Ciani McQueen is an HR Representative and a first generation DSU alumnus from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who studied Human Resource Management. During her college career, she wanted to live up to the DSU moto “Make Your Mark on the World.” She worked diligently while trying to make her mark on campus.
Ciani helped international students become familiar to U.S customs and academia when as a Language Ambassador. As a representative for the Department of Housing and Residential Education, informed various contractors and representatives about different student issues and concerns that occur on campus.
She educated young women of all ages on campus about different topics and experiences that DSU had to offer when she was a Resident Assistant. When she worked with the First Lady at DSU and Links Corporation, she motivated women who wanted to enter into the workforce by teaching them how to write resumes and dress appropriately in corporate America.
She empowered her peers as she led them as their class Vice President. Ciani enforced justice as a representative on the Judiciary Council of Student Affairs.
She then completed her senior year by making the Dean’s and President’s list respectively.
Today, Ciani is working in the Human Resources Department at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino in an effort to merge her education with experience in the workforce.
Her goal is to enroll into Delaware State University’s master program with a desire to study Business Analytics. She believes that knowledge is only as powerful as the one who can help another grow from its teachings. Ciani is an excellent example of a millennial in the workforce.