Round I4:00

Round II5:00

Round III6:15

Round IV7:15

Awards will follow Round IV

Individual Events

• Competition will be held in open division in the following events: International

Extemporaneous Speaking,US Extemporaneous Speaking, Original Oratory,

Informative Speaking (KSHSAA rules), Informative Speaking (NSDA rules),

Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Prose Interpretation, Poetry

Interpretation, POI, Duo Interpretation, and Impromptu.

Competition will be held in novice division in the following events:

Extemporaneous Speaking (students may choose from IX or USX envelope),

Informative Speaking (KSHSAA rules), Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous

Interpretation, Prose Interpretation, and Poetry Interpretation.

• A novice is defined as a student in his/her first year of forensicscompetition. A

student may not be entered in novice division in one event and open division in

another forensics event--be consistent—with the exception noted in the next item.

• We will have only an open division for oration, POI, Duo interp, NSDA

informative and impromptu speaking. (Novice may enter these events and still

retain their novice status for other Saturday events.)

• Medals will be awarded to all six finalists in each event. Sweepstakes will be

awarded based on your best 20 entries.

• Entry fees are $5.00 per student per event. (Duo = $10) Entry fees are $7 per student per event if you do not host a forensics/LD/Congress tournament.

Nuisance fees are charged at host school’s discretion for entry changes after

February 8.

• A student may enter only one extemp category. A student may enter 3 events on

Saturday, or 4 events on Saturday if the third event is impromptu.

• Extemp topics will be derived from both current magazines and newspapers.

Schedule:Registration7:30 - 8:00

Round I Extemp Draw7:45

Round I8:00 - 9:30

Round II Extemp Draw9:15

Round II9:30 - 11:00

Round III Extemp Draw10:45

Round III11:00 - 12:30

Lunch12:30 - 1:30


Final Round2:00
