
PLEASE check your membership details

We are aware that our record of some of our members’ schools, addresses, phone numbers or emails are wrong. Please don’t miss out on information or support. It is easy to check and update your details.


Ms Gwen P E Lawton

20 Elmers Road



SE25 5DS

Please check the above details. Let us know if you have changed school or the school contact has changed. Do we have a correct email address for you?

Please check:

According to our records you teach at Riddlesdown Collegiate. It is particularly important that we know your correct school.

Newsletters and other NASUWT material sent to this workplaceare normally addressed to Ms GPE LAWTON who is recorded as the NASUWT contact for the school. This person may or may not be a formally appointed school representative but has “agreed” to distribute our post. Please let us know if this name should be changed.

Apart from your names and address (on the left) please confirm (or add) the following:

Home phone number:'020 8656 5057'

Mobile'07787 282604'

Home email:

If any of these details needs correcting please tellus or call the national Membership Department on 0121 457 6211 during office hours. It will help if you quote your membership number which is 0561250L

Our next General Meeting is on 23rd April at 4.30 at Edenham High School. Details are on our website at There is ample parking and travel & child care expenses will be paid (contact the Local Secretary for details).

Agenda: As the national action is stepped up in protest at the continued attack on teachers’ pay and conditions of service this will be a crucial meeting for you to learn just how bad the new pay arrangements for September are and how the Union is proposing to escalate the current action.

We also have to nominate a National Executive Member for our District for September as Graham Cluer has indicated he is to retire from this post at the end of this academic year.

Advance notice

Please put these dates in your diary.

General Meetings:

23rd April 2013

15th Oct 2013

21st Jan 2014 (AGM) followed by an ordinary general meeting

13th May 2014

14th Oct 2014

Other meetings can be called according to the rules of the Croydon Association which are available on request and are on our local website. All meetings start at 4.30 and are likely to be held at Edenham High School. However, please check our website for last minute changes of dates, times or locations.

As well as the usual discussions on matters of interest at the time, the October meeting will include consideration of motions for Conference, nomination of National Junior Vice President, National Treasurer and National Executive Member for the district for 2014/15 and members will be invited to join us for a meal afterwards.

Other events

8th & 9th MayTraining for school reps in London (details from 020 7490 6130)

11th & 12th JuneRepeat of school reps’ training

21st & 22nd JuneResidential school reps’ training (Friday evening and Saturday), for reps in independent schools

12th October: Regional Conference in London. Free and open to all members

There are also conferences in Birmingham for specific groups of members (disabled members, BME members, leadership team members, young members, supply teachers, academy reps etc). See the national website or phone the local secretary.