Whistle Stop Retrievers


This training agreement is between Whistle Stop Retrieversand ______.


Type of training desired (circle): Gun Dog Obedience

Outlined below are the standard terms applicable to this training agreement.

  1. Client agrees to vaccinate or have vaccinated his/her retriever for the following canine diseases before placement in Whistle Stop Retrievers training program. Proof of fulfillment for the vaccination requirement via veterinary documentation is mandatory to this agreement. _____

Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Canine Parvovirus,Leptospira canicola,and L. icterohaemorrhagia and Respiratory Disease causedby Canine Adenovirus Type 2 and Parainfluenza and Rabies.

  1. Client agrees to provide or to pay for the administration of monthly heartworm

preventive medication. ____

  1. Client agrees to provide or pay for the administration of monthly flea, tick, and mosquito preventive medication. ____
  1. Client agrees to cover any and all expenses related to emergency and or routine

veterinary visits required for client’s retriever while under the care of Whistle Stop Retrievers. ____

  1. Training fees are billed once per month at the end of each month. Payment is expected and client agrees to comply with payment upon receipt of invoicing. Rates are listed on the Whistle Stop Retrievers website and are subject to change as costs dictate. Client understands and agrees that training fees are on a “per month” basis. This means that while client’s retriever is in training the client will be billed for the training month in its entirety regardless if the retriever is taken home for periods of time for whatever reason (except medical reasons). If client wishes to remove his/her retriever from the training program at Whistle Stop Retrievers the removal must be done prior to the start of another training month. ____

Client Signature ______Date of Acceptance ______

Client/Dog Information Sheet

Dog’s Name ______Color ______AKC # ______

UKC# ______DOB ______Chip ______

Owner’s Name ______

Owner’s Address ______

Phone ______Fax ______Email ______

Emergency Contact ______

Emergency Address ______

Emergency Phone Contact ______


Veterinarian ______

Vet’s Address ______

Vet’s Phone ______

Shots Completed ______

Health Problems ______

Monthly Meds ______(All Heartworm/Flea and Tick will be given on 5th of Month.

Spayed or Neutered YES NO Last Heat Cycle for Female ______

Feeding Schedule

Food is included in the training fee. We feed twice daily. Please bring enough food for 5 days. We feed a quality food and your dog will be transitioned to our food while here.


Current Skills ______

Skill level anticipated at the end of the training session______

Overall goal for training (i.e., Gun Dog, Hunt tests) ______

Whistle Stop Retrievers

Fee Schedule

Obedience Training (Usually 1 Month) $650.00 Month

Basic Gun Dog Training (4-6) Month Program $750.00 Month

Handling Program $750.00 Month

Other Fees

  • Heartworm/Flea/Tick Preventative $25-$50 depending on cost
  • Other medications billed according to actual cost.
  • Birds included in training fees.

Whistle Stop Retrievers

645 Turkey Trot Trail

Richmond Hill, GA 31324

(912) 713-5989

By signature below understand and agree that the training, boarding, traveling, and handling of my dogwill expose the dog to various environments and activities that may be dangerous. Having acknowledged the aforementioned exposure to danger I hereby release and hold harmless Whistle Stop Retrievers and any and all of it’s representatives, affiliates, or the like from any liability as a result of harm to the dog due to, but not limited to, the following:

Prior injuries or illness; injuries/death as a result of training; injuries/death or illness as a result of natural causes; injuries/deathor illness as a result of traveling in a vehicle or in-tow; and/or injuries/death or illness as a result of any type of activity usually associated with the training, boarding transporting, and handling of the dog.

This document does not exclude Whistle Stop Retrievers, its affiliates, or the like from demonstrating and practicing the utmost care for safety of the dog.

Dog Owner ______Date ______

Signature ______

For WSR ______Date ______

Whistle Stop Retrievers

Training Check List

Dog Name: / Date Started:
Obedience Training / Completed / Comments
Sit/Remote Sit
Until Released
Here / Voice Command
Heel L. or R. Side
Walk on/off lead in Heel position
Collar Condition to Commands Sit and Here
Kennel on Command
Gun Dog Training
Sits on Single Whistle blast
Comes in on sequence of 2 or 3 whistle blasts
Intro to Gunfire: Poppers and Live rounds
Intro to dead and live birds
Understands Fetch and Hold Command
Force Fetch
CC to Fetch Command
Walking Fetch
When sent on name retrieves marks from heel position returns to heel position delivers to hand.
Simple Doubles
Retrieves from Tree/Ruff/Boat
Advanced Training
Simple Casting
Force to Pile
Water Force
Single T
Lining and Casting Drills Land :
Bucket Blinds, Pattern Blinds, Taught Permanent Blinds, Cold Blinds
Lining and Casting Drills Water:
Tune-Up Drills, Cheating Singles, Taught Permanent Water Blinds, Water Blinds
Marking Drills: Running Marks with Blinds