Why did Anne Frank

go into Hiding?

A series of six lessons

written by Katy Staples and Sue Thompson for Bristol SACRE

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding?

A Series of Six Lessons

Outline of Lessons

Lesson 1

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding? What was happening around her at that time?


Learning to learn skill

(Opening Minds P3)

”I can sort, classify and sequence information”

Lesson 2

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding? Learning from a close examination of an extract of her diary.


Learning to learn skill

(Opening Minds L 1&3)

“I can listen actively”

“I can read for information: skim, scan and summarise”

Lesson 3

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding? Was it because of her religion or ethnic identity?


Learning to Learn skill

(Opening Minds P3 & T1)

“I can sort, classify and sequence information”

“I can use evidence to support my opinions”

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Lesson 4

How did Anne and her family keep hope alive while they were in hiding?


Learning to Learn skills

(Opening minds T4 & R1&R4)

“I can ask the right questions”

“I can learn different roles when working in a team”

“I can show respect for myself and for others”

Lesson 5

Why did Miep Gies help Anne and her family when it may have risked her life?


Learning to Learn Skills

(Opening minds T1, T5 & P4)

“I can use evidence to support my opinions”

“I can hypothesise, predict outcomes and test conclusions”

“I can compare and contrast”

Lesson 6

How can we communicate the feelings of injustice and fear felt by Anne and her family?

(Art and Design)

Learning to Learn Skills

(Opening Minds L2 & T3)

“I can communicate for a particular audience and purpose.”

“I can be imaginative, creative and try new ways of learning.”

There are two packs of materials about Anne Frank available to borrow from the All Saints Centre; Tel 0117 906 0100. These include 4 books and 2 DVDs.

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding? – Desired Learning Outcomes
History / Literacy / RE / SEAL/PSHE / Citizenship / Art and Design
Chronological understanding
Pupils place events, people and changes within a chronological framework
Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past
Pupilsdescribe some of the main events, people and changes studied and give some reasons for, and results of, the main events and changes.
Pupils will be able to place in order the main events that led Anne’s family to go in to hiding.
Pupils will be able to describe the main events that occurred in Nazi occupied Europe and will be able to give some reasons for them. They will also be able to describe the results of the actions of the Nazis on Anne Frank’s family /

Understanding and interpreting texts

Use evidence from across a text to explain events or ideas

Infer writers' perspectives from what is written and from what is implied
Pupils will use evidence gained through reading an extract of Anne’s diary to answer questions and express ideas
Through the extract pupils will gain a sense of Anne’s perspective both from what is written and what is implied /
Attainment target 1: Learning about religion
Practices and ways of life
Pupils describe and show understanding of…practices…They make links between them; describe the impact of religion on people’s lives.

Attainment target 2: Learning from religion

identity, diversity and belonging
Raise, and suggest answers to, questions of identity [and] belonging;describe what inspires and influences themselves and others
Pupils will be able to explain the impact of Anne’s faith on her life in a context of racial and religious persecution.
Pupils will reflect on what forms their identity in the light of Anne’s life and what gave her a sense of belonging and inspiration / SEAL New Beginnings
Managing my feelings
I have some strategies to cope with uncomfortable feelings and to calm myself when necessary
Understanding the feelings of others
I know how others may be feeling when they are in an unfamiliar situation and can help them to feel valued and welcome
Pupils can respond to, or challenge, negative behaviours such as stereotyping and aggression.
Pupils will explore how Anne and her family kept going through their terrible ordeal .
They will discuss which strategies for coping with difficult situations are useful to them.
They will begin to formulate their own responses to negative contexts. / Most pupils have knowledge and understanding about becoming informed citizens
show understanding of values, for example honesty, tolerance, respect and concern for others
Most pupils demonstrate skills of enquiry and communication
Express their opinions explaining their views ask and respond to questions and listen to the view of others
Most pupils demonstrate skills of participation and responsible action.
begin to recognize that their actions affect themselves and others around them
Pupils will explore the part that Miep Gies played in protecting Anne and her family. They will debate the possible reasons Miep may have had for her actions. They will evaluate what are good motivations and the impact of Miep’s actions. They will reflect on their own actions. /
Exploring and developing ideas
Pupils select and record from experience and imagination, record first-hand observations and explore ideas for different purposes
Investigating and making art, craft and design
Pupils use a variety of methods and approaches to communicate observations, ideas and feelings and design and make images and artefacts.
Knowledge and understanding
Pupils explore the roles and purposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working in different times and cultures
Using their understanding of Anne’s experiences pupils will produce art that will express the pain and injustice of that time, so that viewers will want to make sure it does not occur again. They will create portraits in the style of the woodcuts of German Expressionism.

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Lesson 1

Why did Anne Frank go into Hiding?

Was it because of the time and place she lived in: History?

