Why the IEC Symbol?

Why the Symbol: Rationale

The International Eucharistic Congress over the years has developed the tradition of choosing a symbol that will embody and represent the spirit and identity of the place in which it is going to be held.

The local committee, with the approval of His Excellency, Archbishop Jose S. Palma, President of the 51st IEC, proposed the symbol, the Cross of Magellan, for the following reasons:

1)The Cross of Magellan symbolizes the Christianization of the Philippines, whose beginnings can be traced to the year 1521.

2)The Cross of Jesus Christ, a relic of which is embedded within the Cross of Magellan, is truly our hope of glory. It is when we embrace the Cross of the Lord that Jesus comes to be in us thus the theme of the Congress: “Christ in us is our hope of glory.”

3)The shrine that contains the Cross of Magellan symbolizes the Church. The Church is the mystical Body of Christ. When the Church celebrates the Eucharist, “Christ is truly in us, our hope of Glory.”

4)The Cross of Magellan symbolizes the call to mission to all the Gentiles. Although the means of evangelization in the past need to be purified, the Cross, itself a symbol of contradiction, will be the principle of its purification. The Cross of Christ becomes the way of the New Evangelization – proclaiming the love and compassion of Jesus through the witness of our lives.* (Speech of Msgr. Dennis Villarojo during the Launching of the 51st IEC Cebu 2016, Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City)

The IEC 2016 Pilgrim Symbol

The Pilgrim Symbol, The Cross of Magellan, shall be brought from place to place within the Archdiocese of Cebu and to all the Archdioceses, Dioceses and Ecclesiastical Provinces of the Philippines to stir the Faithful’s interest and move them towards a deeper appreciation and encounter with Christ in the Eucharist and towards Mission. Moreover, the journey shall also allow each Filipino in every nook and corner of the country to participate in the International Eucharistic Congress. The symbol calls to mind the planting of the Cross in the Philippines in 1521, the birth of the Christian faith in the archipelago and in Asia. Thus, it aptly reminds the faithful of the great celebration come 2021, the 500th anniversary of the event and the experience of faith. The same symbol now beckons the Faithful to a renewal of faith and towards a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ through his sacrifice and self-offering on the Cross; instituted and perpetuated through the Eucharist.

As we are men and women of faith and feet, we are always called to take on the road to mission and be on a journey to wherever the Lord bids us to go. Accompanying the Pilgrim Symbol are four icons:

  1. San Lorenzo Ruiz
  2. San Pedro Calungsod

-The two Filipino Saints have responded to the call; journeyed to faraway lands; and who eventually gave up their lives to give witness to the Cross and the Faith.

  1. Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage

-Our Blessed Mother’s first act after hearing and responding to the message of the Angel traveled to Judea to visit and care for her cousin Elizabeth, to Bethlehem where she gave birth to the Savior, to Egypt to escape Herod’s spite, and finally to Nazareth, where she settled and lived a simple and holy life with Joseph and Jesus. At the foot of the Cross, Jesus had entrusted us to her care and protection.

  1. St. Joseph

-He had responded in faith and lived a holy life without calling attention to himself, as he silently cared for and co-journeyed with Jesus and Mary.

When and where will the journey of the Pilgrim Symbol start?

On October 25, 2014, Archbishop Jose S. Palma, the President of the 51st IEC will commission the teams who will embark on a pilgrimage to all the Vicariates and Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cebu including the Islands.

The local pilgrimage shall take off from the Metropolitan Cathedral of Cebu to the different Vicariates in the Archdiocese of Cebu, moving towards the north including the Camotes Group of Islands and Bantayan Island, then passing through the Western Vicariates of Cebu, heading south as it goes back to the Metropolitan Cathedral.

On January 2015, the Symbol shall embark on a national pilgrimage to the different Archdioceses and Dioceses of the Philippines.

The national pilgrimage shall commence on the last week of January 2015, right after the Papal visit, and exactly a year away from the 51st IEC 2016. It will cross the channel of Cebu to Leyte moving towards the Eastern Arch/Dioceses of the Visayas, Bicol Region and Northern Luzon. From the North, it will pass through the Western Arch/Dioceses of Luzon, Visayas moving towards the Arch/Dioceses of Mindanao. From there, it will head back to the suffragan dioceses of the Archdiocese of Cebu. The journey shall end with the return to Cebu on the Solemnity of Christ the King in 2015.

Who has been commissioned to carry out this pilgrimage?

The IEC Committee on Symbol, composed mainly of the young and the lay faithful, has been tasked to spearhead the journey of the Pilgrim Symbol. However, every Cebuano and every Filipino is enjoined to journey with the Symbol for a renewal of faith and a deeper encounter with Christ, through his Cross and the Eucharist.

