Home Automation is a way to have things around your home happen automatically. The first thing that comes to mind when folks think of home automation are robots, flashing lights, complicated electronics and a general feeling that their home is less of a warm home and more of a cold science experiment. However, in most homes today, you can easily find some simple forms of automation such as:Garage door openers ,Remote Controls ,Irrigation / sprinkler control systems ,Motion activated lights ,Security systems ,Programmable thermostats ,Programmable light timers If you want to keep going, you can throw in dishwasher, clothes washers and dryers, ovens, microwaves, cars, lights and switches…. The list goes on and on.

You may not think of a dishwasher or light switch as home automation, but compared to washing dishes by hand and striking a match to light a candle ever time you enter a room, it's defiantly automation.However, each of these things was designed to help us do some complicated, strenuous, unpleasant, or repetitious action automatically. The term 'Home Automation' today applies to the next level of automating home electronics.

Why automate your home?

The simple answer is just to make life easier. We invented TV remote controls so we didn't have to get out of the chair to change the channel. Some people now own complex media systems that require the owner to press 10 different buttons on 5 remotes just to watch Oprah.

What if you could:

Press one button on a remote control and have it dim the lights, set the volume level, and start playing a movie and music which you desire. Not have the sprinklers turn on if it just rained. Get emails sent to you at work or on your cell phone if a motion detector or security system is tripped while out of the house. Get emails sent to you with the caller ID information of a call received at your house when out. Automatically turn the lights on in the house when the garage door goes up and it's after sundown. Automatically turn the front porch lights on 1/2 hour before sundown every day (and automatically adjust for daylight savings). Automatically close the garage doors every night. Automatically turn on holiday lights at specific times (all at once). The full list is limited to imagination and a family's lifestyle.

The main principle of this project is to develop amodule for Home Automation and Security systemmainly in a Home and Industry using IndustrialSensors and transfer the related sensed data usingthe latest Global System for Mobile Technology(GSM), which intimates the unauthorizedentry\Smoke, and Temperature to the Embedded-Controller. The Embedded -Controller maintainsthe security system, so its present information sendsto the user for further investigation.

The Home Automation and security system, TheEmbedded-Controller module is to control thewhole module for security purpose. The GSM TX-Modem, The GSM RX-Modem, The unauthorizedentry, fire detected and variation in the temperatureafter being sensed will be fed to the Embedded-Controller which is responsible for processing thedata and gives input to the GSM Modem at DisasterBase Station. The transmitted data will be receivedthrough the Short Messaging Service (SMS) at theGSM RX-Modem. The GSM-RX Modem decodesthe data and transfers it to the user, which maintainsthe security for Home or industry. Relay is used tocontrol the device.

In Home automation, the devices consist of GSMmodem, microcontroller, sensors, relays, memoryand displays. If the user want s to control somedevices in his house he/she have to send the SMSindicating the operation of the device and then thesystem password, while the MODEM embeddedwith the system microcontroller receives SMS themicrocontroller will read the SMS and check forthe password the user had sent with the SMS, thepasswords are stored in memory, so themicrocontroller will read the password from thememory and compares with the message password.If the password is correct then it will check whetherthe message is for switch ON or OFF the devices.According to the received message the controllerwill switch on/off the relay.

In Security system, the device connected to thesensors. When somebody had entered homeforcibly, the sensor connected to the door willdetect the presence of person, and it will give aninterrupt to the microcontroller. Then according tothe program load in the flash, the controller willfind out from which sensor the interrupt had came,then it will sent SMS to the owners mobile orpolice by retrieving the phone numbers frommemory where numbers are stored in it.The system has been designed which is based on wireless communication embedded system. The design provides the necessary control for the working of home automation and security system. The control software program is written in ‘Embedded C’.The program has the capability of sending and receiving the SMS from and to the user mobile via GSM modem to tell that unauthorized entry/smoke has detected in case of security system and to control some devices in case of automation system respectively. The program also provides the display of current status of the system.

The fundamental requirements of the system

design are as follows:

GSM modem to send and receive the SMS

from and to the user mobile.




unauthorized entry/smoke.

ADC to convert sensed voltage to

correspond digital values.

LCD display to display the current status of

the system.

UART for the serial communication.

Microcontroller for the entire operation of

the system.

A range of voltage levels to compare with the sensed voltage

Home automation and security system withoutsoftware is of little use and hardware with poorsoftware can be worse. The software developed forthis project is user friendly. The code is written in‘EMBEDDED C (KEIL SOFTWORE).