LO: To know and understand the events that led to Anne Frank going into hiding (Y5/Y6)

Suggested resource:

This can be downloaded for free from Teachers TV

Or is available from the Anne Frank Trust UK - price £9.95, or to borrow from the All Saints Resource Centre, 1AllSaints Court, BristolBS1 1JN Tel: 0117 906 0100.)

This is an excellent DVD, which tells the story of Anne Frank’s life through quotations from her diary, unique photographs, historical film extracts and the only film footage of Anne. It also tells the story of the 2nd World War and the persecution of the Jews. It is 28 minutes long.

The lesson outline is based on using the DVD but I have included some key facts, which could be used in the lesson without the DVD.

The website could be used to meet the learning objective as it covers the important events of the period and information about the diary, the Secret Annexe and the Frank family. Anne Frank by Susanna Davidson (Usborne) or Anne Frank by Josephine Poole and Angela Barrett (Red Fox) may be used as an alternative to the DVD.

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Suggested lesson outline:

  • Watch the first part of the DVD up to the point when the Jews are made to wear a yellow star or go to Frank guidedata or timeline
  • Discuss what has been learned about the events in Germany and The Netherlands between 1938 and 1942 (see Notes for Teachers)
  • Discuss what the children understand by the comment,
    ‘The Jews were “blamed for other people’s problems.”’
  • If appropriate, add extra information about “Kristallnacht – thenight of broken glass”.
  • Ask the children to consider the bravery of the people who helped the Franks as they watch the next section of the DVD.
  • Pause DVD briefly to look at the 2 maps showing the eventual defeat of the German army.
  • Finish watching DVD and allow children to talk with a Talk Partner about any issues that interest or concern them.

(NB obviously the ending is very sad but it is sensitively handled.)

Suggested Activities:


Make a timeline of the events leading up to Anne going into hiding.
(Higher Ability: Make own timeline & use website,
Middle Ability: Sheet 1 (prepared timeline)
Lower Ability: Sheet 2 (prepared timeline & dates toposition)

Hot Seat Otto Frank asking him questions about his life leading up to the decision to go into hiding with his family. (Teacher in role as Otto.)

Visit Frank guidedata or timeline for further information if this hasn’t been used already.

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

NOTES FOR TEACHERS - The duffer’s guide!

(Key words and concepts highlighted)

1928Anne (Anna), born in Frankfurt, family – German Jews.

1930s Germany poor – Hitler wanted to restore to “former glory”, said Germany threatened by enemies, said Jews were greatest enemies.

Antisemitic political party, National Socialist party (Nazis).

Nazis came to power, took action, made anti-Jewish laws.

Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, disabled discriminated against.

1934Franks moved to escape this Netherlands (Amsterdam).

November 1938 Kristallnacht - night of broken glass,
many Jews left.

Nazis started building more weapons; Hitler wanted power over Europe.

1939German army invaded Poland; England and France joined fight (allies of Poland).

2nd World War began.

May 1940 Germany invaded Netherlands, occupied country in 5 days.

Resisting at first, Dutch surrendered after bombing ofRotterdam; Nazis seized power.

German army invaded and conqueredBelgium andFrance.

Anne and Margot  Jewish grammar school (segregation of Jews).

Further persecution against Jews (identification papers).

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

“Juden Verboten” – Jews banned from many places.

Now Jews had to wear large yellow star.

(Next section on DVD about the Franks going into hiding, includes preparations, role of helpers including Miep, description of The Secret Annexe, Anne’s feelings when her friends are taken away, how the family were updated on news outside by their radio.)

“All Jews to be removed from Netherlands by 1943” edict from German police.

Nazis decided secretly to kill as many Jews as they could.

1943 July Allied armies defeated German army in North Africa.

British, Canadian and US troops in Sicily - Germany army surrendered.

Enemies - bombing raids over Germany; Anne heard these from Annexe; Amsterdam heavily bombed.

Anne distanced herself from Peter and started rewriting parts of her diary (hoped to publish).

1944 6th June Invasion of northern France in Normandy (known as ‘D-Day’).

(In DVD at this point Anne reflects on the foundations of her life)

August 4th 1944 someone telephoned police - Jews hiding in Annexe.

All in Annexe arrested.

Miep found diary and hid it.

Anne and MargotAuschwitz in Poland with their parents; then after 5 months transferred BergenBelsen in Germany.

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

March 1945 Anne died.

A few weeks later, British troops liberated BergenBelsen.

All other familymembers and Annexe residents died, except Otto.

May 1945 Germany surrendered – Nazis defeated.

June 1945 Otto Frank Netherlands.

Miep gave him diary.

(NB: Miep Gies celebrated her 100th birthday in February. Google MiepGies for further information on the part she has played in keeping Anne’s memory alive.)

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Lesson 2

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding?

