Why Some People Don’t Obey The Gospel - Lesson 4
-brief review of previous lessons in the series: confusion, “I don’t know enough,” “I
can’t do good / change enough.”
-This morning: idolatry.
-Throughout the pages of history, mankind has been plagued with idolatry - various
peoples in various places and at various times - including God’s own people.
-Ex 20:3; Deut 7:1-4; Isa 44:6-19; Acts 17:16, 22-23.
-Idolatry is foolish and tragic. Unfortunately, numerous souls have been turned away
from God &/or kept away from God through the avenue of idolatry/
-Idolatry Today?
-idolatry - We think of people bowing down in devotion to statues/ images. (i.e. Buddhists)
-And, we probably think of idolatry as only a thing of the past or something that only takes
place in other countries around the world – not so.
-example of the chocolate drippings in the chocolate factory - Some claimed the
clump that formed from them resembled the virgin Mary.
-example of the watermark under a Chicago bridge - resemblance to virgin Mary
-These things became shrines and places/objects of worship.
-Devotion to God
-What do the scriptures say about proper devotion to God?
-Deut 6:4-5 (Matt 22:36-40)
-1 John 5:1-3
-Far too many people in this world say, “I love God,” but put forth little effort
to keep His commandments.
-various reasons for this - Could one be that there are some idols that stand in the way?
-Heb 11:6 - “diligently seek” (KJV)
-Too many people want to separate the diligence from the seeking. They’re willing to
seek God as long as they don’t have to do it diligently.
-Too many people want to seek God on their own terms rather than God’s terms.
-Perhaps, there are some idols standing in the way.
-Matt 6:33
-Unfortunately, many people don’t want to put their own souls and the church first
because there are some idols within their lives.
-Examples of Idols Common In Our Society
-We could come up with a rather long list of idols that exist in today’s society. I’m going
to address just a few. Listen Carefully - These things - in and of themselves - are not
idols. Yet, we can allow them to become idols if we place a higher devotion toward them
than God.
1. Money/Jobs
-In a wealthy and materialistic nation, money is a common and widespread idol.
-1 Tim 6:10-11
2. Sports
-It seems to me that this is becoming more and more of an idol in today’s society.
-Unless I’m mistaken, there are increased time commitments required toward sports
at younger and younger ages. Does it seem that more and more is being expected of
the kids and their parents? Does this cause some to crowd God out of their schedules?
3. Recreation
-fishing, hunting, camping, golfing, etc....
-A person’s devotion to God isn’t to be seasonal - shaped and formed around other
“seasons” of the year. Our devotion to God is to be year round.
-Isn’t it a shame when devotion is given to activities that are enjoyed within God’s
creationat the expense of proper devotion to the Creator!
-Summary and Invitation
-Of course, we could give many more examples of possible idols.
-So, what do we do about idols? - Ex 34:11-14
-We need to “take care” and we need to break down the idols that stand before us.
-Consider the rich, young ruler – Mark 10:17-22
-Unfortunately, there are those who hesitate to obey the Gospel – and may never do so –
due to the “things” and “activities” of this world – their idols.
-When it comes to judgment, there are a number of things that will seem very un-important
at that time: the balance we had in checking, savings, investment accounts - who scored
the winning touchdown, made the clutch free-throw, or drove in the winning run - how big
of a bass we caught or the size of that deer we shot - how beautiful that campground was -
the lowest round of golf we ever played, etc, etc, etc....Unless, perhaps, those things stood
in the way of proper devotion to God.
-On that Day, one thing will matter - the devotion that we placed in God through the
Gospel of Christ.
-What about you? Have you obeyed the Gospel? Are you serving faithfully? Or, are there
some idols that stand in your way?
July 29, 2012 – a.m.