Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the FLDOE monitor districts?

Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) at 34 CFR 80.40(a) requires the FLDOE to monitor sub-grant activities. Section 1008.32, Florida Statutes, addresses the responsibility of the State Board of Education for oversight and enforcement relative to compliance.

How many types of monitoring are there?

There are three types of monitoring activities. Yearly, all districts evaluate their level of compliance by answering questions on the Word version of the work papers, reviewing documentation, and completing a self-evaluation certification.

Approximately 1/5 of the districts will be monitored through the other two types of monitoring activities. Half of the group scheduled for each year will be monitored through a remote, desktop process. The remaining will be visited by the FLDOE.

What are the timelines/due dates?

Activity / LEAs Responsible / Date(s)
Submit Self-Evaluation Certifications electronically / LEAs to be monitored this year through desktop reviews
LEAs to be monitored this year through on-site reviews
LEAs Self-monitoring / November 14, 2008 to
October 17, 2008 to
October 31, 2008 to
Submit completed work papers (Word version) electronically to Program Staff / LEAs to be monitored this year through desktop reviews
LEAs to be monitored this year through on-site reviews / November 14, 2008 to program contacts assigned to each LEA. See program person(s)
October 17, 2008 to program contacts assigned to each LEA. See program person(s)
Complete online monitoring system and upload documentation of compliance / LEAs to be monitored this year through desktop reviews
LEAs to be monitored this year through on-site reviews / November 14, 2008 available at
October 17, 2008 available at
Desktop Monitoring / LEAs to be monitored this year through desktop or on-site reviews / January 12, 20n09
Citrus, Lafayette, Pasco, and Dixie
January 19, 2009
Alachua, Hernando, Holmes, and UF Lab School
On-site Monitoring / LEAs to be monitored this year through desktop or on-site reviews / Weeks of November 17th,of December 1st ,
Week of December 8th, and eek of December 15th
Receipt of Preliminary Report / LEAs to be monitored this year through desktop or on-site reviews / 30 working days after desktop or on-site review

Where can I find the work papers?

Both the Word version of the work papers and the online system can be found at

Where can I find monitoring information?

You can find monitoring information at

What do the various designations regarding compliance mean?

The various designations and their definitions include:

Requirements Met – means that the LEA has evidence to document full compliance with the requirement.

Further Action Required – means that all or part of the requirement is not documented as in compliance and a System Improvement Plan should be developed for every compliance item where further action is required.

Not Applicable – means that the requirement is not applicable to the LEA being monitored.

What technical assistance will be provided to assist LEAs in completing the online monitoring system?

A webinar for the sixteen districts to be monitored this year will be held on September 9, 2008, from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. Invitations will be sent to those districts that will be monitored this year.

If an LEA is being monitored, how will activities be coordinated with the district?

Each superintendent will designate a person who will serve as a liaison to the FLDOE. This person will schedule interviews, receive the district password to the online monitoring system, and assist in any problem-solving before and during monitoring.

When will the LEA know what the findings are?

At the exit interview, general areas of concern will be discussed. Within 30 working days of monitoring, a preliminary report will be sent to the LEA outlining findings.

Is there an opportunity to appeal findings of further action required?

Yes. An LEA may request reconsideration (an appeal) of the findings within 10 working days of receiving the preliminary report if the FLDOE has made a factual error in the report.

What follow-up is required for programs where further action is required?

LEAs should submit System Improvement Plans for each compliance items within 10 working days of the receipt of the preliminary monitoring report or receipt of the decisions from any requests for re-consideration (appeals).

Where can I find complete information about the 2008-09 Monitoring Cycle?

Complete information can be found in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Monitoring of Local Educational Agency Programs 2008-2009, which can be found at