Title: Recycling (Classroom Paper)

System: Operations

Process: Recycling

Issue Date: 12/8/08 Issue Number: 5

Approved by: Jim Graham

Document author: Mike Casey Phone number: 248-573-8921

Summary of Changes: Reflects management job title changes and reorganization

1. Purpose

To describe the procedure for recycling classroom paper

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all District employees who are involved in recycling paper in their building, including Department Administrators/Building Principals, classroom Teachers, Building Engineers, student helpers, the Manager of Facilities & Grounds and the Operations Supervisor

3. Definition of Terms

Clear Plastic Bags – The only plastic bags authorized for recycling classroom/office paper – these are provided by the Manager of Facilities & Grounds and the Operations Supervisor

Paper for recycling – Can be many types including colored, lined, construction - must not have crayon, plastic or metal on it and must be no larger than 8 ½” x 11”

Recycling Bin – The container kept in the classroom for paper deposits

Recycling Container – The container provided to each school/building by Duncan Disposal

4. Responsibilities

Department Administrators/Building Principals – Ensure a Recycling bin and clear plastic bags are provided for each classroom

Classroom Teachers – Ensure classroom paper is bagged in a clear plastic bag, does not weigh more than 70 pounds, and is placed in the recycling bin. Ensure paper for collection is 8 ½” x 11” or smaller in size and does not have crayon, plastic, or metal on it

Student Helpers – Take clear plastic bags filled with paper from the recycling bin and place the bags in the recycling container in the building. Place a new clear plastic bag in the recycling bin

Building Engineers – Ensure the recycling container is rolled out to the pick up point on pick up days

Manager of Facilities & Grounds – Coordinate schedules with the appropriate contractor for pick up of recycling container contents

Manager of Facilities & Grounds/Operations Supervisor – Provide clear plastic bags for recycling

5. References - None

6. Procedure

6.1  Department Administrators/Building Principals shall

6.1.1 Ensure recycling bins and clear plastic bags are provided for each classroom that is participating in paper recycling

6.1.2 If desired, procure recycling bins for classroom use

6.1.3 Ensure a recycling bin and clear plastic bags are centrally located for employee use

6.2  Classroom Teachers shall

6.2.1 Ensure only classroom paper is collected in the clear plastic bags and placed in the recycling bin

6.2.2 Ensure plastic bag does not weigh more than 70 pounds

6.2.3 Ensure paper for collection is 8 ½” x 11” or smaller in size and does not have crayon, plastic, or metal (e.g. paper clips, staples) on it

6.2.4 Assign student helpers to take full clear plastic bags from the recycling bin to the recycling container

Note: At the Administration Building the custodian will take the plastic bags to the recycling container

6.3  Student Helpers shall:

6.3.1 Remove full clear plastic bags from the recycling bin and place them in the recycling container

6.3.2 Place a new clear plastic bag in the recycling bin

6.4 Building Engineers shall:

6.4.1 Roll the recycling container to the pick up point on pick up day

6.5 Manager of Facilities and Grounds:

6.5.1 Coordinate recycling pick up schedules with the appropriate contractor

6.5.2 Ensure there is no cost to the District for recycling classroom paper

6.6 Manager of Facilities & Grounds/Operations Supervisor:

6.6.1 Provide clear plastic bags for recycling

7. Records


Recycling (Classroom Paper) Procedure 1 of 3 Created by C. McGinnis
