FOOD 4908 – Evaluation Scheme
This document outlines the evaluation scheme for FOOD 4908. The evaluation is based on the following three components: the work performed, the poster presentation, and the written thesis. Below is a detailed breakdown of these components.
1. Work performed (5%)
This component is assessed by the student’s supervisor (and co-supervisor, if applicable).
Work performed refers to the quantity and quality of work completed by the student. The following factors will be considered as whole:
§ Dedicating 8h per week to the project
§ Weekly or bi-monthly progress
§ Quality of interactions with supervisor
§ Organizational skills and autonomy in driving the work
§ Technical skills in performing the work
2. Poster presentation (15%)
This component will be assessed by the student’s supervisor and two other evaluators (including the co-supervisor, if applicable). The following factors will be considered as a whole:
§ Content of poster (introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion)
§ Visuals of poster (effectiveness in highlighting key points, pleasing effect)
§ Content of oral presentation (introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion)
§ Delivery of oral presentation (knowledge, flow, concise delivery, confidence)
§ Ability to anticipate and answer questions
3. Written thesis (80%)
This component will be assessed by the student’s supervisor (and co-supervisor, if applicable).
The following factors will be considered:
§ Content (60%)
- Title page, table of contents, review of literature, materials and methods, results and data analysis, graphs and tables, discussion, conclusions, appropriate use of references
- Organization of ideas, critical analysis of results (including sound statistical analyses), depth of discussion/conclusions, clarity and precision in reporting the work
§ Form (20%)
- Grammar, spelling, syntax, style, formatting
Food Science & Nutrition 2011/2012