Her story from her diary

LO: To examine and respond to an extract from Anne Frank’s diary (Y5/6)

Suggested lesson outline:

  • Give children copies of the diary extracts 8th July 1942 and 11thJuly 1942.
  • Read text through with the children, stopping to explain vocabulary as appropriate.


  • Ask children to answer the comprehension questions either orally or in written form.
  • The extension questions require the children to think deeply to formulate an answer. They should be encouraged to use their knowledge of the diary and their own ideas to support their answers.


Use the children’s ideas to discuss reasons for and against Anne’s diary being published.

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Suggested follow-up lesson

Go to

Open ‘To write or to suffocate’

There is information about the importance of Anne Frank’s diary to her, then questions and assignments

Q1 is comprehension

Q2 asks for comparison of a weblog with a diary

Q3 (recommended) asks children to say why Anne doubted her talent and to talk about their own talents

Q4 is about whether the diary should be published (already covered)

Q5 (recommended) asks children if they were keeping a diary what would they write about and deals with the importance of being able to express yourself.

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Lesson 3

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding?

Was it because of Religion?

LO:To understand whether it was Anne’s Jewish religion that meant she had to go into hiding?

Background for Teachers:

The Nazis saw Jews as a specific and biologically inferior ‘race.’ Their theory of ‘race classification’ is unsound and has no scientific basis. Jews were also blamed for Germany’s economic problems. However, Jews then and now, and indeed any other groupings of people, are not a ‘race’ as there is only one race, the human race.

Hatred of Jews did not originate with the Nazis, but dates back to the Middle Ages when a series of myths and legends concerning Jews were responsible for large-scale persecution and expulsion of the Jews in many European countries.

Key Words:

Scapegoat – person/people bearing blame or punishment for the suffering of others, generally as a way of distracting attention from the real causes

Antisemitism – the hatred of, and racist attitudes against, Jews

Starter Activity – A look at identity

  • Give out the “Who do I think I am? Who do others think Iam?” sheet.
  • Ask learners to quickly fill it in.
  • As a class, discuss the last three questions on the sheet:
  1. “What do you feel about how these people think of you?”
  2. “Is it always fair how others view us and treat us?”
  3. “How do these people make us feel about ourselves?”

(15 mins)

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Main Activity

  • In groups of 3 or 4, use the main A3 sheet as the sorting sheet.
  • Pupils read the quotation cards from the pack and sort and place them:

a)sort into 2 piles – Nazi propaganda and Anne’s diary extracts;

b)place them on the large diagram where they think it is appropriate.

  • Then ask learners based on the evidence that they have read to answer these three questions – which are on the bottom of the large sheet:

What was Anne’s personal description of her Jewish origins and belief like?

What was the view of the Nazi Occupied Forces about Jews?

In your opinion was it because of her religion that Anne had to go in to hiding? Why do you think that?

Get 3 groups to feed back to the whole class what they thought.

Open it up for class discussion.

(30 mins)


(You could enliven this section by showing a few appropriate images on the IWB.)

When people show prejudice or discrimination to people today because of religious clothing or symbols (hijab, turban or crucifix), is it always to do with religion?

(Talking partners – then feeding back.)

(15 mins)

Possible extension activities

  • Go on to explore further the relationship between religion and identity – through modern examples of discrimination against religious clothing.
  • Explore further the contrast between the “inner life” of someone and how that life can be perceived by others through prejudice. Write poetry with alternate lines:

See poem sheet:Inside I feel/think/believe/practice …

Outside they see/think/believe/do …

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE

Lesson 4

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding?

How did she keep hope alive while she was hiding?

LO:To understand how individuals have kept hope alive and kept going in the face of injustice

Starter Activity

  • In pairs, ask each other what you are most looking forward to in the next week.
  • Ask children to feed back to the whole class what their talk partner is most looking forward to in the next week.
  • What would you feel like if I said you cannot do or have any of those things you are most looking forward to?
  • How would you keep going if you were not allowed to go out or have luxuries?

(15 mins)

Main Activity

  • Give out the sheets entitled:
    “What gave Anne and her family hope
    when they were in hiding.”
  • In pairs or individually, get them to fill them in.
  • Feed back their answers to the whole class

(30 mins)

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE


Ask learners to compose their own

(5-10 minimum – no maximum –

give them the challenge of who can get the most!)

(15 mins)

Possible extension activities

  • Research other contexts of extreme difficulty now – and how people keep hope alive
    Look at examples of recent world disasters
    Look at examples of celebrities/politicians/people in public life who have been through difficult times
  • What can others do to help people keep hope alive?
    Get children to write letters (using Amnesty International or another source) to communicate to people in desperate contexts that they are thinking of them and showing love – to say they are not alone.

Sue Thompson/Katy Staples/Bristol SACRE