Los Angeles City College

Department of Music


2017 Fall Individual Practice Room Agreement

PRACTICE ROOM HOURS (subject to change)
●  Mondays: 9:00am – 9:00pm
●  Tuesdays: 9:00am – 9:00pm
●  Wednesdays: 9:00am – 9:00pm
●  Thursdays: 9:00am – 9:00pm
●  Fridays: 9:00am – 4:00pm
●  Saturdays: Closed
●  Sundays: Closed


●  In order to use the piano practice rooms, you must be enrolled in one of the following courses:

Music 185, 285, 211, 212, 213, 313, 314, 341-1/2/3/4, 361-1/2/3/4, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 432, 433, 434, 531, 561, 632, 633, 634, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 705, 711, 765, 771 or 781. If you drop your co-requisite course at any time during the semester, you will lose your right to use the individual practice rooms.


1.  The Individual Practice Rooms are located in the Music Department, Herb Alpert Music Center, second floor.

2.  To obtain a room, report to the music office and show proof of enrollment in a co-requisite and your LACC Cub Card to the attendant. You MUST sign in with a Cub Card in order to use the practice rooms. The office will not accept any other forms of ID.

3.  The attendant will log you in and you will receive a key card to your assigned practice room from the office attendant. You are responsible for returning this key card to the music office when you are done practicing. Failure to return the key card will result in a $500 fine and loss of future practice room privileges. You may not give the key to anyone else.

4.  You must log in and out before and after you use the practice room. When you are finished practicing, please lock the door and make sure to return the key card to the music office. When leaving, please turn off the light, close the door firmly and LOCK THE DOOR. DO NOT LET ANYONE ELSE INTO THE ROOM. You may be held responsible for any damages that might occur by not securing the room.

5.  Time limit for the individual practice rooms is one hour. (You may be allowed to stay longer if others are not waiting.)

6.  All rooms must be vacated at closing hours.

7.  Some rooms are reserved during certain hours for teachers/tutors/classes. Students may not use these practice rooms at those times.

8.  For security reasons, please do not leave your possessions in an unlocked room at any time.

9.  If you leave your room for more than 15 minutes, we will consider it available to assign to someone else and any belongings left in that room will be removed and a written warning will be issued.

10.  You may not reserve specific practice rooms. Your practice room will be assigned to you by our attendant. Pressuring students in other practice rooms to leave so you may use that particular room is not allowed and may result in your practice room privileges being revoked.


1.  You are expected to act in a responsible manner at all times and treat the instruments and rooms with care. Musical instruments suffer from abuse whether intentional or accidental. In order to avoid any accidental damage to our instruments and rooms, NO smoking, NO food, NO beverages, NO burning incense, or otherwise disruptive behavior is allowed in the practice rooms and/or in the practice room hallway. Failure to follow these conditions will result in a $500 fine by the Los Angeles City College Administration. Any disruptive behavior will result in a written warning. Failure to sign the warning will result in cancellation of practice room privileges for the entire semester.

2.  Please do not cover the window with paper or place a music stand to block the window.

3.  Please do not turn off the light until you leave.

4.  Please do not remove any parts from the pianos.

5.  Please report any problems with the piano or the lights in a room in writing to the Music office.

I have read the practice room procedures and conditions and understand that I must abide by these rules. Fall 2017
Violation of this agreement will result in cancellation of practice room privileges.

Last Name (PRINT CLEARLY) First Name Date
Address City Zip Email Address
Individual Practice Room
Student ID number Music Lab Co–requisite Class & Section #
Student Signature Cell Phone Number Home Phone Number