Señorita Burne

364-7778 ext. 7425*Información y Reglas Importantes*

*Spanish is fun so give it a try. Hola means hello, adiós is goodbye*

Course Content: Spanish III:

This course will review and build upon the knowledge and skills established in Spanish II. This year we will focus more heavily upon our reading and writing skills. This course also advances our grammatical skills as we explore the preterite, imperfect, progressive, perfect, future and conditional tenses. A continued appreciation for Spanish and Latino cultures will be celebrated through class projects, readings and films. Howard Gardner’s theory of “multiple intelligences” will be interwoven throughout this course as we meet the five C’s of the National Foreign Language Standards: Communication, Comparisons, Cultures, Communities, and Connections.


  1. Please bring your books to class everyday. Be sure to keep these books covered.
  1. Please bring a notebook and something to write with every day. I actually prefer that you have a three-ring binder, but something with pockets will also keep you organized. Plan to take a lot of notes and to refer back to them often.
  1. I recommend that you have a Spanish/English dictionary at home. Please don’t rely on the computer... I promise, it won’t work!
  1. Should you be absent on the day of a test or quiz or other assessment, you are expected to make it up after school within five school days or it will become a ZERO. For lengthy illness or extenuating circumstances, be sure to speak to me about special arrangements. Homework should be made up the following day. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS YOUNG ADULTS; I WILL NOT HUNT YOU DOWN!
  1. DISIPLINARY RULES: This is generally related to behavior, and I usually go down this list systematically. However, certain behaviors will warrant more severe consequences.
  • THE WARNING: may come in the form of “the look,” the calling of your name.
  • DETENTION: 30 minutes.


  • TARDINESS: if you are late, you must present a pass signed by the office or a faculty member. If you do not do so, you will receive detention. (handbook, pg. 9&12)
  • HATS: no hats are to be worn by either boys or girls while in the classroom. Failing to comply with this rule will result in detention. (handbook, pg. 15&19)
  • ELECTRONICS: This includes but is not limited to: cell phones, pagers, videogames, mp3 players, etc. Any of these items will be confiscated and you will receive detention.
  • DISRUPTION OF CLASS: If you disrupt the class in anyway (i.e. talking, not staying on task, swearing, etc.) You will receive detention. (handbook, pg 12, 14, & 16)
  • CHEATING/FORGERY/PLAGIARISIM: Any of these actions will result in a zero for the related assignment. Using an online translator is considered cheating! (handbook, pg. 18)
  • MAKE-UP WORK: Please see the high school’s new make-up work policy.


  • Quarterly MCA33 %
  • Tests/Projects17%
  • Quizzes/Written work25%
  • Homework 15%
  • Participation/Oral/Listening10%

*If you need to make-up an assignment for any reason or wish to stay after for extra help, I will be available each Monday after school in room D6. I will also be available most Tuesdays and Wednesdays by appointment! I’m here to help, you just have to ask!