What can I do as bearer of the Symbol?

A Eucharistic Congress shall take place in every stop of the Cross for both local and national pilgrimages. You are therefore invited to actively and zealously participate in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The Pilgrim Symbol will also become the vessel or tabernacle where the Sacred Host will be exposed, you are therefore invited to experience the Lord in the solemn Eucharistic adoration. Likewise, you are invited to commemorate Christ’s oblation and ultimate sacrifice through the veneration of the Cross, and be animated by the different liturgical and para-liturgical activities designed by each parish, vicariate, diocese and archdiocese.

How can I help in the preparation for the 51st IEC 2016 through the Pilgrim Symbol?

In each stop, there will be masses, Eucharistic Congresses and para-liturgical celebrations. You are invited to intimately experience Jesus through these solemn activities. To support the preparations for the 51st IEC 2016, you may give your donations during these celebrations to the Committee on Symbol duly acknowledged with a receipt or drop them into designated IEC boxes.


Vicariate Committees and roles:

Team Leader – Core Group

-Coordinate with the Parish Priest and other committees during the arrival and sending off. Distribute the 100 primer per parish.

Finance – c/o Pre-deacon/Core Group

-Will coordinate with Parish Priest and Pilgrimage Committee and will follow the guidelines with the IEC Finance Committee.

Registration during the Vicariate Eucharistic Congress – c/o Youth

-Must be able to register all the participants and submit the soft copies to the IEC2016 Symbol Committee () and IEC Secretariat () right after the event.

Program (Vicariate Eucharistic Congress) – c/o Youth

-Must be able to come up with a short program (based on proposed program, please see program below) for the Congress and must closely coordinate with the Catechists.

Talk on the Eucharist – c/o Catechist

-c/o Sr. MaricorTalay, MCST

Accommodation for the IEC Symbol Comm(6-member team) – c/o Parish Priest and CFC Parish Rep

-Will accommodate the team during the pilgrimage. CFC Representative will closely coordinate with the Parish Priest

TransportationRequirement – c/o CFC Representative

-Will provide a presentable pick up type transpo for the IEC Symbol from their Vicariate to the next Vicariate

Documentation (Photos) – c/o Youth

-must submit all photos to the IEC2016 Symbol Committee () and IEC Secretariat () right after the event.

Pilgrimage Committee – c/o PPC/WAF/Catechist, CFC and other Mandated Organizations

-Will gather parishioners who will initiate in bringing flaglets (IEC Colors: Blue, Green and Red) to welcome and to participate in the mass, vigil, Vicariate Eucharistic Congress and during the sendoff mass.




IEC2016 Prayer in PowerPoint / acetate film



6 people to carry the symbol

Option A – Arrival minutes before the scheduled welcome mass:

  1. Parish Priest will incense the IEC2016 Pilgrim Symbol upon arrival at the main door of the church.
  2. Enthronement of the IEC2016 Pilgrim Symbol to the altar with the mass processional song.
  3. Holy Eucharist / Holy Mass will follow.
  4. Post Communion – IEC Prayer followed by the IEC Hymn with PYCC Animators.

Option B – Arrival hours before the scheduled welcome mass:

Enthronement of the IEC2016 Pilgrim Symbol to the altar at the same time PYCC will interpret the IEC2016 hymn. After the enthronement, the Parish Priest will incense the IEC2016 Pilgrim Symbol.

Parish Priest: leads the IEC2016 Prayer


Lord Jesus Christ, our hope of glory ,

you are the fulfillment of the Father’s plan

to save all humanity .

you are the mystery hidden from the ages

and from the generations past,

now manifested to us.

you abide in your Church

and in the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.

As we celebrate the Holy Eucharist and receives your body and blood,

grant us the awareness that your presence in us

urges to continue the saving mission

in the world.

Send us your Holy Spirit,

that He may lead us

to walk humbly

with the poor and the marginalized ,

in the company of Mary,

your most holy mother and ours.

O Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament,

to you be all honor and glory and praise

in the unity of the Father and the Holy

Spirit One God , forever and ever, Amen

Parish Priest: gives the final blessing.