Software requirements:

Keil µVision2 IDE:

Keil µVision2 IDE (Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment) is a Windows based front end for theC Compiler and assembler. Keil µVision2 is usedfor writing embedded C programswhich isexplained later.. Embedded C is a high levellanguage, which includes many aspects of the ANSI(American National Standard Institute) Cprogramming language. Standard libraries arealtered or enhanced to address the peculiarities ofan embedded target processor.

Cx51 cross compiler:

Cx51 is a cross compiler to compile C programsfor your target 8051 environment and providesseveral extensions to ANSI Standard C to support

the elements of the 8051 architecture. These C

programs are referred as Embedded C programs.

UP loader 4.0:

This Up-loader is used to flash some of the
Micro-Controllers. It Supports only 8051, Atmel
89c51, 89c52 & 89c55wd. This Up-Loader is used
to flash the Microcontroller via Hex file and then it
verify the written Hex code to the flash memory.
The flashing time is faster when we use the up-
loader. This up-loader is very much compact.

Embedded C:

The C programming language is a general-purpose programming language that provides codeefficiency, elements of structured programming,and a rich set of operators. Its generality combinedwith its absence of restrictions, makes C aconvenient and effective programming solution fora wide variety of software tasks. Many applicationscan be solved more easily and efficiently with Cthan with other more specialized languages. Cx51is not a universal C compiler adapted for the 8951target.

The Global System for Mobile communications(GSM: originally from Group Special Mobile) isthe most popular standard for mobile phones in theworld. Over 2 billion people use GSM serviceacross more than 212 countries and territories. Itsubiquity makes international roaming very commonbetween mobile phone operators, enablingsubscribers to use their phones in many parts of theworld. GSM differs significantly from itspredecessors in that both signaling and speechchannels are digital call quality, and so isconsidered a second generation (2G) mobile phonesystem. This has also meant that datacommunication was built into the system from the3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

The key advantage of GSM systems to consumershas been higher digital voice quality and low costalternatives to making calls, such as the Shortmessage service (SMS, also called "textmessaging"). The advantage for network operatorshas been the ease of deploying equipment from anyvendors that implements the standard. [3] Likeother cellular standards, GSM allows networkoperators to offer roaming services so thatsubscribers can use their phones on GSM networksall over the world.

Newer versions of the standard were backwardcompatible with the original GSM phones. Forexample, Release '97 of the standard added packetdata capabilities, by means of General Packet RadioService (GPRS). Release '99 introduced higherspeed data transmission using Enhanced Data Ratesfor GSM Evolution (EDGE).

General Behaviors

SIM Insertion, SIM Removal

SIM card Insertion and Removal procedures aresupported. There are software functions relying onpositive reading of the hardware SIM detect pin.This pin state (open/closed) is permanentlymonitored. When the SIM detect pin indicates thata card is present in the SIM connector, the producttries to set up a logical SIM session. The logicalSIM session will be set up or not depending onwhether the detected card is a SIM Card or not. TheAT+CPIN? command delivers the followingresponses:

If the SIM detect pin indicates “absent”, theresponse to AT+CPIN? Is “+CME ERROR10” (SIM not inserted).

If the SIM detect pin indicates “present”,and the inserted Card is a SIM Card, theresponse to AT+CPIN? is “+CPIN: xxx”depending on SIM PIN state.

If the SIM detect pin indicates “present”,and the inserted Card is not a SIM Card,the response to AT+CPIN? is CMEERROR 10.

These last two states are not given




backgroundinitialization. Between the hardware SIMdetect pin indicating “present” and theprevious results the AT+CPIN? sends“+CME ERROR: 515” (Please wait, init inprogress).

When the SIM detect pin indicates cardabsence, and if a SIM Card was previouslyinserted, an IMSI detach procedure isperformed, all user data is removed fromthe product (Phonebooks, SMS etc.). Theproduct then switches to emergency mode.

Attention (AT) Commands

GSM modem can be controlled by standard set ofAT (Attention) commands. These commands can beused to control majority of the functions of GSMmodem. Few commands used in this project aredescribed in the chapter APPENDIX.



We can access the devices such as home

appliances remotely.

We can detect the unauthorized

smoke/entry even if we are not present in


Easy to implement


Automation and security system is required at:

Power plants
Other valuable areas

Automation and security system is required at:

Power plants
Other valuable areas


The designed home automation and securitysystem has been successfully demonstrated byconnecting GSM modem and sending/receiving theSMS by using GSM mobile from/to the system viaGSM modem. The LCD display will display thecorrect current status of the system. This project iseasy to implement and it has become one of themodern wireless privacy system.



 In future we can add a multimedia camera

to see what is going inside the home by

sitting in office or some where.

We can voice recorder for IR Sensor’sdetection