After the Holy Mass or the welcoming rites, the parishioner may have their own vigil (Holy Hour, Taize or Parish Vigil)

Day 2 – Day 3 –PARISH PILGRIMAGE (c/o PPC, CFC, WAF, CATECHIST, PYCC and other mandated organizations)

They may opt to tour the IEC2016 Pilgrim symbol around the Parishes within the Vicariate


8:00 am – Registration – c/o Youth

Animation c/o Youth

9:00 AM – Talk on Eucharistic Congress c/o Catechist

12:00 NN – Lunch (BYOP or depends on the Vicar Forane)

1:00 PM – Send off Mass

2:00 PM – Departure to the next Vicariate

Items for Send off:

-Multicab/Pick up Van to transport the IEC2016 Pilgrim Symbol to the next Vicariate – c/o CFC

-Flaglets inside the IEC Symbol Van c/o

-Drum and Bugle (optional)

-Communicator to the next Vicariate – c/o Seminarian or Youth Leader in charge

Convoy Plan

Roles and Responsibilities of Different Organizations/Committees Involved:

PPC with Parish Priests and other Mandated Organizations (PARISH/VICARIATE LEVEL)

Overall In-Charge and oversee the whole event.

Welcome, accommodate, secure the Symbol and pilgrimage team

Coordinate with the different key organizations Catechists, COY, CFC etc.

In charge of the Holy Hour and Pilgrimage

Manage collections and other donations: Welcome Mass and Send off Mass


Gather members from all the network organizations (YFC, Handmaids, CFC, etc) to welcome the IEC Symbol

Attend the Vicariate Eucharistic Congress

Send off the Symbol and team to the next Vicariate, if necessary in convoy

In charge of the Pilgrimage and Ushering

In charge of the IEC Symbol Transportation to next Vicariate

If need be, will secure accommodation for pilgrimage team in the Vicariate – Home Stay


Gather members from all the network organizations to welcome the IEC Symbol

Attend the Vicariate Eucharistic Congress

Send off the Symbol and team to the next Vicariate, if necessary in convoy

In charge of the Pilgrimage and Ushering


Gather youth members from Parishes and Vicariate to welcome the IEC Symbol

Attend the Vicariate Eucharistic Congress

Send off the Symbol to next Vicariate, if necessary in convoy

In-charge of the Vicariate Eucharistic Congress Program (Registration, Animation, Emcee, etc.)

Coordinate with WORSHIP/LITURGY for liturgical and para-liturgical activities

Document whole event and MUST submit to the IEC Symbol Documentation Head - Edna Arellano/COY for collection and proper posting of photos in the official IEC Website, Facebook Accounts and other social networking sites and media.

As instructed by Msgr. Siongo, post blow by blow accounts of the Symbol’s route and visit (real-time)


Gather catechists and children with flaglets from Parishes and Vicariate to welcome the IEC Symbol

Attend the Vicariate Eucharistic Congress

Send off the Symbol to next Vicariate, in convoy with the rest

In-charge of the Vicariate Eucharistic Congress Talk, Workshop and Pilgrimage

Coordinate with Worship/Liturgy for the liturgical and para-liturgical activities


Pre-deacon Contact Numbers:

Villy Jean / Cortes / 0935-799-8395 /
Moenil / Lapa / 0932-852-2474 /
Rogen / Leyson / 0949-955-9222 /
Rabi / Mabala / 0949-471-0749 / facebook: Kurapica D Hunter
Nissan / Toring / 0932-220-9441 /

Youth Leaders Contact Numbers:

PaoPableo / D1 / 0932-266-8169
ChockieRepollo / D2 / 0932-754-0576
VinzPalabrica / D3 / 0923-747-8893
Mitzi Lobrino / D4 / 0923-2470537
Chad Lebumfacil / D5 / 0922-689-4961
JM Caberio / D6 / 0999-423-9708
John Charles Serapion / D7 / 0923-175-4216
Committee / Name / Contact Number / Email Address
Catechesis / Sr. Maricor / Talay / 0939-890-2316 /
CFC Coordinators / Evangelista / Frank / 0917-310-6586 /
CFC Coordinators / Evangelista / Marites / 0917-721-9187 /
Chairman / Jayme / Fr. Charles / 0915-185-4502 /
Co- Chairman / Kangleon / Fr. Merwin / 0917-620-7225 /
IEC Secretariat / Abarquez / Victor / 0922-846-0479 /
IEC Secretariat / Abarquez / Tet / 0922-846-0478 /
IEC Secretariat / Yap / Benedict / 0923-507-1356 /
Marketing / Demecillo / Ludy / 0917-507-3069 /
Technical , Medical & Communication / Bañacia / Nagiel / 0917-328-3962 /
Youth - Animation / Carba / Jennie Marie / 0943-811-7385 /
Youth - Animation / Carba / Jessa Mae / 0933-300-5948 /
Youth - Documentation and Communication / Arellano / Edna / 0922-848-5303 /
Youth - Program / Guaren / Johnroe / 0942-816-9989
Youth - Technical , Medical & Communication / Pancito / Randy / 0932-878-8876 /